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Topics - Alistaire

Setting off several stacks of large-radius explosives is extremely detrimental to performance. Without this fix, the creation of motes provides an incredible RAM throttle. The fix improves performance around hundred-fold during large, consecutive and nearby explosions.


The major cause of this is the following:

EACH Explosion spawns damType.explosionCellMote onto EACH tile, since Explosion.AffectCell(IntVec3 c) calls damType.Worker.ExplosionAffectCell(., ., ., ., bool canThrowMotes) with canThrowMotes = true, whenever ShouldCellBeAffectedOnlyByDamage(IntVec3 c) is true.

The ShouldCellBeAffectedOnlyByDamage check is true for nearly every tile.

This means that in a stockpile full of antigrain mortar shells (don't ask), one mortar shell detonates setting off all other mortar shells. Each explosion spawns EXACTLY THE SAME damType.explosionCellMote on every affected cell, meaning EACH CELL contains upwards of the total amount of mortar shell stacks that have exploded.

Creating a mote on each cell is extremely costly, such that setting off a stack of mortar shells can easily lead to <1 FPS framerates.


The solution to improving performance significantly:

In AffectCell, add the following boolean, here called spawnMote:

var spawnMote = c.GetFirstThing(Map, damType.explosionCellMote) == null;

Then, call the worker with spawnMote && !flag instead of just !flag.

this.damType.Worker.ExplosionAffectCell(this, c, this.damagedThings, this.ignoredThings, spawnMote && !flag);

What results is a nearly- N-fold reduction in motes being created per tick, with N the amount of explosions. As a result, framerates throughout massive antigrain explosions become >>1 FPS, for my old computer even up to 15-30 FPS from ~60 seconds per frame for especially large explosions.
Using mods which add new children of Def, the following issue occurs:

  • QuestScriptDef TradeRequest is tested for
  • QuestNode_TradeRequest_Initiate returns $requestedThing which is a child of ThingDef, such as CombatExtended.AmmoDef or any other child of ThingDef
  • QuestNode_Equal tests whether $requestedThing is Leather_Human
  • QuestNodeEqualUtility.Equal(this.value1.GetValue(slate), this.value2.GetValue(slate), this.compareAs.GetValue(slate)), the value of slate.GetValue() is CombatExtended.AmmoDef
  • ConvertHelper.CanConvert returns true because CombatExtended.AmmoDef is a child of ThingDef (IsAssignableFrom)
  • ConvertHelper.Convert is called, which because CombatExtended.AmmoDef is assignable from Def, checks through the DefDatabase of CombatExtended.AmmoDef!
  • Attempt to GetNamed<CombatExtended.AmmoDef>("Leather_Human")
  • Error, because the AmmoDef DefDatabase does not contain a definition for Leather_Human

This error prevents mods from extending ThingDef, just because of a comparison to human leather for no good reason.

There should be a fallback which checks whether the Def children EXACTLY match rather than if they are assignable from eachother, at least in this case. Specifically, the DefDatabase does NOT allow calling one ThingDef and converting it to another Type : ThingDef, so this equality comparison shouldn't be able to do so (e.g it shouldn't check whether the types are assignable from eachother, but whether they ARE eachother).

Since this is an interpretation of the issues; exact stacktrace attached to post (stacktrace.png).
This is because Verse.Verb.CanHitTargetFrom checks Verb.CasterIsPawn and thus Verb.caster.

// Verse.Verb
public virtual bool CanHitTargetFrom(IntVec3 root, LocalTargetInfo targ)


if (this.CasterIsPawn && this.CasterPawn.apparel != null)


Verb.caster is set to the turretGun, not to the operator of the mannable turret.

