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Topics - christianmc1101

Stories / TIFU by not having a skilled builder
November 17, 2019, 09:41:24 AM
My Story began yesterday at 11pm.
I wasn´t really tired, so I played Rimworld. I wanted to have an Story, so I played the no load mode. I started my Colony with random colonists and build my first non electric wood base. It was running really well (except my dog having a heart stroke, but he didn´t died...) until a heat wave came...
I build my first generator and placed a cooler. When one of my colonists got downed, I looked what my builder was doing: nothing. Then I tried to command him to build that cooler, this is when I saw my builder wasn´t able to do that. I tried to dig in a near mountain, but I have no one who could mine with an acceptable mining skill. So they all downed because of heat strokes.
A Man in black come in (a husband of a colonist) and tried to save the colony, but he wasn´t a builder either, so I tried to flee with him.
A raider come in, downed him and took him away. My game was over.
Thanks Cassandra

TIFU by not having a proper builder and don´t thinking about the passive cooler
Ideas / Milk during Carawan
July 05, 2019, 04:49:04 AM
Why my colonists milk cows during being in a carawan? Is that a Bug or Feature? It would be nice if someone can fix that, so we can play as a nomadic tribe wandering around the rimworld.
Mods / [Mod-Request]Avoiding Zones
April 27, 2019, 07:47:37 AM
Is there a mod (or modder who can make it) what you let assign zones where people/Animals/guests shouldn´t walk when they don´t have an job to do exactly there, but let them when they need to? Possible rooms where it could help: Hospital, Fields (animals shouldn´t walk on there and eat the plants), fridges, dangerous zones like batterie rooms ect.
A Story for it:
Jim: Bob, what are you doing in the fridge? Why are you going in and out all the time?
Bob: I have nothing to do, so I am just wandering around a little, why?
Jim: You should know that it isn´t optimal when the door is open all the time.
Bob: I know
Jim: So why you are doing it?
Bob: Idk
Mods / [Mod-Request] Gas fabrication and more
February 06, 2019, 09:34:02 AM
I have an idea for an mod when its possible: Power to Gas (and Gas to Power). I will explain it with the steps
1. You need Water and Power to produce Hydrogen. The Water should come from Wells. A cheap Version for rivers, a bit more expensive version for ground (and maybe one for Oceans).
2. The Hydrogen can be stored in tanks (internal and external) and used by Fuel Cells when the power is needed.
3. The Hydrogen can also be used in a 2. maschine to produce Methan with CO2 (from the air, filtered with power, or stored one, how to get it later)
4. The Methan can be stored in tanks, be used to produce Chemfuel (needs power, CO2 and Hydrogen) or in a Generator.
5. The Generator produce Power (of course..), heat (maybe collerbarition with redist.Heat?) and CO2
6. The CO2 exeeds trough an Vent into the air or be filtered (with far less power than the collector for the air, because the concetration is much higher than in the air) and collected to use it.

2. Way to get Methan (earlier than with hydrogen and cheaper in components): Biogas
1. You get bio material.
2. Colonist can put it into a fermenter
3. Methan

Other items releated to Methan:
Gas lamps
Gas stove
Gas furnace
Event: Gas explosion: Can be make less dangerous with safety valves

The non Power ones should be immune to flares and cheaper to get as the electric ones, but more expensive than the wood ones.
Pipes wouldn´t be bad.
I hope you can understand it, and I hope, that someone is interested and capable to do it, too.
Mods / [Request] Going Simple!
August 05, 2018, 04:10:18 PM
Hello, I want a simple mod (I hope) that my colonists use nutrient dispensers instead of survival meals and my Animals eating gras in their allowed zone instead of hay.
That was it, thank you in advance!
Mods / [Mod Problem] Strange Bug
February 11, 2018, 03:21:48 AM
I have a small Problem with mods.
It seems that some mods cause a problem that you could not build on normal floor, but on water? Does Anyone know how to solve this problem (Or what mod cause this problem?) A Error Log will follow.
Mods / [mod request] Auto "No Drugs"
September 27, 2017, 08:15:17 AM
can someone make a mod that every new Colonist has the restriction "No Drugs"? I don´t want that a wanderer joins my colony and eats instantly my Ambrosia fruit..
Ideas / Nutrient Dispenser Priorize
May 13, 2017, 01:18:39 PM
sorry for my bad english, but I want to priorize the Nutrient Dispenser, Why my Colonists eat the (expensive) Survival Ration when they have a (also expensive) Nutrient Dispender? I think, Colonists should eat the Ration before raw food or corpses, but after the Nutrient Pasts
Well, I hope the picture says something...
Means the first "Dezember" or "Februar"? The second the same:
"Juni", "Juli"  or "August"?
And yes, I know that this is the unstable version.

Moderator's edit (Calahan) - Added another attachment of the same screenshot in a more mainstream image format.

[attachment deleted by admin due to age]
Mods / [Mod Request] Tamable Hives
July 20, 2016, 04:44:07 AM
can someone make a mod that I can the hives from the insects so that the insect also tamed? it doesn´t must spawn the jelly so I must feed them.