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Topics - Highlandman

Mods / [Request] Plastic Surgery Mod
September 05, 2016, 10:16:07 AM
 I have some very good stat colonists that are unfortunately very hard to look at, and because of it they get rebuffs over and over again to the point of breakdown. :(

I thought a plastic surgery mod would be cool way to fix this.
The way i imagine it, it would be a new surgery requiring a high level of medicine skill (18+), a glitterworld medicine, a good amount of plasteel (75 if ugly, 150 if staggeringly ugly) and gold as well, to pay the good doctor;
Could only be performed in a Medical Bed;
The procedure would delete the Ugly or Staggeringly Ugly trait;
The recovering pacient would have moderate pain and remmitent rejection of the new skin (as is used by Ykara in "Realistic Medical System"> ) for a long time to counter the benefits of not being an ugly mofo anymore. :P

I don't know if something like this is possible, as I have no mod skills, but hey, I just thought I could share this idea.