The idea stems from ant and bee colonies where newborn queens go into a phase called Nuptial Flight, where the young queen ant gets wings and leaves the main colony to mate and build up its own.
What would happen in-game is that the player will get a message that a young hive queen has enter the map and will be looking for a place nearby to brood.
The young Hive Queen will enter the map, young and with wings, and will randomly choose an area on the map that would have a mountain overhead roof. It will then dig until it meets that location and dig out a small room. It will idle around its small room until it matures, losing its wings and getting fat. (Probably eating some nearby local wildlife or farm animals while at it)
And I've thought up two scenarios for its reproduction phases once it matures:
1. The Hive Queen will spawn/build a MegaHive. The MegaHive does not spawn insects, but normal hives at twice the normal rate. It will also spawn an exessive amount of insect jelly and glowpods. Only the Hive Queen will be able to tend to the MegaHive. If the MegaHive were to be destroyed, all normal hives stemming from it will become dormant and no spawn other hives.
2. The Hive Queen will lay insect eggs that have a chance to spawn as either 3 already existing insect types. (Higher chance for Megascarabs and lower chance for MegaSpider). She will spawn a normal hive once a week.
As long as the Hive Queen lives, as a part two warning notification for the player, a portion of the insect hive population will attack the player like when a raid siege or waiting raid chooses to attack the player. This would only happen after a very long period where the Hive would 'feel' its confident to attack the player. (Its population when compared to player wealth)
The Hive will be something you would want to nornally deal with early, but, if scenario 1, you can also use it to choose to farm it's insect jelly and glow pods. Probably also the queen may have a valuable body part for killing it at its mature stage.
What would happen in-game is that the player will get a message that a young hive queen has enter the map and will be looking for a place nearby to brood.
The young Hive Queen will enter the map, young and with wings, and will randomly choose an area on the map that would have a mountain overhead roof. It will then dig until it meets that location and dig out a small room. It will idle around its small room until it matures, losing its wings and getting fat. (Probably eating some nearby local wildlife or farm animals while at it)
And I've thought up two scenarios for its reproduction phases once it matures:
1. The Hive Queen will spawn/build a MegaHive. The MegaHive does not spawn insects, but normal hives at twice the normal rate. It will also spawn an exessive amount of insect jelly and glowpods. Only the Hive Queen will be able to tend to the MegaHive. If the MegaHive were to be destroyed, all normal hives stemming from it will become dormant and no spawn other hives.
2. The Hive Queen will lay insect eggs that have a chance to spawn as either 3 already existing insect types. (Higher chance for Megascarabs and lower chance for MegaSpider). She will spawn a normal hive once a week.
As long as the Hive Queen lives, as a part two warning notification for the player, a portion of the insect hive population will attack the player like when a raid siege or waiting raid chooses to attack the player. This would only happen after a very long period where the Hive would 'feel' its confident to attack the player. (Its population when compared to player wealth)
The Hive will be something you would want to nornally deal with early, but, if scenario 1, you can also use it to choose to farm it's insect jelly and glow pods. Probably also the queen may have a valuable body part for killing it at its mature stage.