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Topics - Spectre

General Discussion / Just got rekt by a Beaver.
January 22, 2017, 05:56:30 PM
So I was doing pretty damn well on my 3rd year colony, I had mountains of food, people were generally happy, plenty of drugs, y'know the sort of thing.

I never bothered with hydroponics in this colony because of the abundance of food I get each year that lasts me well into the next. Such was my folly. A friendly Alphabeaver self-tamed and I welcomed him with open arms, I was happy to add a silly little fluffer to the colony and restricted him to my home region so he could live out his merry life free from molestation.

A few days into the winter after Bucky arrived I got a starvation notification. I sighed to myself and wondered who I forgot to undraft or perhaps Raven the 'Too Smart' Herder had walled herself into her own tomb again. I checked each colonist and they were doing their jobs as normal... How odd.

After of few moments of bemusement I checked the freezer. Oh, there's no food in there. Oh, there's Bucky. Oh, how quaint his food level is decreasing at an alarming rate. Oh, the bastard had eaten all my food and had now started on my colonist's plant pots. Oh, there's no way to get any food now because I over hunted for three years! Haha! What merriment! Bucky! You truly are the Alpha (beaver) here you furry little prick.
As title says. A call of Cthulhu mod recently came out on Steam and I thought it would be cool to have a crashed psychic ship part as a 'shrine' or altar at the center of my colony. Currently I can only see a way to spawn the event which just makes a piece randomly fall to the ground. Anyway to move it or make it spawn in a specific location?
General Discussion / Having a modded and unmodded game?
September 28, 2015, 11:01:01 AM
Hey guys. I really love the ultimate overhaul pack, but also like to mess around with vanilla with just a couple of mods like EDB's Prepare Carefully.

At this moment in time I'm having to uninstall everything, delete saves etc if I decide I want to move to overhaul pack back to vanilla and vice versa.

Is there a way to have two installs of Rimworld on the same system? Without sharing the same save location?
Mods / [Mod Request] Shadowrun
September 08, 2015, 09:37:32 PM
I think this would be an awesome mod for those of us who love the Shadowrun universe. Most of vanilla actually fits pretty well already for a Shadowrun style game, so we already have the 'tech' but I thought talented modders could take the idea further.


Elves, Orks, Trolls, Dwarves etc ideally they would be their own 'race'. We already have human as a race, however I've noticed there isn't an abundance of alien mods out there so I imagine modding those particular things isn't easy. Ideally we'd have each individual race with their own sprite and stats, but perhaps the trait system could be a work around? A human with the Elf trait, for example, wouldn't ever get frail, bad back, cataracts (things that the game give 'old' people), the Troll trait would perhaps have higher individual hit points for each part of their body and a +5 to melee. You see where I'm going with that. However I have no idea if traits are completely random when it comes to outsider pawns (it would be odd to see a human with the traits 'Elf, 'Dwarf', 'Troll')


Unfortunately I doubt we will be able to really get into the intricacies of magic like in Shadowrun, however I have noticed that some mods do add skills not in vanilla like fishing. So I was thinking that 'magic' is still a weapon, like some sort of talisman, which shoots some ball to represent magic. We could have that skill be incredibly rare if possible, even better would be that almost every character has the equivalent of 'incapable of violence' or 'incapable of magic' so that most pawns can't use said items.

These are just some hastily typed out thoughts and would welcome anyone adding their own thoughts.
Quick question, I just wondered if there was a difference between building a workbench out of the different materials? For example does a steel tailor bench create better quality items that a wooden one?
It may be a little early for some people, but for me we're here in September and I thought I'd give my appreciation before they go on holiday.

I just wanted to say I really hope you have an awesome holiday and that the development team should be held up as a standard to all developers on how to communicate to their community and their commitment to their product.

Have a great time guys, you really deserve it.

Ideas / Traits invisible until recruited.
June 30, 2015, 04:22:18 PM
I was thinking about my little eugenic program I have at the moment in my colony. I never recruit anyone who has a bad trait or is incapable of doing things that I need, usually after a large battle I go around afterwards, inspecting the fallen, the best get taken to the jail and the others are beaten to death with the butt of a gun.

Anyway, my suggestion is that perhaps raiders and visitors should have invisible traits until they are recruited into the colony. Slave traders are fine as they are as I'm sure they'd have a description of their 'merchandise'.

I think this would be a good addition because it would make our colonies a little more diverse. After going through the trouble of recruiting someone I think I'd be a little more hesitant to kill a pawn. Of course this wouldn't stop people from recruiting every downed enemy and then disposing of them after they've been recruited, but I think I'd be more inclined to let someone stick around.
I just wondered if there's a way we can make our own custom backgrounds and how I could do that. I believe I saw a post in EdB's Prepare Carefully mod a few alphas ago saying that body type is determined by the background of a character, so is there a way to edit backgrounds and body type?
I know this is a bit of a loaded question, and the usual answer is 'When it's done' however even the best developers have a time frame. I've seen this game turn from a murder simulator to a... more advanced murder simulator :)

The problem with a game like Rimworld is that you could just keep adding features forever in theory.

