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General Discussion / Is Rimworld finished enough for you?
November 04, 2014, 01:58:24 AM
I am surprised getting this caught in a game. Last time it happened was Minecraft where I spent days and days just seeing what would happen.

I've put in many days of building colonies, and it satisfies me completely to just build, defend what I built and see if I get to the 'on a roll' stage.  I am not sure new items, systems etc are really going to add more fun to the gameplay.

Happy about:
- Exploration/mining for resources
- All Pirate attacks, since they give me loot and possible new colonists
- Seeying animals running around inside because I left the door open.
- Medical/operation system (Love reading the details about my colonists get bitten in the eyeball by a cobra cause you know . . .  it happens all the time.

Turn-offs in the gameplay:
- Mental breakdown, I can't stand the sensitive colonists, just find them annoying
- Water in the way of the steam-geyser, so I can't build the generator ;)
- psychic drone . . .
- Bedrooms for colonists need no effort: just 3 blocks with a door is fine for them, they don't care that much . .. .

So reading from the A8 notes I notice that hot/cold is going to affect everything, There's going to be differentiation in stone types etc .. .  this just seems like micromanagement to me?

Wondering what you guys think.

Bugs / [W|Alpha 7] Mortar countdown doesnt reset
November 03, 2014, 01:46:28 AM
When using mortars the countdown to refire is around 50 seconds?  When you undraft the men on the mortars the countdown timer stays on the same number.

1. Man the mortars with drafted pawns and attack sieging force
2. Let the mortars fire once, and undraft the pawns operating the mortars.

Expected Results
The countdown continues until 0, then sticks there so mortars are 'reset' for next use

Actual Results
The countdown is stuck on the count it was on when the pawns stopped using the mortar

Be gentle, this is my first bug report.  I haven't seen this mentioned yet.