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Topics - N0xiety

Yes you heard it right... In a very 'funny' coincidence, friendlies managed to wipe out my colonists. What happened was, they landed on my colonists head in the middle of a raid, while my colonists were manning the mortars. Pods literally dropped through the roof and into the armoury where i keep my shells, and well, you can guess the rest...

Here is a pic of the aftermath. Those corpses with their heads blown off would be my late colonists and the ones who didn't outright get their heads blown off will be dead soon enough with their blown off limbs...
General Discussion / Ally Help...
December 03, 2018, 12:55:54 AM
So, i was in a bit of a bind with like 200 savage army staging outside my walls for an attack. There was no way i can handle that kind of assault without heavy damage to base and turrets would probably run out of bullets before they kill everyone, so i call both my allies for help. One of which is an outlander town, the other is another savage tribe. So first the outlander town shows up. They charge at the enemy army valiantly with 5 people! Yeahhh, all i can say is they weren't very smart... Just when i'm about to accept the losses i'm going to incur, a miracle happens! The other savage tribe sends their own 200 man army and an epic battle ensues! My guys start punding the enemy army with 10 mortars and they are soon routed in panic! Well, lesson learned. Trust on the savages for saving your ass when shit hits the fan!

On a serious note tho, what's up with this? Like, why did the outlander town just send 5 guys against 200? This seems like broken calculation or something if game perceives this as a fair fight. Or is there something that i'm missing here?

Make infection and scarring chance depend on;

Severity of the wound
Time it took for treatment to be administered
Treatment quality
Medicine used
Time it took for wound to heal


As it stands the doctor and the medicine used seems pretty much irrelevant. Scars don't happen because the doctor was a quack and botched the stiching or setting the bone, but because rng decides it. I wouldn't be so annoyed if rng decided if the wound is gonna scar or not after the treatment while the wound is healing, but no. It is decided the moment the wound is inflicted in the middle of the battle! So basically, in the middle of the battle the wound instantly heals and turns into a scar. It is quite ridiculous tbh.

Now that we are done with how scars are procured, lets talk about infection. Infection also isn't dependent on the quality of treatment nor the doctor. It is wholely dependent on how clean the room is and nothing else. When a wound is inflicted rng kicks in and decides if the wound is gonna be infected or not. Afterwards a hidden timer starts ticking and if the wound isn't treated, it will get infected for sure when the timer runs out. If the wound is treated, the infection chance will be reduced depending on how clean the room the treatment done was. The quality of the treatment nor the doctor doesn't matter. So basically you can have a level 1 quack or level 20 master doctor and it wouldn't make a speck of difference! The only thing level of the doctor effects is how fast he can patch up that wound and the tend quality. And the tend quality doesn't effect anything but the speed the wound heals. It doesn't effect scarring nor infection chance, which is what my problem is with this whole medical system...


This really shouldn't be that hard of a change. I want my colonists to be scarred or infected mostly because they got bad or late treatment or because their wound was very bad, not because they pulled the short straw in the middle of the battle. I don't want my '2/40 torso' almost dead colonist to heal to %100 even with a level 1 quack doctor and herbal medicine. If this kind of wound is gonna completely heal, it should be because the doctor, facilities and the medicine used were of top quality.

Believe me when i say this will add alot to the game and the story telling aspect of it. Most people see scars as an annoyance, and i do too, because scars are just a roll of the dice thing. My decisions or circumstances of the colony have no effect over it. So it is a complete annoyance. But if you were to make my decisions have an effect on the whole deal to some degree, this will change. If i couldn't give the best treatment to my colonist because my colony didn't have the means and he got a scar out of the ordeal, then i would be fine with that scar as the player. Every time i see that scar, it would remind me of that hard battle the colony have gone through and how my colonist barely survived the ordeal. It may still be an annoyance, but it would also serve a purpose in the story. It wouldn't just be a roll of the dice thing where my colonist got a magical wound that instantly healed into a scar in the middle of the battle. It would be because i as the player couldn't provide my colonist. I really believe this should be in the core game...
General Discussion / Scarring?
December 01, 2018, 06:33:35 PM
So, just to test it out i left a prisoner with 3 cracks, 4 bruises, 2 bleeding sratches and a bleeding crushed lung in the red with only 3/15, without treatment. He wasn't bleeding fast enough to die so i could observe him. It took more than a day for the bleedings to stop and another 5 days for him to recover on his own with my guys only feeding him but not tending to him. He didn't get a single scar out of this. Now i'm confused, how could this not be scarring? How does scarring actually work? If even a guy with no treatment in such a bad condition doesn't get it, i don't understand how anyone could get a scar? o_O
General Discussion / Infestations too easy?
November 30, 2018, 08:21:34 AM
Once you have like 2 melee dedicated guys with plate armor and power helmet, i feel like infestation becomes way too easy to defend against. Had one spawn in my base with like 150 bugs! Smack in the middle of my base. They covered like %40 of the area inside the base so you would assume i would be fked and forced to abandon base right? The reality is very different tho... They only had 2 main corridors they could pass through due to my design, and those 150 bugs were killed by just 2 melee warriors with minimal damage to them. Bruises everywhere, but they held the corridors like gods while the other colonists rained hell on the bugs from behind them. What i don't like about this is that the bugs can't push them out. Like seriously, how could 1 guy be able to hold 75 bugs on his own? That is just insanity! He would be thrown back like a ragdoll even if bugs couldn't penetrate his armor and my spartan style defense would have failed with bugs spreading to bigger rooms where they can reach my other colonists, which would force me to abandon base as i can't deal with so many bugs attacking at the same time. Even my godly melee guys would be killed if surrounded with so many bugs, but a corridor is enough to prevent that...
As i see it there is no enemy out there that wears power armor or has gear over superior quality. I tried modding it myself and found that there are price ranges put for armor and weapon spawning and that seems to be the reason why they can never spawn with power armor. I tried changing these values but it changed nothing. So i am asking experienced modders out there to take a look at it. It should be quite easy to do really but i just couldn't pull it off. If you could also make it so enemies can rarely spawn with power armor in Ice cap maps that would be great. Every enemy seems to be spawning with parka. I mean yeah thats how it should be since they need the cold protection but i want atleast some of the elite units to have power armor instead of their parka which should give them enough cold protection.
Just as the title says, i get raider and pirate attacks but all i see is enemies with dusters or parkas wearing power armor helmet only. I must have killed 3000 enemies by now and got like 200 power armor helmet but not even 1 power armor. So is this normal?
Now i have my best soldier Cassie with all bionic parts and 20 level shooting skill with carefull shooter trait.
On the other hand i have my cook - surgeon Ryan with all bionic parts and bad back with 4 level of shooting skill.

