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Topics - porcupine

So this is pretty strange, but it's exactly what it sounds like.

Running Rimworld1393Win, on a UHD monitor, just Vanilla + CR (though I don't think CR has much to do with this, since it's the actual game resolution/CR doesn't touch that to begin with).

I've got font scaling set to 1.25x in the game, and every time RW starts up, it starts with a lower resolution then the setpoint (3840 x 2160).

Having said that, loading a saved game (from within the game) also swaps back the resolution.  It's repeatedly trying to use 3072 x 1728 upon load, but it's also tried to force 2560 x 1440 (perhaps when I had a different scaling value??).  You can see the exact moment it happens when loading a game, as the loading dialogue box in the background very visibly changes size while you wait.
Bugs / A13 - Ice sheet bugs discovered
April 13, 2016, 07:07:00 PM
I found a few ... presumably unintended features on my current play-thru:

#1 - Colonist incapable of scary wielding gun (forced), during combat/draft yields the message "searching for targets".  If he's incapable of scary, clearly he's not searching for targets (I had to pause and dig around to figure out why he couldn't see the bugs right in front of him).

#2 - Traders freeze to death outside your front door, instead of coming in to safe temperature.  Faction rep does not appear to drop (thankfully)

#3 - Corpses appear to rot, in -30 weather?!  After loading a save, a 2 day dead polar bear is clearly rotting, despite the outdoor temp being -30.  This might have been during a toxic rain event, not sure if that matters? (but if so, "rotting" might not be the best description?)

#4 - If a nest spawns, and the jelly appears in a door way, the door stays closed.  When the door is sprung open, it can no longer be closed (without removing the jelly).  The insects inside however do not react/walk through/etc., making a shooting gallery until a wall segment breaks/etc.

#5 - If you down the insects, and then add an operation to Euthanize them, you receive an error indicating no pet bed, so you can't kill 'em.

#6 - If you add a pet bed (for #5 above), and tell your colonists to go perform the operation (euthanize), your colonists will go heal the bugs.  The bugs don't appear aggro upon healing (or maybe they were just slow), until a colonist freaks and starts attacking 'em.

#7 - Deep mountain bases don't appear to retain any heat, despite multiple air-locks?   If anything, they're colder?!?
Ideas / Dynamic map expansions
March 11, 2016, 06:24:45 PM
You know, I was playing Prison Tycoon the other day, and it got me thinking.

You run out of room there (not so much resources), you buy the deed to another hunk of a map to stitch onto yours.  This has been a common thread in a lot of building games (IE: the tycoon series), and potentially adds some extent of mid-late game "content".

A lot of people box themselves onto a small map due... what if you could explore in a given direction?  Maybe you need some sort of tech, or treaty (IE: maybe blessing [or curse] of the tribals to venture that far past your landing side, etc.).

I realize this is pretty vague/open ended... but presumably it wouldn't be too hard to dynamically expand the map, leading to any number of possibilities to be explored.  Certainly, there's still the obvious/potential of "well that's great, but my guys can't venture that far from base, it won't work", but if you started on the smallest map and spanned out as the game progressed, I think people could come up with interesting scenario's, etc.

Ideas / Prospectors - New event
March 08, 2016, 10:54:28 PM
Just like the title says. 

Friendly, or unfriendly Prospectors (from the other tribes/whatnot on the maps, or from space)

Friendly ones would avoid mining in your home region (as presumably they're polite), unfriendly ones, perhaps not (or perhaps so, to ensure they're successful). 

Either case, they'd pick a mineral (or resource in general), come on to your map with the intent of taking it.  Not from your stockpile like a raid, but to mine it out themselves.

Walling off minerals to stop 'em/etc. would be ineffective (as they're equipped with the tools to mine). 

This could lead to a few interesting gameplay twists, offhand:

-  Do nothing, maybe they're unfriendly, but too far away to really care about, or too heavily armed, or you're in no shape.
-  Do nothing, maybe they're friendly, but you can't afford to loose relations
-  Fight 'em, friendly or otherwise, you need your materials on the map, and they found a plasteel deposit.
-  Maybe arrange for a little "accident", cave in, fire, etc., where you haven't directly killed 'em, but it's certainly suspicious (and if friendly, you loose rank either way as they died just like visitors, but not as much as outright attacking)
-  You can try to arrest/capture
-  You can wait and see what they find, then decide how to proceed
-  Perhaps they just dig for awhile, and never find anything worthwhile, and either bail, come visit you to hang out (if friendly) as part of the normal visitation AI, or tag into an existing conflict of some sort.
-  Perhaps you're in the deep winter, in the coldest part of the planet, and you're just going to sit where it's comfy, and wait for spring to pick up some frozen longpig, and hat materials.

