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I'm currently translating the world name generator into Norwegian and I've made it work really well. It would be good however if I could make my own txt files as name lists. What I'd like is one list of animals in the definite form and one list in a form that can be merged with other words (my language like to merge words, but then many words need a special form). I've made it work by adding long lists in the xml, which is a workaround. I'm pretty fresh on xml, so I don't really know what I'm doing.

Edit: In case someone else has the same question, I've pasted Haplo's reply from another thread, which solves the issue:

Quote from: Haplo on January 14, 2020, 04:53:47 PM
Sorry, I see you're asking about new string files, that are NOT part of the core data?
Take a look into the file RulePacks_Global: <GlobalUtility.rulePack.rulesFiles> and check out for example the entry AnimalSingularFem
Working on the Norwegian translation file lists, I gained some experience in checking file-lists and comparing files, with the tool posted on this forums. Because it was some hazzle to figure out how to do it, I will explain how, with an easy step to step guide and make it as simple and hands-on as I can. I'm no programmer myself so maybe someone has a more elegant solution, but this has worked well for me. Once it's set up, you can check if your own translation is up to date and error free, by just double-clicking a windows-shortcut.

1. Download this zipfile.* Unpack it.

2. Download the the original English text of RimWorld here to use it as a  standard language data template for translation. Unpack it.

3. For convenience you can rename the English folder from "RimWorld-English-master" to "English".

4. Download perl and install it.

5. Place the unpacked files from the first zip, the folder "English" and your own full translation folder in the same folder. I will use mine "Norwegian" as an example in this tutorial.

Your folder should now contain (at least) these elements:
- English (folder)
- Norwegian (folder)
- - Shortcut (example)

6. Now create a shortcut to Right-click it and go into Attributes (or the like). In the line target you want to add english (your language folder here). The whole line will then look something like this "D:\Dropbox\Mine dokumenter\oversettelse\" english norwegian (as shown in the example shortcut provided in the folder).

7. Voila, now you can check your translation, just by pressing the shortcut. Enjoy!

*It contains the pearl script provided on these forums (can't remember where) that can compare two translations. One line has been added at the end, that  makes the window last on your screen, after the script has been run, until you press Enter.

It should look something like this. You can then go in and fix the things that are wrong.
Translations / Modify the village name generator?
January 06, 2017, 03:11:38 PM
I'm currently working on the Norwegian translation. I've managed this:

List of professions @..\Strings\Words\Nouns\People_Outlander.txt

List of communities @..\Strings\Words\Nouns\communities.txt

The game will make names like this:
Bonde's By
Smed's By

However I would like it to create names like this, either:
Smedens by
Bondens by

The english syntax looks only weird in my language unfortunately (using the '-sign is a no-no)! Is there a way I can fix this?
Let me first express my admiration of the game as it's coming together. I look forward to see how it will be in it's finished state.

The ideas:

- Windows. I think it would be neat to add windows to bedrooms, with beautification bonuses. It would just add to the game I belive, with seemingly little effort.

- Varied diet. As it is now, my guys eat only rice, because it seems most efficient. However one would think they would be more healthy and happy if their diet was a bit varied. Perhaps some rules could be created, that gave happiness bonuses for varied, tasty and/or healthy diets?

- Fertilizer (not too sure on this one) Maybe it should be possible to make this? I also wonder if animals should fertilize the soil they walk at. I think it would be a cool effect. You could make it so that fertile % level would go down after some years of farming. The colony would then need to fertilize the soil, to improve it again, or farm at another field that has not been drained of nutrients. It would at least create a purpose for sewage, should you choose to implement it in the game. Also rotting corpses could gradually improve the fertility in squares around them.

- Plastic surgery. One of my colonists get social penalties, because he's disfigured. While I think the other colonists are assholes, who hate on a guy who has sacrificed his body for the sake of the colony, I do think it should at least be possible to fix up his face again. Or just craft a mask, to get the penalty down a bit.

- Animals should run, when you shoot at them. As it is now, they're just chilling while the bullets are flying around them. This would make hunting more labor-demanding, so perhaps up the amount of meat per animal, to balance it?

- More hotkeys. I would like to have a hotkey to select the next colonist. Also it would be nice to have hotkeys to enter different menus, not only for the submenu-options.

- I would really like to see more interactions with other colonies, diplomacy is fun. I really like the option to call in military support, I cheer them on, while they rush in to attack the enemy. Generally adding things that makes you feel more like a part of a larger world.

- Not sure if you want to take the game that direction, but conquering vassal colonies that would have to pay tribute, could be fun. You could even have a conquest win-condition.

- Perhaps add quite a bit of rare high-tier high-tech glitterworld armor, guns and other items that are only obtainable through looting and trading. I feel this could add to the end-game, as it would be an incentive to travel around, looting pirate nests and trading with different cities, to look for the really good stuff. As it is now, you get to a point, where you own everything, which makes the game a tad less interesting after that. Also, having high-tier specialized weapons, lets you create specialized soldiers, which are fun both to outfit (planning the setup) and to use in combat.
This post is in Norwegian, because I doubt it is relevant for non-Norwegian speakers. If the forum admins don't like that, it can be translated into English ;)

Jeg slenger ut dette innlegget for å lodde stemninga og høre hva dere mener, så tar jeg fatt på å organisere litt i løpet av de nærmeste ukene,

Jeg har tenkt at det trengs to lister, for å organisere dette arbeidet – én filliste og én ordliste.

Liste over alle filene i spillet som skal oversettes, hvor folk kan skrive seg opp på hver enkelt fil. Når man har skrevet seg opp, så har man (eksempelvis) to uker på seg til å bli ferdig med fila. Formålet med dette er at det blir lettere å fordele arbeidet mellom oss. Vi slipper å gjøre dobbeltarbeid, når ingen starter å jobbe på samme fil. Dessuten vil forhåpentligvis mange bidra, slik at arbeidet framstår som mer overkommelig for den enkelte. For å få til dette kan vi eksempelvis bruke et delt googledokument.

Liste over alle faste termer i spillet, altså de termene som refererer til konkrete dyr, ting, gjenstander etc. i spillet. Det er viktig at disse oversettes likt overalt. Lista bør administreres av én person, i samråd med de andre – dette for å unngå at noen luringer går inn og endrer veletablerte ord der og dermed skaper kaos. Jeg kan ta på meg å gjøre dette.

I tillegg til ordlista, så har jeg tenkt at det bør legges ved et engelsk filsett med automatisk oversettelse av alle ordene i ordlista - dette for å lette oversettelsesjobben av de enkelte termene. Når man jobber kan man da ha to filer oppe – den engelske (med de faste oversettelsene innskutt) som referanse – og den norske, som man jobber med.
Ideas / Destroy weapons easier
November 05, 2013, 02:49:44 PM
I don't know if CC will become the future «Easy», but I think that on «Normal» difficulty, there should be a pretty good chance that weapons are destroyed (for now I would suggest that they would be destroyed at an average 50% of the time). This would help with the idea of scaling difficulty reasonably, without making the player as good «as the last raid» at all times - which means that you'd have to scale up difficulty even more to make a challenge, and so on. I can see that the weapons already have hitpoints, so I guess you might already have thought in this direction.