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Topics - matheryn

Mods / MOD IDEA - Stockpile item limits
December 08, 2018, 09:12:01 PM
Could someone please make a mod that alters stockpiles so that you can set limits on the items that go in them IE I have a conveyor belt that carries 60 carrots that passes 2 stockpiles and I want 30 carrots to go into each stockpile so the filter on each stockpile only allows 30 carrots each
Mod bugs / CTD Issues
May 27, 2017, 03:40:55 AM
im having a few issues with a17 atm I seem to have quite a few mods running but approx. the same amount I was running in A16 or rather most of the mods I have are upped from A16 and yet I seem to be having a lot more crashes presumably caused to out of memory problems is there any way I am able to fix this without having to remove x amount of mods. my system has 8gig of ram so memory shouldn't be too much of a problem not to mention that the game is 32 bit so it only will allow a max of 4gig cap.

If any info is needed please let me know and ill attach said info
Mod bugs / Food Eating Issues
April 24, 2017, 06:16:34 AM
Currently I have been having pawns going and grabbing food and attempting to eat it but instead after a few seconds dropping the food to the ground only to try again. This happens over and over until they starve to death. Not only my pawns but visitors aswell. It happens wether they are standing and eating or sitting at a table and so far ive only noticed it happen when they are eating packaged survival meals or simple meals. It has only started happening over the last week IRL and I haven't changed anything in the mods that I have during that time.

The mod list I have is quite large and I am aware that there are quite a lot of conflicts in it, here is the game launch conflict report

The list of mods I am using are

Core, HugsLib, Miscellaneous 'CORE', Misc. Robots, Misc. Robots++, Architect Sense, Faction Discovery A16, Prepare for Romance!, RomanceDiversified, Hospitality, Moody, Colonist Bar KF, Mo'Events, [SS]AdvBody, Numbers, Medical Tab, WorkTab, Animal Tab, Colony Manager, Colony Leadership, Stack Merger, A Dog Said..., High Tech Laboratory Facilities, More Trade Ships, ED-ShieldsBasic, ED-Laser Drill, ED-ReverseCycleCooler, HealShield, Training Rack, Less Arbitrary Surgery, Call of Cthulhu - Cults A16, Call of Cthulhu - Factions A16, Call of Cthulhu - Straitjackets A16, Call of Cthulhu - Industrial Age Objects A16, Call of Cthulhu - Factions - Items Only V1.7 A16, Call of Cthulhu - Cosmic Horrors A16, ProgrammableVents_A16, Set-Up Camp, Chihuahua!, VG_Garden Medicine a16.1, CaravanSpot, Trading Spot, Path Avoid, [A16] Kitchen Counter and other shelves, [FSF] Buildable Terrain A16, ConcreteWalls, Better Stockpile Designator, Glass+Lights, PrisonExtensions, Selling prisoners with no guilt, Prisoner Harvesting, PrisonerRansom, Core Driller, Core Driller - Glitter Tech Addon, Core Driller - Imperial Guard Addon v1.1, Core Driller - Stone Addon, Stack XXL, Lockable Doors, Industrial Rollers, Blueprints, Better Pathfinding, ReclaimFabric, Steel extraction, Infused, Dye Vat, Fences And Floors, More vanilla factions, Tranquilizer Rifle v.0.5, Area Unlocker, Misc. Training, Mine Tech, portable reactor and cooler, Temperature Control, Temperature Gauge, RimFridge, Cooks Can Refuel, Agriculture, Plowed Earth, Canned Food, Hunting Restriction, CPBeasties, [sd] advanced powergeneration, Simple Nuclear Reactors, More Batteries, Craftable Synthetics, DermalRegenerator, Bionic Replacements Crafting , The Birds and the Bees, Outfitter, Artificial Organ, AC-Enhanced Crafting, Power Logic, Medicine Kit Crafting, Recolor Stockpile, Armor Crafting, GHXX Tech Advancing, Static Quality Plus A16.1.2, Roof Support A16, MiningCo. MiningHelmet, RIMkea, Time-of-Day Switches, Hand Me That Brick, Misc. Bees'n'Honey, Floor Lights, Enlighten, [sd] goodnight, [sd] round tables, LED Technology [A16], Advanced Hydroponics Basin, Storage Crates, MiningCo. ForceField, MiningCo. LaserFence, Repair Workbench, [T] MoreFloors, Sniper Turret, Stuffed Floors, ExtendedStorage, Surgery Kit, Dubs Rimkit(Medkit), [FSF] Cookable Survival Meals A16, More Vanilla Turrets, Patchwork Leather, RT Power Switch, ArmourRepair, Dubs Skylight, Misc. Objects, LT-DoorMat, RT Fuse, Derek's Lighting Mod, MJ - MiniMap (A16), More silver for traders, Glitterworld Medicine Craftable, Extended Crafting, [sd] bridges, FishIndustry, Fertile Fields + FishIndustry + [sd] Bridges Compatibility, Floored, Sustainable Drill, [T] MoreBedsVanilla (for More Furniture), Mechanoid Recycling, AC-Enhanced Hauling, Area Rugs v1.04, Refugee Stats, 体変更, Efficient Light, RedistHeat, Expanded Prosthetics and Organ Engineering, [T] ExpandedCloth, Nackblad Inc Rimhair, Embrasures, Glitter Tech, PowerSwitch, Furnace, Sun Lamp Power, Bo's Milkable Animals, Efficient Animal Feed, HydroponicsBasinWithOwnSunLamp_A16, Transgender Mod, Kura's Extra Minerals, ZWAnimals A16, [SS]Maid Project, Mind Altering Device, Animal Hoods, [SS]King's slaves, Immersive Human Sounds, Change Dresser, Tale Log, DDA Security and More, Realistic Rooms, PhiClient, Stun Gun, Organized Research Tab, Select Turret Target, Better Pawn Control, Hardworking animals, Cheaper Components, More Manhunters, SS Animal Station, Additional Joy Objects, RimWorld Minions V3.1, Cocoa's Windows, Impassable Map Maker, XWoods, Arcane Arts, Greyer morals mod., Hunt for Me, CPBeasties ADS Patch, [FSF] Growable Grass A16, FashionRIMsta, Outfitter A16 - Infused, Chihuahua! - ADS Compatibility, Mod List Backup, Vegetable Garden , Weapon Tech, [FSF] Carpets of the Rainbow, Vanilla-friendly Weapon Expansion, Glitter Tech - Trader Patch, Storage Search A16, Psychology, and Double Population Max V1.0