Lots of options, lots of easy contributions, relatively "cheap", since it can be effectively siege AI, limited time span on map, goal of mining minerals.

Obviously, a spinoff could be hunters (what's that about rare creatures, I hear one was spotted in the vicinity of "X", we should assemble a hunting party!), also, bounty hunters along similar AI configs/interesting consequences/etc.
General Discussion / Alpha 10c, can't form new game?
April 18, 2015, 01:58:20 AM
Anybody else run into this yet?  I tried to make a new colony on Alpha 10c, using the hardest mode on C-classic, and on the select world screen, I couldn't select the world (no error, but no action either when depressing select button).

I tried deleting the world, and generating a new one, same result.... Seems like a pretty big show-stopper to be missed....?
When the colony is under siege, sometimes the forbidden foodstocks become un-forbidden (not certain as to how, I believe when an enemy pawn goes to pick up/eat, and then re-tasks to something else, the food they drop on the ground is no longer forbidden).

Colonists will then run to the siege site, to eat their food, and get shot along the way.

Obviously there are two problems here:

#1 - The foodstuffs becoming un-forbidden.
#2 - The colonists always trying to eat the food that's furthest away.

Food quality doesn't seem to matter, can be regular/fine/survival meal.  My freezer has +-200 regular meals in it at all times, so it's not for a lack of food.  Does not happen with raw foods (meats/berries/potatoes).

This can be reproduced in any established game without effort.  I'm running the debuff parka's mod, and I'm in a very cold climate (possibly why enemy pawns are re-prioritizing mid-meal, during a siege, because they're arse cold, and thus doing something else).

Version (any), but specifically 0.8.657Win here.
General Discussion / cryosleep caskets?
December 17, 2014, 10:08:23 PM
I don't get it...

I thought this was a stasis pod, to drop my PITA colonists into until I could deal with them....

Now I realize I can't pull any of my colonists out... what exactly is the point of these?  Anybody?
Bugs / Alpha 8 general/text
December 16, 2014, 04:36:24 PM
This isn't really a "bug", but:

On any snowy biome, all of the fonts/text/notifications/etc. are white.

The rest of the map is also white (snow), thus notifications are very difficult to read.  Right now, the only way I can read notifications/etc. is to zoom in on a mountain, and move the screen until the right hand side is covered by mountain/base/etc.

Text color should be somewhat dependent on background color or similar obviously.
So the title says it all.  I went for a difficult setup, coldest, highest spot on the map I could find that wasn't an ice sheet.  No growing season, arse cold for most of the year.

Used the de-buff parka mod, to make it more authentic.  Problem is, most of the dead bodies are too far away to ever be dealt with.  They died in winter, I haven't had time to deal with 'em (read: full on rotting), and it takes ~1 day per colonist per body hauled.  Everybody is insane before half a dozen are done.

Why aren't the animals eating the rotting corpses?  There needs to be some mechanic out there to deal with all the rot.  Raiders aren't nearly as bothered it seems.  In temperate climates, usually bodies are closer, and forest fires take care of the rest at random.

I'm ~2 years in at this point.
Anybody figured this out?  I have a problem, my base has multiple entrances, two sides of a mountain.  On one side, I have a crashed ship, setting out maximum drone, and nowhere near the ability to take it (without loosing the colony of course).

On the other side, well, all my defenses.

I tried removing everything from my home region, and setting home just outside the side of the base in which I need help (and calling reinforcements) to no avail.  They congregate at my main defenses.

So how do visitors figure out where your home is?  Is it stockpiles?  Is it "claimed/owned" equipment?  It doesn't seem to be your home region..
Ideas / Distress/wear on items
August 11, 2014, 06:24:50 PM
I think everybody has a common theme late game.  Too much crap.  Too many guns, too many clothes, too many resources in general.  You get to a point where colony wealth rises no matter what you do, no available traders are going to rid you of it (even if they do, they'll just give you silver, allowing perpetual wealth consolidation to your colony).

AFAIK, there are only currently four manners of loosing wealth:  Food consumption, colonists being dragged away (with wealth items on 'em) by raiders, fire, and sometimes crushing (not counting selling back/forth to traders at a loss).

With the introduction of new clothing, etc., it seems to me that there should be more then a 0/1 state (clothed, not clothed).  "X is wearing a tattered blazer", with a mood modifier depending on the condition of their clothing (some may tolerate/like a baggy/ripped pair of pants, others probably not).  Your colonists might be wearing something shiny out of those escape pods, but you can bet the people wandering your waste of a planet aren't in good shape.

