Since calling/paying for help is of marginal/random helpfulness, and since paying a few silver makes a poor job of explaining why they would put themselves at risk for so little, it might be a good idea to actually control your hired help.
1. Reach for the comm console and contact allied faction/mercenary faction
2. Slide the number of people/mercenaries you'd like to hire and perhaps for how long
3. A few hours/days later they come to your map and you control them like any other pawn you own
4. After expiration of time, they are no longer in control and leave the map
5. You are somehow penalized if too many died, or better: gratified by how many come back (so you don't treat them like garbage).
*You might have to pay a large sum to control them but you get some back the more mercenaries come back (some sort of insurance). Or having too many losses impact future prices /availability
*There could be a new mercenary faction that always remains neutral and never visits or attacks you randomly (unless hired by other factions somehow). They offer mostly soldier hirelings and might cost more.
*Potentially, you could hire pawns for specific tasks, like hauling. The idea is to hire them for a specific task, usually fighting, and have other functions disabled.
*Hiring a mercenary from a mercenary camp could mean a ling' that is incapable of doing all types of work and has only shooting and melee skills, but are very good at it and come equipped with armor and weapon. Hiring a mercenary from a "normal" camp means it could do more jobs, but is not specialized in anything. There's the potential of specialized civil jobs, like hiring a medic during an outbreak. It might even come equipped with a few medkits.
*You still have to provide food & shelter for your hired help, so it shouldn't be a long term or regular modus operandi (unless you're filthy rich)
*Mechanoid factions. There's nothing saying mechanoids aren't (or couldn't) have their own diverse opinions on how they feel about humans. Who knows, some might even put themselves as mercenaries should you give them something of their interest. So yeah, controlling mechanoids. Yes, including cents. YES PLAYER OWNED CENTS UNLEASHING HELL ON OTHERS FOR A CHANGE
**Potential to have some of your own pawns sent away as mercenaries for a few silver. It fall downs on how these sort of missions will be handed in the future, like send&forget (with random chances of pawn integrity) or you actually control them in another map.
***The main idea is to actively control allies. How exactly it should be done is entirely up to debate, these are just how i currently envision it.
Feel free to +1 or -1 !
(although i do have to mention that for every +1 a stray cat or dog is given a home and for every -1 Tynan postpones an alpha for a week).
1. Reach for the comm console and contact allied faction/mercenary faction
2. Slide the number of people/mercenaries you'd like to hire and perhaps for how long
3. A few hours/days later they come to your map and you control them like any other pawn you own
4. After expiration of time, they are no longer in control and leave the map
5. You are somehow penalized if too many died, or better: gratified by how many come back (so you don't treat them like garbage).
*You might have to pay a large sum to control them but you get some back the more mercenaries come back (some sort of insurance). Or having too many losses impact future prices /availability
*There could be a new mercenary faction that always remains neutral and never visits or attacks you randomly (unless hired by other factions somehow). They offer mostly soldier hirelings and might cost more.
*Potentially, you could hire pawns for specific tasks, like hauling. The idea is to hire them for a specific task, usually fighting, and have other functions disabled.
*Hiring a mercenary from a mercenary camp could mean a ling' that is incapable of doing all types of work and has only shooting and melee skills, but are very good at it and come equipped with armor and weapon. Hiring a mercenary from a "normal" camp means it could do more jobs, but is not specialized in anything. There's the potential of specialized civil jobs, like hiring a medic during an outbreak. It might even come equipped with a few medkits.
*You still have to provide food & shelter for your hired help, so it shouldn't be a long term or regular modus operandi (unless you're filthy rich)
*Mechanoid factions. There's nothing saying mechanoids aren't (or couldn't) have their own diverse opinions on how they feel about humans. Who knows, some might even put themselves as mercenaries should you give them something of their interest. So yeah, controlling mechanoids. Yes, including cents. YES PLAYER OWNED CENTS UNLEASHING HELL ON OTHERS FOR A CHANGE
**Potential to have some of your own pawns sent away as mercenaries for a few silver. It fall downs on how these sort of missions will be handed in the future, like send&forget (with random chances of pawn integrity) or you actually control them in another map.
***The main idea is to actively control allies. How exactly it should be done is entirely up to debate, these are just how i currently envision it.
Feel free to +1 or -1 !
(although i do have to mention that for every +1 a stray cat or dog is given a home and for every -1 Tynan postpones an alpha for a week).