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Messages - jupiterLILY

Mods / Re: Food related needs and traits
August 18, 2019, 02:52:26 PM
Thanks so much, that's really helpful.

What about if the traits were independant/a separate mod?

I know that certain alien races have dietary restrictions, and animals can be carnivorous/herbivorous.

I thought it'd be more along the lines of if a pawn eats food from a certain category then they get the food poisioning hediff and a negative thought.

If you don't mind, could you please explain to me why I would need to assign a nutritional value to the foods? Is it so that I could have raw meat have more protein than things like mushrooms, lentils and dairy products? RimCuisne and VGP add about 30 crops each so I wouldn't mind individually assigning values for those and then having a blanket rule for everything else.
Mods / Food related needs and traits
August 18, 2019, 01:34:41 PM
Hi Guys,

I'm taking my first proper stab at modding and I'm wondering how I'd go about creating a protein need and a need for vitamins/vegetables.

The idea is that this mod would complement/enhance mods like RimCuisine and VGP and work with the crops etc added.

I'm also interested in adding some traits like vegetarian, vegan, coeliac, meat lover and I'd love some advice on how I'd go about doing that.

My experience is limited to some super basic unity scripting and making small changes to existing mods.

There's a chance this project is entirely too ambitious for me at the moment but either way it's something I'd like to work towards and I'd love to be pointed in the right direction for resources/help.

Hey, is there any chance this could be updated for 1.0?

The file name has changed so the tool doesn't run anymore.

Thanks :)