// RimWorld.Building_TurretGun
private void UpdateGunVerbs()
List<Verb> allVerbs = this.gun.TryGetComp<CompEquippable>().AllVerbs;
for (int i = 0; i < allVerbs.Count; i++)
Verb verb = allVerbs[i];
verb.caster = this;
verb.castCompleteCallback = new Action(this.BurstComplete);

Therefore, the WornApparel of the operator is never checked for Apparel.AllowVerbCast().

if (this.CasterIsPawn && this.CasterPawn.apparel != null)
List<Apparel> wornApparel = this.CasterPawn.apparel.WornApparel;
for (int i = 0; i < wornApparel.Count; i++)
if (!wornApparel[i].AllowVerbCast(root, this.caster.Map, targ, this))
return false;

So the following code for shieldbelts is never checked:

// RimWorld.ShieldBelt
public override bool AllowVerbCast(IntVec3 root, Map map, LocalTargetInfo targ, Verb verb)
return !(verb is Verb_LaunchProjectile) || ReachabilityImmediate.CanReachImmediate(root, targ, map, PathEndMode.Touch, null);

Thus pawns can fire mortars and other manned turrets, even though they have Verb_LaunchProjectile and their targets aren't within touch range.
Bugs / [0.18.1722] Modding: Tool config error checking
January 01, 2018, 11:54:07 AM

  • HediffDef.ConfigErrors doesn't check tools, while ThingDef.ConfigErrors does so. A HediffDef with tools is for example PowerClaw
  • ToolCapacityDef aren't checked for having a corresponding ManeuverDef
  • Because of the last, VerbTracker won't recognize a capacity or maneuver (say on a modded item), rendering the HediffDef/ThingDef without a verb. Because there's no feedback from ConfigErrors, bugs such as these can be difficult to find and even more difficult to fix
CompProperties_Usable uses a "useLabel" instead of a "useKey", CompProperties_Schedule uses a "offMessage" instead of a "offKey":

// RimWorld.CompProperties_Usable
public string useLabel;

// RimWorld.CompProperties_Schedule
public string offMessage;

Which is then displayed as such:

// RimWorld.CompUsable
protected virtual string FloatMenuOptionLabel
return this.Props.useLabel;

// RimWorld.CompSchedule
public override string CompInspectStringExtra()
if (!this.Allowed)
return this.Props.offMessage;
return null;

Which means that useLabel/offMessage can not be translated into other languages.

Suggested solution

// RimWorld.CompProperties_Usable
public string useKey;

// RimWorld.CompProperties_Schedule
public string offKey;

// RimWorld.CompUsable
protected virtual string FloatMenuOptionLabel
return this.Props.useKey.Translate();

// RimWorld.CompSchedule
public override string CompInspectStringExtra()
if (!this.Allowed)
return this.Props.offKey.Translate();
return null;

// RimWorld1557Win\Mods\Core\Languages\English\Keyed\Misc_Gameplay.xml

  <!-- Comps -->
  <UseLabel_Neurotrainer>Use neurotrainer to learn {0}</UseLabel_Neurotrainer>

  <OffMessage_SunLamp>Off for plant resting period</OffMessage_SunLamp>
It appears that props.explosiveExpandPerStackcount has no effect on explosion size. This is because of the following lines:

// RimWorld.CompExplosive
///protected void Detonate(Map map)


if (!this.parent.Destroyed)


float num = props.explosiveRadius;
if (this.parent.stackCount > 1 && props.explosiveExpandPerStackcount > 0f)
num += Mathf.Sqrt((float)(this.parent.stackCount - 1) * props.explosiveExpandPerStackcount);


Which causes the following to happen. Since this.parent.Kill(null), parent.stackCount = 0. Therefore, regardless of props.explosiveExpandPerStackcount, the explosion radius will be props.explosiveRadius.

Furthermore, there's a check for this.parent further down in the code (which may or may not have problems triggering because of the earlier killed parent).

Suggested solution:

Create Thing instigatorThing = this.instigator ?? this.parent; and num before killing the parent such that these values are not null.

