Quality of Life
This is a mod compilation that consists of several mods from our very talented modding community, I have merely made these mods into a singular mod to increase the quality of life!
No need to worry about the mod order of this bunch, it's a single mod to make these mods compatible with each other.
It has very little to no impact on the vanilla gameplay (hopefully). Just mods that increase the quality-of-life by adding some features. (lol this is where dreams and hopes go to die)
From Juliaellie https://ludeon.com/forums/index.php?topic=7260.0
-Battle Stations: Adds RTS squad commands ctrl+number to assign squads (Included in V1.22-BS)
-Quality Labels: Adds visible labels for items which have a QualityComp.
-Veinminer: Click on a visible ore and you will mine the whole vein.
-Void Hopper: Sucks everything in the Void - USE WITH CAUTION!!
From Gaesatae https://ludeon.com/forums/index.php?topic=9328.0
-Priorityhaul: Hauling Priority.
From Alphalol https://ludeon.com/forums/index.php?topic=8698.0
-AlphaTweaks: For a list of features check out the forum topic
-AutoHauler: Automatically hauls anything forbidden and chunks inside Home Zone.
From MarvinKosh: http://marvinkosh.omniloth.net/
-Less Incident Trolling: Less douchebaggery from the storyteller.
-Space Meals: Overrides the meal quality and nutrition for packaged survival meals.
From Sadler: https://ludeon.com/forums/index.php?topic=9163.0
-Pawn State Icons: Shows small health-tracking icons near all of your colonists and prisoners.
From Rock5: https://ludeon.com/forums/index.php?topic=9414.0
-Use Herbal Medicine: Lowers the potency of medicine to just below that of Herbal medicine so Herbal medicine will be used for regular healing, saving the Medicine for making Hospital Beds and doing surgery.
From Haplo: https://ludeon.com/forums/index.php?topic=3612.0
-Miscellaneous: For a list of features check out the forum topic (Included in V1.22-Misc)
-PowerSwitch: Adds a power switch to open/close your power lines
From ItchyFlea: https://ludeon.com/forums/index.php?topic=4320.0
-Modular Tables: Modular linkable tables and chairs made from stuff
From mrCarlton: https://ludeon.com/forums/index.php?topic=8476.0
-Central Heating: Adds ways for your colonists to efficiently and centrally heat their homes and workplaces.
Julia Ellie, Gaesatae, Alpha, MarvinKosh, Dan Sadler, Rock5, Haplo, ItchyFlea, mrCarlton
Press buton to download! v1.22
Press this butan to download! v1.22 with Miscellaneous
Old version links
v1.2 with Battlestations
v1.2 with Miscellaneous
Code Select
v1.22 - 02-02-2015 - Updated Pawn State Icons to v03a
v1.21 - 02-02-2015 - Modified all buildings/tables in the mod to require research so they'll stay hidden if you don't want to use them.
v1.2 - 31-01-2015 - Added PowerSwitch, Modular Tables, Central Heating and added Miscellaneous in a separate download
v1.1 - 29-01-2015 - Added Herbal Medicine priority fix
v1.01 - 27-01-2015 - Removed remnants of possibly upcoming very important mod. :3
v1.00 - 27-01-2015 - First Iteration
How to install:
- Unzip the contents and place them in your RimWorld/Mods folder.
- Activate the mod in the mod menu in the game. ("CORE" ALWAYS NEEDS TO LOAD FIRST NO MATTER WHAT!)
If any of the mod authors wishes their mod to be removed from this pile of potatos, let me know, I didn't want to spend weeks asking around for permissions to use their mods, since most authors agree for their mods to be used in this fashion as long as proper credits are given
Also, the image on the header is