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Topics - NuclearStudent

As in title.

Lore-wise, if we can find item stashes laid down by others, we should be able to create our own. It would also be a convenience for players who travel frequently on the world map if emergency stocks of supplies were available. However, right now, to stash items on the world map, you need to create an entire colony that's vacant the majority of the time. That's a lotta CPU overhead. Instead, I suggest that we have the ability to "create item stash," which would allow us to create an item inventory that can be accessed by caravans in that world square. I would use the trading interface for loading/unloading to or from the item stash, the same as loading to or from a caravan.

I believe this would be a balanced addition. On the one hand, items buried in stashes would be safe. However, items kept in stashes would, by definition, be unused and would not be contributing to the success or beauty of a colony. I suggest that items in stashes continue to contribute to colony wealth or contribute disproportionately, so that wealth cannot be hidden from the eyes of raiders.

All in all, this would be a small quality-of-life feature with minimal adverse possible impact.
Lockable doors, by khell, has not been updated to B18. It's here.

Someone has updated Lockable doors to B18, here , but it's only accessible if you have a steam install.

Would anybody mind downloading and sharing B18 Lockable Doors? Much obliged.
Ideas / Broken pawns stripping: Unfun?
November 07, 2015, 09:00:07 PM
As you may be aware, pawns strip off their clothes and dump their gear at random when they are in a broken state. As you may also be aware, pawns do not put their clothes back on. All the dropped gear is forbidden so that the player must manually find and unforbid all dropped gear.  Gear not found on the map due to a lack of visual contrast is lost forever due to deterioration.

I rather don't like this system. I'd personally prefer to have it removed from the game, and have spent about half an hour digging for any file that would allow me to do that.

I'm trying to do is update Skullywag's Nonlethal weapons mod. He made a custom injury type called "spasm" that caused a great deal of pain without being lifethreatening. Unfortunately, his custom injury type isn't working and I haven't a clue how to fix it. I've gotten everything else worked by brainlessly copying files, but updating custom injury types is something that requires actual skill to do.

I have no rimworld modding experience whatsoever. So, I'm really at a loss at where to start.I would love to give y'all the beauty that would be an updated Nonlethal weapons pack, but I'm a scrub who needs your help.
I understand why it was done, from a balance point of view. Heat traps for visitors wasn't in Tynan's design philosophy.

However, it does bother me from an immersive point of view. I used to build all of my bases in a modular, interlocking fashion. Each time someone went berserk, I would roleplay as the base's security officer/malevolent guardian and seal off section by section. I'd even make a little whoop whoop noise with my mouth to initiate the sounds of alarm klaxons warning off one of the cyborgs in the colony going psycho.

Now? I pause, each time, and I can't really think of any in game justification that my colonists can't hold a door shut or install locks. It makes even less sense with autodoors, because it can't be justified at all that installing a proper lockdown system would be too much effort when I have the luxury of building motion sensor powered automatic doors.

The next best thing is keeping a pile of wooden planks next to every single door and having my colonists board up the doors when things go down. That's a crapton of micromanagement, though.

It's a little bit disconcerting when your colonists relax socially... alone. And when they play go with themselves. I could go on, but that would be beating a dead horse.

A <joyMinParticipants> variable would fix this by making it so colonists don't talk to themselves all of the time! It would also make life easier for modders who want to add more joy activities in. You can't play football alone, no matter how hard you try.
Ideas / Set area restrictions on schedule.
August 31, 2015, 01:45:57 PM
In addition to being able to set the activity type of the colonist on the schedule, I would like to be able to set allowed areas. The reason being is that I like simulating complex pawn behavior. As is, there's no way to make your colonists spend cold winter mornings in doors, sweeping up, and then spend daylight doing outside work without manually ordering pawns to do so.
Hi. I'm new to the forum, but as far as a quick search goes, this post seems to be order. Correct me if there are any errors.

I could only find this suggestion posted once in the last few months (April, in the "Cheap Suggestions" thread. So, I hope this hasn't been oversaturating this forum in the past.

Right now, there's a box in both menus to edit outfits and area. I would suggest that besides those boxes, there be an option to "copy," which would create an exact duplicate of the area or outfit. Instead of having to redraw a very complicated allowed area design and then modify it for each individual colonist, a player could copy a general design and then modify it for each individual.

For example, in my colony, colonist Amy is a skilled cook. I want Amy cooking dinners in my main base, but I have my allowed areas set up so that Amy will not walk over to visit my secondary base and cook dinner there.

I got another colonist called Benny. Benny is also a skilled cook, but I want him dedicated to the secondary base. If I could duplicate areas, I could duplicate Amy's area, rename to "Benny's Area," and then invert it. Instead, I have to manually construct "Benny's Area."

Ditto with outfits. I want my brawler to wear everything a soldier does, but including a personal shield and extra armor. I have to manually remake a soldier outfit by laboriously copying over checkmarks, and then check off the things that are actually different.

I found it... surprising that this was not in the game. Quality of life changes that are less obvious, and that appear to have been more difficult to implement are in the game. If there is some particular reason this suggestion is unfeasible, I apologize.