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Topics - miah999

Off-Topic / What Should Tynan Spend the Extra Money on?
November 01, 2013, 08:07:24 PM
There is no way Tynan can spend nearly $300,000.00 (Kickstarter+Paypal) all on RimWorld. So what should he spend it on?

This is not to be taken to seriously, great/funny suggestions will be added to the poll.
Since the discussion of Raiders and Traders ( when so well I thought I start another.

Should there be money in RimWorld?

In the setting of RimWorld there is no Faster Than Light (FTL) travel, so it can take decades to travel to even a "close" star system. In that time what guarantee would colonist have that their money would be worth anything when they get there, or that any traders would accept it as tender?

What do you folks think?

I have one possible solution: That is to replace money with a precious resource like gold or platinum, or maybe something more exotic like tantalum. This would be used like money and doesn't require more then cosmetic changes to the current game.

In the future this could also be a mine-able resource allowing colonies quick access to an infusion of "easy" money. As a mine-able resource it also allows Tynan to create map generation algorithms that favor "money" generation over metal, making for a colony that has to be more trade focused, as it would have to buy its resources.
This is in the General Discussion, because it's not a Suggestion, but a question for debate. I do make some suggestions near the end, but they're for debate's sake.

Should there be Trading and Raiders?

The setting of RimWorld is thus, you are on some sort of deep space passenger liner, think Titanic not Princess Cruise Lines, and there is no "Faster Than Light" travel. All the passengers and most likely the crew are in stasis, "long sleep sarcophagi," presumably for a journey through interstellar space that could take decades or even a centuries. Something goes terribly wrong, and the ship breaks up within the sphere of influence of the moon of a gas giant the "Rim World."

Now for a moment lets assume the ship had no navigation malfunction and this Rim World is near a "major shipping lane," and occasionally a ship will fly by. But given the cost and expense of sending a ship such a great distance, and the time scale of the journey. Logically a ship might pass by every few years, or so. And even if one did, would not all the crew be in stasis, who would receive the call.

But what if the Rim World is close enough to inhabited worlds for short range "waking vessels" to pass? Then we run it to a logic problem with the plot. If the Rim World is close enough for that, would not rescue be a simple affair. Suddenly our colonists aren't so stranded.

The same space travel restrictions apply to Raiders, are the raiders waking up from stasis every few months or so just to check if there is anyone to steal from?

This leaves us with some hard questions to ask, and some decisions about mechanics vs plot, game-play vs story.

Raiders provide drama, and conflict that are central to good story telling, without them our tales may be bland.

And Trade provides access to necessary materials without which there may be no story.

There are some solutions: Trade could be replaced by random events involving meteor showers to deliver new materials, or the very rare star ship crash.

New colonist could be obtained from primitive native people, they don't affect our plight, as they lack the technology to leave the planet. Perhaps they're the descendants of the crew of a ship that crashed centuries ago. This could also make a source for Raiders, as they'd be keen on stealing our fancy technology that their ancestors spoke of.

So what do you folks think?

Should the trade ships and raiders from above go away?

Should Rim World focus more on the sense of isolation, and distance from any rescue?
Support / Windows 8.1 Messed Up Colors
October 21, 2013, 05:30:39 AM
I don't have the latest build (221) so maybe you've already fixed this, but after updating Windows to 8.1, my colors looked like this. It's like there's no green.

Well after a 100 votes in the first module poll here are the top five winners, pick you favorite, you only get one vote so think about it real hard.

Remember this is an unofficial poll and will not have a direct effect, but Tynan is watching these and may take them into consideration.

The original module poll for reference:
General Discussion / Interesting Starting Maps
October 14, 2013, 07:41:15 PM
First let me suggest a couple more sub forums to Tynan or the mods, 1: Pictures, 2: Strategy.

And now this thread is in general till there's a better home for it (Mod please move if there is a new sub forum for pictures).

I'd like everyone who wants to, to post screen shots of their start, to show off some of the more interesting Rim Worlds. I know it's early yet, but in a few weeks 3000+ folks should be playing, and I like to get a head start on these things.

Let me start...
Stories / An Un-Story of 22 Colonists...
October 13, 2013, 05:16:00 AM
What happens in Rimworld if you have no storyteller at all? Well... Not a whole lot, but man can you build with impunity. Thankfully the trade system still functions fine, so I've build a massive trade empire, with my three original colonists and a whole mess of slaves. I have 22 in all, and massive mining and hydroponic operations have made me quite rich, well that and the fact that there are no raiders, blights or mad muffalos. Well there have been a couple mental breaks, but those folks just left, no real drama, they were only slaves after all, so we just ordered up some new ones.

Mostly this has been an experiment to push the limits of game to see if it starts to slow down, and I can report that on my PC it seems pretty good. There are only two major issues. One is a bug with selling and replacing sun lamps trying to move them. That results in all the colonists piling on top of the lamp and failing to build it, the only solution is to cancel it and place a new one in the original spot. Two is a "Cleaning Memory" message every 10 minutes or so.
Ideas / The Module Poll, Which do you want most?
October 12, 2013, 05:30:44 AM
I didn't see this as a poll on this anywhere, so I thought I'd make one. Please pick you THREE favorite modules in the poll above.

Ideas / A night shift or general schedule mechanic
October 08, 2013, 11:19:47 PM
Despite all the comparisons to Prison Architect: Rimworld is a very different game, and better in several ways. But there's one thing from PA I think I'd like to see. And that's the daily schedule it's quite a simple mechanic just a list of the hours in the day and some way to designate what folks should be doing during that at hour; such as work, eat, sleep, free time. This would help with the colonists social interactions by ensuring they're all in one place at least a couple hours a day. So they can all have a nice chat around the dinner table.

What about insomniacs? You say. They could ignore the sleep schedule, either fully or partially. 

One other possible addition could be when the world is generated the length of the day could be set, giving some variety to the scheduling possibilities, But I'm not sure how hard this would be for Tynan to code.

All suggestions welcome.