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Topics - Encrtia

Mods / How to Stay in 1.3
October 23, 2022, 06:27:47 PM
Tl;dr, how do I keep playing v1.3 (including Royalty / Ideaology) instead of 1.4 with my mods, given the beta v1.3 launcher renders my save games unplayable?

I took a copy of the v1.3 base game + all my Steam mods + %appdata% information so that, once v1.4 hit, I could just carry on my very long game. Despite my forsight, I can't run the damn thing. The v1.3 launched kept running something v1.4 related (unsure if steam mod related or game related) because save games just fail, & even after uninstalling everything to run off my legit copied v1.3 version, it won't pick up Ideaology or Royalty because I haven't got Rimworld installed "officially".

Any advice? Or beep Workshop mods once again with a beeping update?

General Discussion / How to find a bugged mod?
August 05, 2021, 08:11:09 AM

Really simply, I get errors every now & again, to which if I can figure out the mod, I'll remove it. But sometimes I just have no idea how to find it. For instance, right now I've encountered a horrible bug where I can't call in any troopers to help me against a siege. I get the below dump, but no idea how to debug. Could any give me some assistance with this? Any tips what I should be looking out for going forward? Or maybe somewhere else I should be looking that I'm not?

Message logging is now once again on.
UnityEngine.StackTraceUtility:ExtractStackTrace ()
Verse.Log:Message (string)
Verse.Log:ResetMessageCount ()
Verse.Log:Clear ()
Verse.EditWindow_Log:DoWindowContents (UnityEngine.Rect)
Verse.Window:InnerWindowOnGUI (int)
UnityEngine.GUI:CallWindowDelegate (UnityEngine.GUI/WindowFunction,int,int,UnityEngine.GUISkin,int,single,single,UnityEngine.GUIStyle)

Root level exception in OnGUI(): System.MissingMethodException: bool RimWorld.DropCellFinder.TryFindDropSpotNear(Verse.IntVec3,Verse.Map,Verse.IntVec3&,bool,bool,bool,System.Nullable`1<Verse.IntVec2>)
  at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.PawnsArrivalModeWorker_EdgeDrop.RimWorld.PawnsArrivalModeWorker_EdgeDrop.TryResolveRaidSpawnCenter_Patch1(RimWorld.PawnsArrivalModeWorker_EdgeDrop,RimWorld.IncidentParms)
  at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.IncidentWorker_Raid.RimWorld.IncidentWorker_Raid.TryExecuteWorker_Patch1(RimWorld.IncidentWorker_Raid,RimWorld.IncidentParms)
  at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.IncidentWorker.RimWorld.IncidentWorker.TryExecute_Patch3(RimWorld.IncidentWorker,RimWorld.IncidentParms)
  at RimWorld.RoyalTitlePermitWorker_CallAid.CallAid (Verse.Pawn caller, Verse.Map map, Verse.IntVec3 spawnPos, RimWorld.Faction faction, System.Boolean free, System.Single biocodeChance) [0x000a5] in <1b9c4c73530448bcbb33283e1d4d7d05>:0
  at RimWorld.RoyalTitlePermitWorker_CallAid.OrderForceTarget (Verse.LocalTargetInfo target) [0x00014] in <1b9c4c73530448bcbb33283e1d4d7d05>:0
  at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.Targeter.RimWorld.Targeter.OrderPawnForceTarget_Patch1(RimWorld.Targeter,RimWorld.ITargetingSource)
  at RimWorld.Targeter.OrderVerbForceTarget () [0x0000d] in <1b9c4c73530448bcbb33283e1d4d7d05>:0
  at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.Targeter.RimWorld.Targeter.ProcessInputEvents_Patch2(RimWorld.Targeter)
  at RimWorld.MapInterface.HandleMapClicks () [0x0001a] in <1b9c4c73530448bcbb33283e1d4d7d05>:0
  at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.UIRoot_Play.RimWorld.UIRoot_Play.UIRootOnGUI_Patch2(RimWorld.UIRoot_Play)
  at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.Root.Verse.Root.OnGUI_Patch1(Verse.Root)
UnityEngine.StackTraceUtility:ExtractStackTrace ()
(wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.Log:Verse.Log.Error_Patch2 (string)
(wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.Root:Verse.Root.OnGUI_Patch1 (Verse.Root)
Mods / [Mod Request] Alternative to Banishment
July 31, 2021, 07:35:05 PM
Really simply, many a time have I ended up with extra pawns in my camp that I don't really want.. be it that injured random that I rescued, a refugee seeking sanctuary, or a kid born from another mod. I don't want to "banish" any of these people, but I do want them out (RP wise because I can't handle having all these extras..)


Adventure/Pilgrimage/Expedition (or alternative). Have a way to send pawns away in a friendly way that make sense, without leaving a bad taste in anyone's mouth.