// RimWorld.CompExplosive
protected void Detonate(Map map)
if (this.detonated)
this.detonated = true;
if (!this.parent.SpawnedOrAnyParentSpawned)
if (map == null)
Log.Warning("Tried to detonate CompExplosive in a null map.");
CompProperties_Explosive props = this.Props;
float num = props.explosiveRadius;
if (this.parent.stackCount > 1 && props.explosiveExpandPerStackcount > 0f)
num += Mathf.Sqrt((float)(this.parent.stackCount - 1) * props.explosiveExpandPerStackcount);
Thing instigatorThing = this.instigator ?? this.parent;
if (!this.parent.Destroyed)
if (props.explosionEffect != null)
Effecter effecter = props.explosionEffect.Spawn();
effecter.Trigger(new TargetInfo(this.parent.PositionHeld, map, false), new TargetInfo(this.parent.PositionHeld, map, false));
ThingDef postExplosionSpawnThingDef = props.postExplosionSpawnThingDef;
float postExplosionSpawnChance = props.postExplosionSpawnChance;
int postExplosionSpawnThingCount = props.postExplosionSpawnThingCount;
GenExplosion.DoExplosion(this.parent.PositionHeld, map, num, props.explosiveDamageType, instigatorThing, null, null, null, postExplosionSpawnThingDef, postExplosionSpawnChance, postExplosionSpawnThingCount, props.applyDamageToExplosionCellsNeighbors, props.preExplosionSpawnThingDef, props.preExplosionSpawnChance, props.preExplosionSpawnThingCount);
This method exists:
// Verse.Thing
public virtual string LabelBaseCap
return this.LabelBase.CapitalizeFirst();

.. yet:
// RimWorld.Tradeable
public virtual string Label
return this.AnyThing.LabelBase.CapitalizeFirst();

.. while it should be called as this.AnyThing.LabelBaseCap:
return this.AnyThing.LabelBaseCap;

If a modded Thing wants to prepend something to any visible label it currently has to override LabelBase which means every other call (not
RimWorld.Tradeable) will be capitalizing the prepended text rather than the LabelBase text.
// RimWorld.StoryState.ctor
private int lastThreatBigQueueTick = -1;


// RimWorld.StoryState.ExposeData()
Scribe_Values.LookValue<int>(ref this.lastThreatBigQueueTick, "lastThreatBigQueueTick", 0, true);

Would probably make more sense as:

Scribe_Values.LookValue<int>(ref this.lastThreatBigQueueTick, "lastThreatBigQueueTick", -1, true);
// RimWorld.PawnRecentMemory.ctor
private int lastLightTick = 999999;
private int lastOutdoorTick = 999999;


// RimWorld.PawnRecentMemory.ExposeData()
Scribe_Values.LookValue<int>(ref this.lastLightTick, "lastLightTick", 0, false);
Scribe_Values.LookValue<int>(ref this.lastOutdoorTick, "lastOutdoorTick", 0, false);

Again, unspawned pawns cluttering savefiles with <last___Tick>999999</last____Tick>. Since spawned pawns will not have values of these
proportions it is only useful for pawns that have not been spawned yet.

Scribe_Values.LookValue<int>(ref this.lastLightTick, "lastLightTick", 999999, false);
Scribe_Values.LookValue<int>(ref this.lastOutdoorTick, "lastOutdoorTick", 999999, false);
// Verse.ThingContainer.ctor
private int maxStacks = 99999;


// Verse.ThingContainer.ExposeData()
Scribe_Values.LookValue<int>(ref this.maxStacks, "maxStacks", 0, false);

Another non logical scribe default, pawns use both an <inventory> (default maxStacks = 99999) and <carrier> (default maxStacks = 1), and a
default of 0 does not account for either and would result in a ThingContainer which does not accept anything since maxStacks is private.

New colony contained 5 of both <maxStacks>1</maxStacks> and <maxStacks>99999</maxStacks>.
// Verse.Thing.ctor
public int stackCount = 1;


// Verse.Thing.ExposeData()
Scribe_Values.LookValue<int>(ref this.stackCount, "stackCount", 0, true);

Since this is set to 1 by default one could change that to:

Scribe_Values.LookValue<int>(ref this.stackCount, "stackCount", 1, true);

This was a redundancy of 83 occurences on a fresh colony due to pawns in other factions carrying single meals.
Bugs / [A13] Savefile cluttering <health>85</health>
April 07, 2016, 09:09:19 AM
Scribe_Defs.LookDef<ThingDef>(ref this.def, "def");


if (this.def.useHitPoints)
Scribe_Values.LookValue<int>(ref this.hitPointsInt, "health", -1, false);

Since def is already initialized at this point the default could be set to def.BaseMaxHitPoints (which might increase save times) or alternatively to 85 (replacing <health>85</health> in a fresh savefile yielded 35014 occurrences). A default of -1 would obviously never help loading/saving times.

