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Topics - bleedo

Help / Extending ThinkTrees instead of copying?
May 06, 2014, 01:22:12 PM
There might be something I'm missing, but I have the impression that in order to extend the humanoid thinktree, in particular for colonists, you have to copy the entire existing thinktree and reference the new one in an overridden pawn thingdef?
This will as far as I can understand make the last mod loaded "win" ownership of the thinktree.
Is there some other way to extend the trees so all mods could extend existing core behaviour?
I hit something of a brick wall while making the muffalo breeding mod.
I was hoping to make it more generic so all the animals could breed, or at least just have baby muffalos with different max health, and possibly include the alpha muffalo mod with a small change.
Thing is, maxhealth is defined on the thing def, so same race pawns can't have different max healths.
It would make perfect sense for babies to be weaker. (Come to think of it, I forgot to try make them drop less meat)
It would also be nice to be able to spawn herds with random pawns of the same (inherited) race with the wildlife spawner.
At least a reference to the parent definition would help solve some of the trouble I'm having.
I set the "MuffaloBaby" thingdef to have "Muffalo" as parent, but other than getting the same values, there's no apparent link between the two.

Not sure whether this is too difficult to achieve with the current architecture or I'm missing some obvious workaround. :)

To sum up, here's a few different solutions/nice to haves I can see:

  • Keep a reference to parent defs
  • Call out for modding in thing factory
  • Allow for, or make it obvious how to extend defs
  • Add an override for maxhealth on ThingDef
  • Spawn Pawn of kind x with thingdef y
  • Spawn wildlife herd of kinds inheriting x with random thingdefs inheriting thingdef y (I know, I get dizzy too)
Outdated / [MOD] (Alpha 3F) Muffalo Breeding v.1.0.2
April 27, 2014, 07:16:34 PM

Muffalos breed when animal numbers are getting low.
I felt it would be more natural than random new herds.

Female muffalos will mate with the male ones and get pregnant as soon as animal numbers get lower than limit.

Release notes

  • Newborns are babies for a day
  • Now accounts for max herd size
  • Timing and movement adjusted

  • Now accounts for EcosystemFull value
  • Females finds closest male and both move together
  • Females might not have enough lust

  • Prototype


On hold until A4.


  • Animal Husbandry like some of @Vas' ideas.
  • Might just make every animal type able to breed, but it's a start.

    • Needs better support for thing/pawnkind inheritance in the core to be feasible
  • Might even make colonists breed. :)

PS. Sorry, can't post much more on the forum. My current status is "Muffalo", and that's too appropriate to mess it up.
- Oh snap! I'm a drifter... :(

[attachment deleted by admin: too old]
Attached save and a nice screenshot to boot.

Don't envy you debugging that one. :)

Plain A3.410, no mods.

[attachment deleted by admin: too old]
Bugs / Colonists stopped cooking and eating raw food
April 25, 2014, 05:58:22 PM
Looks like it happened after I deconstructed my nutrient paste machine. I'm attempting to rebuild it in the attached save and hoping they won't starve to death before they do. :)
Notice the empty meal storage, full raw food storage and hungry peeps. All are set to cook, but nobody does it. Both simple and fine enabled.

It actually looks like it resolved itself after a while, but for some reason nobody wanted to cook for a long time. Enough to make them starving and crazy.

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