Our Pasta
Our Pasta, who "Arghh" in heaven, Swallowed be thy shame. Thy Midgit come. Thy Sauce be yum, On top some grated Parmesan. Give us this day our garlic bread. And give us our cutlasses, As we swashbuckle, splice the main-brace and cuss. And lead us into temptation, But deliver us some Pizza. For thine are Meatballs, and the beer, and the strippers, for ever and ever. RAmen.
A nice temple for the colonists
Don your colander and pray to the mighty FSM!
This mod requires Community Core Library v0.14.2 or later for ThinkTree injection points
This mod shows off a basic proof of concept for adding a religion framework to the game (to be expanded on and made modder friendly later). Currently, it's a silly little mod made after a short conversation in the RimWorld Modding Slack.
This mod adds a new need - Pastafarianism - for your colonists and depending on the average colony level two different incidents can occur. If the average need is low then the Flying Spaghetti Monster may downgrade some of your meals one level (lavish->fine->simple->paste) and if the colony average is high, then the FSM may upgrade some of your meals one level (paste->simple->fine->lavish).
Colonists also have thoughts based on the their "Pastafarianism need" ranging from a -10 mood debuff to a +10 mood buff.
The need is prioritized and balanced against the other needs so your colonists aren't starved for any single need and will take the appropriate actions at the appropriate times to fulfill them. Right now the Pastafarianism need can only be filled when the colonist is allowed to to joy activities. I may add special scheduling for this later but currently it works well and I feel it fits in with the joy scheduling. That being said, this need is completely independent of joy and the only overlap is the scheduling.
To increase a colonists Pastafarianism meter build a totem for them to pray at. If you have colanders for your colonists, they will put one on (stashing their current hat in their inventory) before praying which will double the effectiveness of their prayers. Once done praying they will drop the colander and put their hat back on (and remember whether it was forced or not).
Code: 1000101
Colander: 3dgrunge
Small Totem: Shinzy
Large Totem: Interwebs
Code Select
v3 (15/08/2016):
+ Pastafarianism need doesn't go down when a pawn is in bed
+ Mod now makes use of CCL's ThinkTreeDef injection points, specifically for needs so it doesn't completely overwrite the sub-trees
+ Prisoners can properly fill their Pastafarianism need as long as there is a totem in their prison
+ Small bugs fixed which would cause null reference errors for prisoners
+ Totems are "socially proper", colonists won't use totems in prisons and prisoners won't try to use totems outside of prisons
v2 (03/08/2016):
+ Changes the ThinkTree to PreMain and uses a need priority sorter to balance the need with other needs and work jobs
+ Adds a room role for "temples"
+ Adds thoughts similar to the joy need thoughts to give a more immediate incentive to dealing with the need
+ Fixes a save/load bug regarding stashing hats (everything worked but apparently equiping apparel from inventory doesn't remove it from the inventory)
+ Tweaks the incidents weights for the average colony need as well as doubling the weight for "very high" (>90%) and "very low" (<10%)
+ Added the graphics for shinzy's small totem which I forgot to in the original release
v1 (31/07/2016):
+ First release showing a silly proof-of-concept mod for religion
Mods used in screenshots:
- LED Lights by Loki88
- Modular Tables by ItchyFlea
- PowerSwitch by Haplo
- ESM - Smooth Wall by 1000101
Note: The above mods are mentioned only because they are depicted in the screenshots.
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