All other <health> values (not 85 which has 35014 occurences) add up to 7053 occurrences:

  • 3026 times <health>120</health> (bushes)
  • 3489 times <health>300</health> (trees)
  • 538 other things (walls, equipment)
<thing Class="Filth">
<pos>(88, 0, 1)</pos>
<thing Class="Filth">
<pos>(87, 0, 0)</pos>
<thing Class="Filth">
<pos>(89, 0, 1)</pos>
<thing Class="Filth">
<pos>(88, 0, 0)</pos>

etc etc etc

Since filth with a thickness of 0 are destroyed it seems counter intuitive to take 0 as the default value for the scribe, especially since a new colony on an average sized map contains 3539 instances of Filth with <thickness>1</thickness>.

Scribe_Values.LookValue<int>(ref this.thickness, "thickness", 0, false);


Scribe_Values.LookValue<int>(ref this.thickness, "thickness", 1, false);
Quote from: Alistaire on January 10, 2016, 10:34:15 AMEvery Thing's "pos" is saved since default(IntVec3) is somehow not equal to (-1000,-1000,-1000), since that is IntVec3.Invalid. Replace
the following code:

Scribe_Values.LookValue<IntVec3>(ref this.positionInt, "pos", default(IntVec3), false);


Scribe_Values.LookValue<IntVec3>(ref this.positionInt, "pos", IntVec3.Invalid, false);

Anything that is worn, stored or otherwise has no position value has this value saved, introducing one line of text for every one of those that
exist in the game environment (I managed to replace 65 occurences of <pos>(-1000,-1000,-1000)</pos> from a new colony's initial save).

This is still present in A13. For reference:

default(IntVec3) == new IntVec3(0,0,0);
IntVec3.Invalid == new IntVec3(-1000,-1000,-1000);

In A13 creating a new world and colony yielded me 185(!) occurences of <pos>(-1000,-1000,-1000)</pos>, this should be fixed as follows:

Scribe_Values.LookValue<IntVec3>(ref this.positionInt, "pos", IntVec3.Invalid, false);

.. which causes the default value to be assumed to be IntVec3.Invalid as its value is set in the constructor:

private IntVec3 positionInt = IntVec3.Invalid;

  • The same is the case for Faction.homeSquare (default(IntVec2) == (0,0); IntVec2.Invalid == (-1000,-1000))
Quote from: Alistaire on March 31, 2016, 04:19:07 AM

LanguageDatabase.defaultLanguage = LanguageDatabase.languages.FirstOrDefault((LoadedLanguage la) => la.folderName == LanguageDatabase.DefaultLangFolderName);
LanguageDatabase.activeLanguage = LanguageDatabase.languages.FirstOrDefault((LoadedLanguage la) => la.folderName == Prefs.LangFolderName);
if (LanguageDatabase.activeLanguage == null)
Prefs.LangFolderName = LanguageDatabase.DefaultLangFolderName;
LanguageDatabase.activeLanguage = LanguageDatabase.languages.FirstOrDefault((LoadedLanguage la) => la.folderName == Prefs.LangFolderName);
if (LanguageDatabase.activeLanguage == null || LanguageDatabase.activeLanguage == null)
Log.Error("No default language found!");
LanguageDatabase.defaultLanguage = LanguageDatabase.languages[0];
LanguageDatabase.activeLanguage = LanguageDatabase.languages[0];

if (LanguageDatabase.activeLanguage == null || LanguageDatabase.activeLanguage == null)

Better double check it, you never know with those public statics.

Still present in A13, I assume you'd want to check for defaultLanguage == null or remove the second activeLanguage check.
Bugs / The Grand Minor [A13] Bug Thread
April 06, 2016, 03:32:07 PM
The "this bug doesn't deserve its own thread" thread! Let's begin:

  • Weapons_Guns.xml contains references to ParentName="BaseBullet" however that ThingDef is never defined in that file.
Apparently this is intentional - Abstracts are now defined for all files in one folder at least.
I decided to take upon me the task of generating additional locations on the planet map. I'm in the process of writing up a working example
however I ran into the following problem:

// RimWorld.Planet.WorldGenerator
public static void GenerateWorld()
Current.World = new World(); = WorldGenerationData.size; = WorldGenerationData.seedString.ToLowerInvariant();
Rand.Seed = (GenText.StableStringHash(WorldGenerationData.seedString) ^ 4323276); = RulePackDef.Named("NamerWorld").GenerateDefault_Name(null);

I want to add the line "LocationGenerator.GenerateLocationsIntoCurrentWorld();" after the FactionGenerator line and I have no idea how to
do this.