Now you would assume that Ryan would be a really avarage shot and my best soldier Cassie would be a beast that never misses a shot right?

This is where i facepalm... Yes it is true that Cassie never misses a shot but so does Ryan it seems... I noticed it in a raid when i saw Ryan putting down enemies with dead accuracy. Then i checked their shooting accuracy in the information pannel and much to my suprise Ryan the bad back cook has 99.18% accuracy even with his 4 level of shooting because of the bionic parts while Cassie the perfect soldier has 99.60% with her 20 level shooting skill, carefull shooter and all bionic parts but she fires %25 slower because of the CAREFULL SHOOTER!!!

So what was the carefull shooter and shooting skills purpose if they are going to have the same accuracy??? Why did i even nurtured the perfect sharpshooter if she is not going to be better than a frikin cook with bad back who has 4 levels of shooting skill??? Only difference is my perfect sharpshooter fires %25 slower because of her skill... Seriously!!!

I would atleast be ok with it if the accuracy goes over %100 so that my perfect soldier can use even the worst of guns with dead accuracy while my cook would only be good with excellent guns for example but that is not the case here... My perfect soldier is worse than my cook because of the %25 aim time penalty...
Now i know there are mods that can replace the brain with another or fix it outright or even use an AI as a substitute but i would say they are not balanced or very realistic in terms of how they fix the issue. So here is my suggestion for a mod.

Brain damage as a concept is lacking so here is my suggestion. Brain damage will effect a persons memories and personality depending on the severity of the damage. This means a person with brain damage will have their character skill levels reduced and passions randomised depending on the severity of the brain damage that happened. For example if the 2/10 of the brain is damaged then all the skills will be reduced by %20 of their value and there is %20 chance of their passions getting randomised. If the 5/10 (half) of the brain damaged all the skills will be reduced by %50 and there is %50 chance of their passions getting randomised and so on. (I know this is not too realistic either but it is all we can do without creating every brain section there is and applying ability reduction according to damage done to the part which would be a huge chore to mod in. Be my guest if you want to do it tho. Would be awesome)

Now lets talk about fixing the brain damage.

We will need to buy something called Nanogoo from traders for this. It will be quite expensive and require a doctor with 15+ level medicine to operate since surgeon needs to know where to apply the goo. If he applies it to the wrong location of the brain this might cause bigger problems so someone really experienced needed for this.
After applied, Nanogoo cells will replace and adapt itself to the brains destroyed parts but the brain will still be damaged since brain itself isn't fixed its just that there is another matter in place of the destroyed parts as a substitute working together with the intact part of the brain. It will give back the abilities of seeing, hearing and consciousness immediatelly and completely since they are basic abilities. On the other hand while fixing the parts of brain which are needed for talking, movement and manipulation it won't give back the abilities outright. When Nanogoo is applied the colonist will be able to gain back these abilities completely but this will need time and effort. For talking he will need to do social activities while for manipulation he will need to do tasks(cleaning, building, cooking, mining and so on... Basicly anything that effects manupilation.) and for movement, he only needs to walk around. Every action will give some kind of xp towards gaining back his abilities slowly. So for example, walking every 1000 tiles will give %1 of his moving ability back or doing 100 social activity will give %1 of his talking ability back and so on. (These are just numbers off my head and can be further balanced so don't take them seriously.)

What are your toughts on this? I am really annoyed how we can't do anything for our brain damaged colonists but to harvest their organs and euthanize them. There are mods that harvests a brain from another person or uses an AI core to replace the damaged brain but that would mean our colonist allready died and someone or something else is using their body as a vessel so i say no to that.(Especially using someone elses brain.. Doesn't even makes sense.) Using Nanogoo means we didn't loose our colonist outright atleast. Some part of him is still in there. (Or i would like to believe that)