One step further could be to utilise the Ideology expansion pack as a festival before the "chosen one" goes on an adventure/pilgrimage/expedition of a lifetime, then have then coming back in 5-25 years with a little reward & flavour text of the obstacles they overcame.
Support / Royalty on DRM-free Edition
May 21, 2020, 07:49:50 AM

I stupidly bought the Royalty on Steam without having all my mods set-up on the Steam Version (prefer no automatic updating). But I don't know how to "import" it to my DRM-free edition.

I'll keep searching for any previous cases.
I'm going crazy here - I played the whole day on a host of mods, then the game crashed as I went into the mod menu, forcing me to re-organize all the mods.

But now I've ran into a problem - it keeps saying (even after a fresh install): "Recovered from incompatible or corrupted mods errors", with all these "Could not load UnityEngine.Texture2D" errors, before cancelling my mod load order. The mods aren't dependent on anything that I'm aware of, & I'm not seeing Any obvious connection... :'(

I'm stumped, as I'll enable Hugs / Jecs, then a random assortment of item/faction mods (up to 5) before I get this error message!

Has anyone come across this before? What should I be looking out for? :o
Ideas / Multi-Threading Without Multi-Threading
January 04, 2017, 11:44:44 PM
So I have 50 colonists constantly looking for a job to do. Check this, check that, can I do this, can I do that. Even with only 1 job ticked for each one, Speed 1 is jerking. The moment they all go to bed though (except those pesky Night Owls) my game runs super smooth - 105625 cells, dozens of mods, Speed 3 'n' all! So that got me thinkin'... The only other time it runs this smooth, is when I have 'em all drafted, or very close to this smooth when I disable every single Job.

The cure must be, Multi-threading. No one can deny that. Regardless of whether the task is too much work for certain people's opinions of the gain to be had. (Ultimately, different play-styles...)

Regardless, instead of "what will get me shot down" - can we have something in-game, that can "occupy the attention" of selected (being most) colonists to alleviate this dilemma? Effectively shutting down all their internal chatter to simulate the lag-free effect of shoving them all in Cryptopods?

I wasn't contemplating ideas to the solution here, but a template for one... so just making some stuff up on the spot as an example...

Alpha Concept: A simple tickbox for "Socialize Only", that'll effectively shut down All Jobs + Job Searching, in favour of just "chatting with the locals". Doubles up as a lag-reliever late game, along with a lacking social facilitator outside of getting people to chop blocks adjacent to one another, forever.

Beta Concept: Two work modes: "Efficient" & "Relaxed". Early game, especially with few colonists, the Efficient Work mode replicates what we have now. But late game, when your colony is very competent that strict efficiency for every single colonist isn't really needed (the same as in real life), queue Relaxed Work mode. Checks for jobs are reduced by a large amount, arbitrary lengths of time between checks (in order to avoid every colonist check-spamming-at-the-same-time lag? - remember, work-efficiency isn't key here, lag-efficiency is :P) & an otherwise increased focus on merely socializing. Again, this could be a simple Tickbox to alternate between the two to get by the lag late-game.
^ I quite like my "thought-up-on-the-spot" idea now... not only will it allow us "Multi-threading PLZ!" players the chance to squeeze more time out of the game before deciding that Multi-Threading is the Holy Grail, yet again, it's a nice roleplay concept that once the Colony has set up, they naturally become more relaxed. A couple Colonists will be dedicated workers full-time, but others have earned the right to take a step back. Get the farmers on Efficient mode, tick Efficient Mode when I want something done quicker & only really need to rush around when repelling invaders. I'll probably be playing on a 2nd map most of the time anyway (Caravans invading, setting up a 2nd colony, etc.).

Add-On Concept: Train mode (or combat train mode). Just add it in there so we can get some dedicated (through roleplaying) guards/soldiers. Disables all other job checks, & allows them to simply "Practice Skill" every day as their sole job, ready to repel/invade. Nice roleplay, gets them off the jobs ladder & personally, feels like a really nice touch to add as I currently feel like everyone is just a Civilian in Armour.

I'm not a coder, so hell if I know what I'm talking about. All I know, is that I want to just "carry on playing" instead of conceding to a force my Colonists can't even fight against xD (Multi-threading rules...)
Help / Research tech help
December 23, 2016, 03:42:10 AM
I'm in a game with far too many unprepared A16 mods that can't utilize the Research Web at all.

Unfortunately, 1-2, or possibly more, are off-screen below. As I'm years into this game, wondering if there's a way I can research them? Through any means necessary...

If it's worth noting, even if I enable Developer Mode, I can't see the box in the Research Web to insta research it - all I can see is the connecting line.

I humbly await someone's gracious aid to my pickle...
General Discussion / Small Query(ies)
September 30, 2015, 02:49:46 AM
Apologies - not able to find this elsewhere.

What determines the strength of an invasion when playing the "Gradually increasing difficulty A.I." ? Is it how much wealth you have?
What determines wealth- what's in my stockpiles?

Any Parameters that one might stay in to avoid massive invasions?