The generation has to go specifically there because I want locations to show up on the map gen screen. It has to be after the faction
generator since locations can be owned by factions.

I found that a certain method which might be associated with this is a Unity event, therefore a delegate and therefore possible to hook into:

// RimWorld.Planet.WorldRenderCam
public void OnPostRender()

Once again I'm not sure how exactly to go about doing that. I assume using a dummy thingDef with inspectorTabs will run a class which can
append above delegate with location drawing code, then with location generation code which would remove itself from the delegate after its
first call (doing something if no locations are generated on the map or skipping that when they were previously generated). I don't know if
this makes any sense or if there's better methods to draw locations and generate locations and I haven't tested the code because I'm not
even partially finished with the rest of the code base I need for the entire mod.

I'd really like the above stuff to be possible since counting on Tynan to make the first method a delegate seems kinda hopeless while he's stopped development for a while.

So the question is:

How do I generate locations on the planet map during map generation?
..... or .....
How do I add a method call in RimWorld.Planet.WorldGenerator.GenerateWorld() ?

At least I assume it is. Thanks for reading!
Tools / [BUTTONS] Fan made download buttons
September 15, 2015, 05:05:50 PM
Hello modders,

It always bugged me how the download buttons didn't match up in the slightest so I decided to rework them to work with eachother, and here's
the result! The buttons are of canvas size 260x50, because this way it's still possible to use the ModDB download counter image (which is of
the same canvas size) along with the rest.

The Nexus Mods button has been increased in height and has a new border added to it, and the rest were made from scratch:

ModDB button
Icon: about section of ModDB - "Download our mediakit"
Font: "Sydnie" (also in the mediakit)
Color: #CC0303 -> #E27272 (gradient 0% to 45% white over the base color)

Dropbox button
Icon: article about dropbox
Font: Quora topic - Fontsov "ITC Franklin Gothic Std Demi Font"
Color: #007EE5 -> #72B7F0 (gradient 0% to 45% white over the base color)

And now for the buttons:




Donated by sma342:





Feel free to download, edit, reupload them etc. They're being hosted on photobucket (and discordapp) so you might not want that (cause the
site likes to remove images every once in a while).

- Alistaire
Alpha 12d

Raiding Party! adds a sound effect to the enemy raid event.

Raiding Party! for Alpha 12 on Dropbox:


The mod adds a sound effect to enemy raids. Now you'll hear it happen 1 second before it actually does!

Mod Compatibility

The "RaidEnemy" IncidentDef is edited, which makes it incompatible with mods that edit that def. The source code of the mod is included so you can see for yourself what's happening behind the scenes.


Everything in the mod was made or blatantly ripped by Alistaire.

This mod page might or might not be used for further sound or other small mods.


Age of Empires II © Microsoft Corporation. Raiding Party! was created under Microsoft's "Game Content Usage Rules" using assets from Age of Empires II, and it is not endorsed by or affiliated with Microsoft.
Help / Changing a pawnDef's colours
June 16, 2015, 08:24:41 AM
How do I colour animal pawns (a.k.a pawns without a back story) through C#? I can't seem to find a class which handles colours on pawns.

On ThingDefs you can add the <graphicData> tag, which includes a <color> tag to change colours on a thing. The ThingDef class is a child
of the BuildingDef class (for whatever reason), which is child of the Def class. PawnDef is also a child of the Def class, making it kinda
incompatible with ThingDef and with <graphicData>.

Since <pawnDef> uses <standardBodyGraphicPath> and <dessicatedBodyGraphicPath> I get it might be hard to implement a simple
<graphicData> tag in there, but it would be really useful in my case.
