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Topics - IkeaSwede

Ideas / Tips and suggestions (regarding the world)
January 05, 2015, 06:13:24 AM
So, I've played this game tooooo much. Too much already. I love it, a lot. It really takes the gameplay from Dwarf fortress and nails it down SO well. It's crazy how well it does it. And even the combat mechanics are pretty good - and with the recent addition of sickness and actual damage etc? Wow.

That said... I feel like, well - while it nails down the gameplay from DF - and arguably improves it - it's missing something.
Now, I know you probably dont want yourself compared to DF - but take note that it's very hard not to - and tbh, take it as a compliment.

Anyway, that said, I also know it's unrealistic to compare it too much to DF, since DF has had what, 10 years of development?
You don't need 200 different resources and that kind of depth. That's not what i'm about to say. But what I feel is realistic is the world. The world around you and just the established Feeling.

The fact that in DF, if I settle near a necromancer tower - a necromancer may very well come and attack me. Or that goblin settlement about 5 map squares away? Well shit they came and attacked me too. Oh but look, that dwarf settlement seems friendly!
The fact that what's on the map, is actually alive.
If you were to add such things that'd REALLY push the game I think.
And if you made factions like.. Have personalities. Like have one that REALLY despises illegal actions, like a self acclaimed police force - or say a faction that, cliche as it is hates you for using too much trees.
Just little personality traits like that.

And then, instead of just putting them on a arbitrary "comms console" - bake them into the world you generate, I feel that yes - this might take a lot of effort, but it would really make sure the game is pushed into a more vivid and alive world.

Not to mention that you - being sci fi have an EXCELLENT oppurtunity to put in Aliens, and you've already started with robots - and also give them personalities.

Well, that's all from me. Regardless - I love your game :)