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Topics - Ectoplasm

I would like to request that a change is made to how pawns interact with storage mechanisms. Currently only one pawn is allowed to interact with an item at a time, I've read that this is to stop 2 pawns trying to use the same object. This makes sense for say items of armor, clothing or joy objects, but greatly limits the effectiveness of storage mods, it frankly cripples the ability of these mods to do what their creators intended.

I'll highlight a couple of posts. Here is one from the superb mechanical defense mod, which uses a stockpile system called The Deep Storage Unit, where you can store multiple stacks of resources on a 2x1 block.

And here is a post on the equally great A2B conveyor belt mod, which uses a 1x1 loader to collect items which are them moved along a conveyor belt to be dropped off wherever

It would be far better if these mods were able to have multiple pawns interact with them at the same time. In the A2B instance, because a pawn has reserved the loader to drop goods on to, other pawns will then ignore the loader and manually take goods to a stockpile, potentially a long distance away, this is less than ideal, and to be frank, totally scuppers the usefulness of these great mods.

I use both mods and constantly see this behavior. Currently I have Deep Storage Units in my base and concrete being produced some distance away from stone chunks. The concrete is getting produced quite quickly, but because only 1 pawn can haul to the storage unit at a time, I have a large backlog of concrete not where I want it - whilst I have 14 hauling bots standing about idle waiting for the Deep Storage Unit to be released from use.

I understand the importance of 1 pawn 1 item, and how it stops potential problems arising. But when it comes to storage mechanism and mods that use them could we have alterations made to allow more than one pawn to interact with those objects at a time please?

I would also like a feature to be able to specify 'stockpile radius' In the same way that a stone cutting or cooking bench can have a radius - within which pawns will look for the items they need. The reason for this is an addition to mods like A2B, so the loader component could have a radius set, thereby allowing or forcing pawns to use a specific loader in a large crop field.
Ideas / Small crafting suggestion
September 25, 2015, 11:34:42 AM
When an item is crafted by a pawn, say a sculpture or some clothes, rather than the UI printing "Bill complete: Make pants" top left, would you also add the quality of the item that was just made? For example "Bill complete: Make small sculpture (masterwork)" etc.

Mods / Mod request: No more research pop up
September 15, 2015, 05:05:09 AM
You could likely guess the request from the topic line :)

Seems I'm forever closing research screen pop ups, then invariably re selecting whichever tool I was using previous to the pop up window.. Would it be possible to do away with the pop up window entirely? And perhaps move it to an envelope on the right hand side of the screen (where you get cargo pod notifications for example) So there'd be no pause or interruption of the game, just the envelope sliding in and perhaps a sound notification?

I'd honestly be more than happy with the pop up window being removed, anything else would be a bonus! Would this be easy to implement? Could it be done via a simple Def file alteration perhaps - just the window notification?
Ideas / Prisoners and food
September 11, 2015, 04:46:22 AM
Simply I'd like to be able to specify the quality of food prisoners get, from paste all the way up to the good stuff. Prisoners getting fed high quality food which should really go to the colonists first (frankly only ever to the colonists) Seems less than ideal. Perhaps this could be tied in with recruiting too, they're less happy getting sloppy paste and more likely to throw a fit, and the hard to recruit '99' ones might be more easily swayed if they're fed some caviar etc.
General Discussion / Combat slow down (again!)
September 05, 2015, 11:05:00 PM
Pretty please with sugar on top be gracious enough Tynan, to add an option to disable the slow down feature when raids start. I know this feature has been requested for the longest time, and have read through your own replies regarding missing story events and the like, and I understand your points in this regard, yet I feel there are enough warnings (envelopes, flashing screen, siren sounds, pause, pop up....) To alert the player of incoming trouble already, so why force us into slow speed for the duration of the raid?  It's taking mothering and hand holding a step too far!

I only recently bought this most remarkable game, and this has to be the number one bug bear that truly drives me nuts, it's currently 4am-ish on a Sunday morning and I've been up all night beavering away, yet after the latest raid I've found myself quitting the game in exasperation so I could post and ask you to add this highly requested feature!

If I kill a tamed boomrat - slow speed! it's silly.. I know what I just did as I told my handler to kill the boomrat! Instead of getting on, I sit here twitching whilst all my pawns 'run' from everywhere to repair or heal. It's unnecessary.

I understand your reluctance (as previously mentioned) But this feature for many is clearly undesired. Couldn't the setting to disable be hidden away in a Def file? Thereby any beginners won't accidentally turn it off, yet those who want to could do so? I'm a raw recruit round these parts myself, but already.. This feature.. Argh!

And to plead with you one final time, in this thread from a year ago which was on the topic of combat slow down you said;

Quote from: Tynan on September 10, 2014, 11:51:49 PM
I exist to serve.

Please eliminate this source of frustration for many, please give us a choice in this matter.