dll modders come hither, gather round while tell you a tale!
This is a mod making challenge, where the winner will be declared as the first person to publish a fully working mod that meets most or all my demands, the winner will receive more respect than a well dressed pimp!
Challenge level: Novice - Advanced
The Raidiation Kills Mod Challenge
- You are to sculpt a mod so perfect, so absolute, so unequaled in design....
- You must make uranium cause radiation sickness to anyone near it within 3 tiles if they were to stay within that range for exactly half an in game day, thy will succumb to radiation sickness, this will make hauling it tricky.
- You must make the HazMat container provided inside omni storage in this modpack , protect against radiation poisoning.
- Finally to put the icing on the cake you must create a HazMat suit that while worn, protects 100% against radiation poisoning.
Challenge Level: Novice - Advanced
The All Traps Mod Challenge
- You are to astound and amaze as you perform the deadly art of Mod Making!!!, you will create a mod so balanced a ninja would falter before you, and above all else you will take no prisoners!!!, and leave no witnesses !!!
- You must create a mod that has fire traps, wall grinder traps, arrow traps, electric traps that work like an EMP but also deals damage on contact, and even spike traps yes i said it folks!
- You must limit the total number of living traps to 20 at any given time in the world!
- You must limit the number of living fire traps to 5 at any given time on a world!
- You must limit the number of living electric EMP traps to 5 at any given time on a world!
- You must limit the nimber of living wall grinder traps to 5 at any given time on the world!
- You must limit the number of living arrow traps to 5 at any given time on the world!
- You must limit the number of living spike traps to 10 at any given time on the world!
- Damages must be balanced, and mod-able through xml