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Messages - jal21

Mod bugs / Re: (Help) Menu Bug - Unplayable (Modded)
September 11, 2020, 09:29:18 PM
it was rimsenal.... i was hoping to use that mod but the last 3 times it has done something like this
we have 40 mod in common they are
Vanilla Weapons Expanded
Vanilla Animals Expanded — Tundra
Vanilla Armour Expanded
Vanilla Hair Expanded
Vanilla Apparel Expanded
Vanilla Animals Expanded — Ice Sheet
Vanilla Animals Expanded — Tropical Swamp
Vanilla Animals Expanded — Tropical Rainforest
Vanilla Animals Expanded — Boreal Forest
Vanilla Animals Expanded — Extreme Desert
Vanilla Animals Expanded — Desert
Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Spacer Module
Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Production
EdB Prepare Carefully
Dubs Mint Minimap
Vanilla Animals Expanded — Cats and Dogs
Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Security
Dubs Mint Menus
Expanded Prosthetics and Organ Engineering (I have branched)
RT Fuse
More vanilla factions
Realistic Rooms
More Trade Ships
Mad Skills
Apparello 2
MiningCo. Spaceship
More Trait Slots
Smart Speed
Recipe icons
RPG Style Inventory
[KV] Faction Control
Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Medical Module
Vanilla Furniture Expanded
Better Vanilla Masking
Mod bugs / Re: (Help) Menu Bug - Unplayable (Modded)
September 11, 2020, 09:09:56 PM
welp im having the same problem here is my error long
i have tried disabling SOS2 and SRTS.
Releases / Re: V1. 1 Terraform & Simple clone
April 04, 2020, 08:54:35 PM
this is the wrong play to ask this and to add to @TheCooler comment there is a steam workshop downloader but use at you own risk i have gotten warnings that there might be viruses when i use this downloads
Mods / Re: [REQUEST/SUGGESTION] Aim for body parts
March 11, 2020, 04:32:05 PM
there is a mod that dose this [XND] Targeting Modes i believe it is discontinued but you can still play with it on 1.0
and if you are not on steam
this will let you download it
it would be cool to see a all in one pack that add all your mods together so people like me that go "rooke1 just updated there mods yonk" can just get then all at one and dont have to have a big mod oder but if that is more truble then i think it would be then dont just asking
Quote from: Mithras on December 13, 2015, 05:18:17 AM
I know many of you are missing MD2Droids mod and I think that it might be nice addition to our colonies (never used it before). Because mipen didn't respond to private messages and his repository was inactive for few months, I decided to port droids to newest RimWorld version and will release it as soon as bugs will be fixed (I'll start new topic for this in released mods subforum).
I suppose that I might break something along the way, because I have no idea what are the differences between current RimWorld API and the last one for which Droids were created, but I'll do my best. :)
Before this post, I've managed to:
- successfully load MD2Droids mod, obviously. ;)
- create blueprints at drafting table (you can design Droids, load and save them)
There are still few bugs (missing icons) and exceptions that are being thrown while using this mod which make Droids unusable, so I'll better get to work. :)

cant wate to see this back up. i have been missing the drodes in my coliny.
i wish you the best of luck on this
i have found a bug when you tell a colentst to smooth a wall then save whill they are doing it when you restart the save thay will contiuly do it but have noprogrs no mater what you do thay wont stop i dont know of the type of stone matters but it was on granit
Quote from: bazalisk on September 09, 2015, 02:16:09 AM
to be honest i#m not sure it is this mod, it was just one of the last mod i installed before i encountered the error :s

the error reports give little to no info on what file in which folder is coursing the issue.

i'm currently narrowing down the list of mods i have to find which is giving the error but i have a feeling that it could be this mod conflicting with another or clutter mod.

the SquadbrainAI bit was originally what made me think it was Misc.w/MAI mod  but now i think it could be any mod.  I just googled the error and it took me to your mod thread.

i have no idea tbh,  wish the error reports were more user friendly.
i would like to sekent that thay are why to hard to tell what is worng it usly go to me makeing moltible folders then taking them out at 4to8 at a time till the errer gose way then i nerow it from there my taking a smaller samper from that grupe and that still dusnt tell me what the h is worng i need to lern how to code so i can fix this shite
atempt 3
delet all the Config...success

i rember that i changed the aa the last time i played but i pass that off ass my computer was having other problums
atempt 2
fresh install... fail

... hmmmmm odd that in my mind would have fix it...
side not: that only hapins in this verson opined 834 and it work...
atempt 1
uninstall mods... fail
i dont know why but the game keeps giveing me this error
(Filename:  Line: -1)

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at Verse.Root.OnGUI () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
and i dont know what is is i left the game on for a few moments to see if that would fix it but the magic farry dint see fit to fix it im going to try a few thing and see if they work and report back for others how have this hapin

i have fix the problum and it was all that i needed to do is delet the configs you can find them by going to this C:\Users\[username]\AppData\LocalLow\Ludeon Studios\RimWorld
and delet all that is in your config file

a posible fix idea when the game sees that this error has hapined 7 time in row it shuld rest all settings and rebot the game

[attachment deleted due to age]
Quote from: Canute on July 17, 2015, 09:17:42 AM
lucky one, i tryed this a few times since the mod got update to A11(b) and it never worked.

i think what you are supost to do is take that downlode and replace the .dll that is in the unifishle and put in the one that Wastelander provated
Quote from: Ninefinger on July 18, 2015, 01:49:09 PM
It goes under the other one that is in that file. Dont replace anything this needs to be added to the file.

The whole Hediffs_BadBack.xml file will look like this after:

   <HediffDef Name="DiseaseBase" Abstract="True">
    <defaultLabelColor>(0.8, 0.8, 0.35)</defaultLabelColor>

  <HediffDef ParentName="DiseaseBase">
    <label>bad back</label>
          <loc>(40, 0)</loc>
          <loc>(50, 0.05)</loc>
          <loc>(60, 0.15)</loc>
          <loc>(70, 0.30)</loc>
          <loc>(80, 0.45)</loc>
          <loc>(100, 1)</loc>
  <HediffDef ParentName="DiseaseBase">
          <loc>(50, 0)</loc>
          <loc>(60, 0.15)</loc>
          <loc>(70, 0.25)</loc>
          <loc>(80, 0.5)</loc>
          <loc>(100, 1)</loc>

thank you for the quick resonce :D
Quote from: Ninefinger on July 18, 2015, 10:33:25 AM
My Ultimate Overhaul Modpack has this. all you need to do is:

Add this to Hediffs_BadBack.xml

<HediffDef ParentName="DiseaseBase">
      <li>Spine</li>       <-------- This is just showing you what is changed from vanilla
          <loc>(50, 0)</loc>
          <loc>(60, 0.15)</loc>
          <loc>(70, 0.25)</loc>
          <loc>(80, 0.5)</loc>
          <loc>(100, 1)</loc>

This will allow you to remove frail / bad back at the same time with replacing the spine.

sould i add this to the end or replace it whith this