This could go for weapons as well, which could be repaired, or past a point (IE: 50% health) need bits/pieces salved by sacrificing another similar/same weapon/etc.

Sure, this is a lot of potential balance, but it could make the end game a bit more realistic, deal with several issues at once, etc.

System doesn't have to be terribly complex, items could just play on their existing HP system, maybe a repair bench/using the existing repair skill for speed, maybe maximum HP continues to fall with every repair (or every botched repair?), until it gets below %x where "sacrificial parts" come into play, boosting the item back towards new/max HP.

We could even extend this a bit, items like meals left outside (the food may be half spoiled, and require bits from another half spoiled meal to become whole/100% delicious again), wood left outside (maybe some of the boards are crooked and no longer worth 100% of the material value), etc.

Version - Rimworld 496win (latest)

Bug - upon massive raider drop, they don't just drop in their little area, they drop all over the map, including areas which should not be possible, IE: inside thick roof/mountain bases, etc.

Reproduce - Have a raider drop of a few hundred raiders, they will fall all over the entire map at once.

Expected results - raiders should only drop with the main group, or maybe throughout the map, but certainly not in otherwise out of bounds areas.

Actual results - see picture.

[attachment deleted by admin: too old]
General Discussion / Mechanoid raid of insanity
July 21, 2014, 02:11:07 AM
I hadn't played Rimworld since Alpha 2, figured I'd load it back up, and see what changed.

This time, instead of tunneling into the mountain side, I ended up outside for most of the game.  I found that while there are a few more events, my game ended in the same manner as previous ones, the inevitable ridiculous raid that you just can't survive.

I figured people might get a laugh out of the attached save, and let me know if I missed an avenue of approach here...?  Was doing quite well until this point, rebuffing various raids, sieges, etc.

[attachment deleted by admin: too old]
Ideas / Backstory translation
April 15, 2014, 02:03:30 PM
I caught in the latest changelog that everything can now be translated, except for backstories.

Not having researched this at all, I assume this has something to do with automation, user submitted content containing stuff that might not translate automatically/nicely, etc.

If this is the case, why not push the backstories through google translate/similar, knowing beforehand the output may be mired as a result, indicating to the user it's been translated in the menu (based on the language chose), IE:

"This colonists history is written in a foreign dialect not spoken in your colony, roughly translated, it appears to indicate: [...translated content...]"

Words that don't translate/don't translate properly could even be obfuscated as foreign symbols, etc. to add to it.  Something like what SOTS: the pit did for decryption :).

This could work well for legitimately non-english language backstories translating into English as well, etc. :)
This bug appeared on my latest save, prevents the "loading..." box from clearing.  Game continues to play, but all input disabled.

Debug screen appears that reads:

QuoteRimworld 0.2.363 rev428231

Could not resolve reference to object with loadID DebrisSlag3504968 of type Thing.  Was it compressed away, destroyed, had no ID number, or not saved/laoded right?

Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

(The red line with object reference increments perpetually till the .exe is killed.).

PS - 300kb attachment size limit might be a tad small.

[attachment deleted by admin: too old]
Ideas / More In-depth electricity handling
March 14, 2014, 11:53:37 AM
I haven't touched Alpha 2 yet, but with every game in Alpha 1, one of the major components is obviously electricity.

I see a lot of opportunity for "cheap" incremental improvements to these systems, based on reality:

-  Batteries should have efficiency multipliers, power in != power out.  You're always going to loose power when storing it, vs. using it live.
--  To expand on this, rapid discharge of batteries will result in quicker depletion vs. long slow discharges (when talking standard SLA batteries, which is presumably what they'd be using).  This could be calculated by considering battery capacity vs. current draw to come up with efficiency on discharge, something simplistic/linear [or exponential until short/depletion?]/whatnot.
--  Overcharging batteries generally results in bad things (fire/explosion/etc.), which could either be taken as the rapid influx of power, or the sustained charging of full units (for the later, that's no longer a "cheap" improvement since then you need a heatsink or something else to selectively vent excess power)
--  Deep cycling batteries/over-discharging could result in damage to the batteries.
-  Conduit/electrical wires should have an associated impedance for pushing power through.  If you run your solar panels on one side of the map, and the batteries/consumption on the other, you're going to be loosing power along the way, measurable amounts.
-  Potentially "expensive", but if power conduits knew how much was running through them (say with all available paths being equal), they could have rated capacities, and be more likely to short/fire when you approach/exceed capacity.  It's not realistic that a single power conduit can carry an entire colonies power after all, right?

None of these would really require a player to change the way they play, learn new behavior, etc., but would add certainly add depth, and effectively reward creative/logical configurations.