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Topics - Seinne

Bugs / [A16] latest unstable research bug
December 18, 2016, 01:39:44 PM
What happened:
Loaded a game this morning and received a incoming raid warning at the same time a research project completed. So, having finished hydroponics, I choose Microelectronics's next, then closed the window to go deal with the raid.
Raid didn't go well at all, three pawns downed by frag grenades, (got a yellow warning on dev console about explosions btw). I decided to reload the save to see if I could do better.

What I expected:
I expected a raid and research ending message to pop at about the same time again, and I knew the raid wasn't guaranteed to be the same, (it wasn't, it was a mad animal encounter that popped I believe).

What happened:
The research pane popped open and stated that microelectronics(not hydroponics)was completed, and to pick another subject.

I checked to make sure I didn't overwrite the old version with the frag attack but I hadn't. So I think I'm going insane because I can't figure out how this could happen, but I'm reporting it just in case.

[attachment deleted by admin due to age]
Mods / [mod request] Fog of War
December 02, 2016, 10:30:14 AM
Was wondering if any of you modding Gods could tell me is its feasible, or create is you so desire, a mod that adds FOW 'fog of war'.

I've always thought that yes, you probably have an accurate map of your surroundings due to spaceship technology and what not, but after the crash or playing as a tribe, how is it possible you know what's walking around on the far side of the map, on the other side of that mountain range?

I'd love to have a FOW option where your pawns have varying LOS depending on wearable or surgical tech, and the ability to create deployable sensors like either the ones on planet Hoth(maybe like from the misc robots mod) or portable ones like the mineral sensor from the mining mod(I forget the name right now).

Anyways, I think it'd make the game a bit harder but more realistic.

What do you think?
Mods / Mod request:Bed Toggles ANSWERED
November 22, 2016, 08:43:04 AM
Can it be possible to make a mod so that you have  ONE bed and have a toggle switch for guest mode right next to the medical and prisoner options? Not sure the game was designed with guest beds being a separate thing anyways.
Mods / Prisoner food
November 03, 2016, 01:25:13 PM
One thing that has always bothered me about this game is the fact that my pawns will feed my prisoners the best quality food they can get their hands on, leaving my tribe to eat berries and nuts...

Is there something I can edit somewhere(or more likely one of you modders that knows how this game works)
to reverse prisoner preference for food? let them eat berries while my pawns feast for a change!

Or in a best case, could someone add a slider bar to the pawns that controls food quality(or no food at all) like the bar that allows med quality?

You could name the mod "No soup for you!"