So how happy are you with the game in the state it is, and if Tynan ever graces me with his presence, how long do you think development will be? I'm not asking for a date, but months, years?
General Discussion / Equipment racks
January 14, 2015, 09:59:30 AM
What exactly do they do and are they worth putting in my colonist's rooms?
General Discussion / How viable is melee now?
October 05, 2014, 02:26:33 PM
Hey guys I'm just wondering about how effective the use of melee is now that it's been more or less properly implemented. I've noticed that Tribals and the first few Raiders tend to use melee weapons but get mowed down anyway by gunfire.

Anyone have any stories of colonists that actually excel in melee combat? Or is it still just as easy to sit a mile away picking guys off?

General Discussion / Interesting self-made scenarios?
October 04, 2014, 07:55:03 PM
Hey guys, recently finished a colony where all my colonists were cannibals (Got a little dull as I only ever found one other NPC with the cannibal trait), just wondered if you have any cool little challenge/scenarios you've imposed on yourself?
Ideas / Put the unique backgrounds into the general pool
September 26, 2014, 01:07:56 PM
At the moment I'm sure we all know that you have 'unique' characters e.g a vatgrown assassin will always be male and have the mercenary adult background. I feel that this can be quite restrictive in game when it comes to colonists.

I acknowledge that people have paid extra to get certain backgrounds in the game but I think it's silly that there currently can't be female, vatgrown assassin deathjacks in the game.

The problem really became clear to me with EdB's excellent Prepare Carefully mod which doesn't include the hardcoded backgrounds, and despite the illusion of loads of combinations of backgrounds I feel it would make the game even better having the hard coded backgrounds thrown into the general pool.
Ideas / Pirate and Tribal demands!
September 23, 2014, 08:50:26 PM
I thought it might be interesting that the enemy factions (so far Tribals and Pirates) demand something from you rather than attack.

Pirates could demand silver, weapons, slaves (colonists you'd have to choose to give) demand that you do not have over a certain amount of colonists (so they don't perceive you as a threat, and the demand could last for a month)

Tribals could demand that you don't cut down a certain amount of trees, you don't hunt a certain type of animal or they could demand food or medicine.

Of course you have the option to disregard their demands and then they attack you. I also thought that once you become powerful enough you could demand things off them as they become scared of you. But this would require a few different factions of pirates/tribals.
General Discussion / How do you deal with Mechs?
September 17, 2014, 08:00:31 AM
I was really lucky the first few encounters I had with mechs. Firstly they dropped straight into the middle of all my turrets and got destroyed, then they dropped into a place with plenty of rock and I proceeded to ruin there day with a few mini guns. I laughed manically at my obvious mastery of this game!

Since then though I get absolutely wrecked in every encounter with them. They drop down well outside my base and I have to go and get them before everyone goes nuts. I've tried sniping, but it either takes to long or a scyther murders him, I've tried automatic weapons, but they can rarely get close enough (especially against the slugs). Perhaps the solution is simply have 5 guys with the M-24 rather than 1-2.

Anyway, I'll stop my rambling :) How do you guys do it?
Ideas / Restraining Colonists against Psychic Drones
September 09, 2014, 02:01:10 PM
Currently the only problem I have in this game consistently is the Psychic Drones, especially if it hits early enough to not get a few rose gardens up.

At the moment when a colonist cracks it's exactly the same as the colonist going nuts from colony issues. I propose that when they crack from a Psychic Drone it only lasts as long as the Psychic Drone is active (perhaps make the gender/affected crack sooner and the drones last longer for balance).

This leads me to my next suggestion. I recently had a game where very early a Psychic Drone hit and my female colonist 'broke' and began wandering off. My only option was to arrest her and stick her in a cell. When the Psychic Drone stopped I did the usual of trying to get her back into he colony. This got me thinking, when the drone stopped she was in perfect mental health again and it seems odd that I had to convince her to join the colony. Why wouldn't she to just rejoin automatically?

I thought about an option to restrain people who are nearing a mental break (or anyone I guess if you're into that :) ) When I mean retrain I mean literally tie them to a bed. This way if they come back to their senses a doctor can release them and they automatically rejoin the colony. If, however, they go completely psychotic you may not be able to restore their sanity and their screams could unnerve the other colonists nearby. After a period of time you may decide it's better to put a bullet in their head.

At this moment in time the most unsatisfying way for me to lose a colonist is due to a Psychic Drone as their is very little I can do to stop it happening. (Personally I think a small drone should appear somewhere on the map which you can destroy but that's another topic...)

Anyone have any other ideas?

Thanks for reading.
General Discussion / 'Outside' colony vs 'Mountain' colony
September 08, 2014, 10:25:02 AM
Hi i just wanted to ask your guy's opinions on building a base outside or in the side of a mountain. I understand the mountain strategy is very popular due to it's innate defence and the popular use of kill rooms/boxes. Has anyone had much look building outside?