If anyone is aware of the problem and knows a way of fixing it I would be greatly appreciative.
Mods / Mod Requests for animals and journal
February 28, 2017, 11:57:07 PM
This is a 2 part mod request

1st - It would be awesome if someone could make a mod to allow us to rename the animals after we tame\breed them

2nd - Ive noticed there are a lot of things that happen IE events and such that has a quick info message at the top of the screen but after it has disappeared there is no way to find out what it was so it would be awesome if someone could make a mod that adds a journal to the game that can be opened and has all event messages recorded in it.

Mods / (mod request) concepts
July 19, 2016, 10:02:13 PM
1. Something that bothers me so far is the fact that your starting characters have random everything except names - I would love for someone to be able to create a mod that allows us to choose everything in the character creation section for our starter characters only please.

2. having the ability to control social interactions in the game would be great please

3. increasing the stack size of stored items to 200 per stack would be fantastic at least till we get storage containers.

4. having the ability to build up or dig down would be great I understand that this is not a 3d game but other 2d games have been able to do this IE towns, gnomoria ect so if any smart modder out there is able to do this I would be very much appreciative

5. More animals like pandas, penguins, coyote, sloth, or possible more alien variety animals would be awesome

6. a way to dispose of unwanted items via a trash compactor

7. pregnancy

8. animal feed troths where feed degrades slower than on the ground

9. ability to move or expand on large map and trade between settlements

10. plant splicing to create new unobtainable varieties of plants

11. education system where skilled peons can teach unskilled peons specific skills at a higher learning rate

12. room designations where only specific peons can enter specific rooms like how the bed system works

13. rail system where carts can get peons to areas faster

14. fishing

15. boats

all these ideas are great and all as ideas and I have no idea if they are able to be created in mod form but I would love it if some talented modders out there would look at these concepts and give them a try