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Messages - Mokaran90

Quote from: Scavenger on October 02, 2018, 02:35:00 PM
The rimworld wiki also has answers to the majority of this, and most of it seems to be updated to the full release. It is very helpful and easy to use!

You're right, but some mechanics are not entirely explained, see the walls thing, I didn't know you could left click to select the materials if you have them in stock.
Many thanks guys, that insight on the drugs was helpful, I've been peeking on the research chart for every drug and wentr like "ok, I can see this is important". So far I only had plague on my animals and treated them with herbal medicine.

When can I be able to lay stone/brick walls? The only structure I can buy right now is made out of wood, and I can only place sandstone bricks for now. I noticed you can build stone or marble walls, what technology is required?

How do I make cocktail molotov? Need to harvest chemfuel first maybe? I say so because I have a little morge I want to burn up so I don't have to hold all thos corpses and get a x8 debuff anytime any pawn with no psychopath trait goes to dump one.

Oh, and, If I want to recruit pawns that come on raids, I have to struck them with melee for a better chance of incapacitation? I say so because lately all the raids are being mowed down by ranged weapons and not a single one survives for enprisonment. I figured if I bash them with clubs maybe the chance is better.

General Discussion / So many questions, so many game
September 30, 2018, 08:11:40 AM
Hello everyone,

I'm new to Rimworld, been playing for 15 days more or less, had fired up 3 or 4 colonies until nailing the basics and sticking to the one now on the space drop pod scenario with cassandra on normal.

Things have been good by now but I have a few questions regarding mechanics, animals, world, etc. So here I go:

I think I got lucky with animals so far, I started with a rat (bruh) then a squirrel self tamed, then a rhino (!) and then two stray huskies joined. I got them restricted areas to my food because they got it all messy when it rained and also ate my good quality food y'know. I see my rhino and the small animals survive foraging the grass and that's cool, but my huskies, I don't know, should I make them food? Cause I got a bit of a problem with that too, I mean I have plenty of foods but not so much cooks. Also, ¿How many animals is too many?

On another topic, and regarding what I said before about my cook, I got a problem and I think that's why I've been so slow developing. I think I'm +8 hours on my actual main colony and it has been so slow because the guy with the highest cooking skill is also my main builder, I got a guy dedicated to research, another to mine an craft and two more on hauling, hunting and planting plants. The thing is the main cook is also the main builder, I have now 6 ppl in my colony and we can cook fine meal, but then there is no time to build, and there are tasks that take a lot of time like smoothing surfaces or laying bricks on the floor, and if he cooks he can't do this. Should I replace my cook and try to train another pawn? I normally play on normal speed because I like to control but It''s been a bit of a drag? maybe that's the pace the game is supposed to be? I dunno, there is so much work to be done in my colony still, gotta rearrange my main stockpile when winter passes to make room for productions and also more dorms but good lord the task is humongous for just one builder!

Moving on, world map: I got familiarized with forming caravans, my first one was a rescue mission that went pretty well, the second one was a trade agreement that also had gone well, but I realized that sooner or later I will deplete the resources in my current map (iron, machinery and minreal related). This means I can exploit other spots in the map to bring resources to my main colony right?

Raids, so far raids have been pretty sparing, the first three where lone guys naked, the poor fellas, I armed my paws with recurve bows and have a sweet spot into a clare, surrounded by rocks, you can only enter by two spots on top and left and it's been a breeze defending, but recently they got a bit more serious, last one was three guys with SMGs and such, not much problem but they are mounting up. Also my rhino defends my paws, rams into people, his name is clarence, I love him, good chap, absolute unit.

Drugs, should I get my colony indulge in smokeleaf and beer? So far they are pretty clean and most of them are content, but I think it wouldn't hurt to let them a bit of this kind of fun, I guess I'll find out in time cause the other more pontent drugs will also come in time.

Infestations, I have a mountain base, not very deep cause it's in a clare and the mountain has limits on top and bottom, but I am dreadely afraid of infestations, I paved my interiors with sandston bricks cause I saw on a video you can set up explosives in rooms to let the furniture burn a roast those pests, but I still have no technology, I saw also a video of how they worked and the spawn algorythm and I can say that I'm pretty safe still but ho well, tips agains infestations?

Also, I have a special animal around my base, Thrumbo, I shit you not he roams at the front door of my base, the game let me know that it's really prized to sell to merchants, but I'm afraid I can take a beating from this beast, with 6 pawns.

For now, that's it, but there will be more I'm sure.

Thanks for your comments!
General Discussion / Re: Introduce yourself!
September 30, 2018, 07:33:09 AM
Well here we go,

Hello there, I'm Mokaran90, I'm from an unespecified place in souther Europe and I enjoy indie games made with heart and love. A couple of years back I was digging games like Terraria and Factorio, and by various sources I got suggested Rimworld. I watched with close attention, everyone seemed to have mad fun with it, so I told myself to grab it and see what was all about.

So far, I'm having a blast, but! there are so much things to know! That's why I came here in search of knowledge.

Pleased to meet you all, may your colonies be prosperous and free of dangers.