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Topics - Aldrahill

Video / Melee Only - A17!
May 30, 2017, 09:31:47 AM
Aldrahill, an experienced blacksmith and melee warrior, moves to a new land. He will raise an army of fighters to rid the world of bandits!

New series for A17, going MELEE ONLY. No guns!

Decided to accept a save crafted by my lovely viewers. I have no idea what custom events they've made, the weather conditions or... anything whatsoever. So, let's find out :(

Watch here!
Video / Psychopathic Slavers - The Best Way To Survive
January 16, 2017, 08:00:33 AM
Streaming some Psychopathic slavers right now, hopefully going to make a lovely prisoner compound.

Link here if interested!
So, I read someone's idea for a Rimworld game that I thought would be really enjoyable.

Basic premise; you are only allowed to stay in one location for 15 days. After that, you MUST migrate. It has to be at least a full day of travelling away from your location, bringing only what you can carry with you each time - no revisting locations.

Obvious end condition is to make it to the escape AI thing.

Any particular advice for this? I'm thinking of making this into a new LP series, but I've not played like this yet!

So, A16 is out and it's Christmas.

Decided to make a weird game; Prepare Carefully Santa Claus, his wife and 4 elf servants. They are heavily armed and supplied (including Muffolos, Caribou (Reindeer!) and Huskies for some reason. They're going to grow tons of drugs and sell all over the place, killing pirate gangs if they try to muscle in on Santa's territory.

Ho Ho ho.

This is part of a Let's Play I'm doing on my channel - didn't want to break forum rules and put a link here unless it's asked for, so I've made a separate topic in the Videos subforum.
Video / A16 Wanderlust - Santa's Drug Lab
December 24, 2016, 09:01:38 AM
Santa Claus is coming to town! Santa and his wife Martha Claus have taken their 4 happy elves (captured siblings tortured until compliant) to the North Pole (frozen wasteland) to make some toys for all the good children of the world (... Drugs. They're making drugs.)

This was a weird idea, but it's pretty fun!

Episode 1:

Video / Making a Beach Resort in Rimworld!
August 20, 2016, 12:02:49 PM
Rimworld is amazing. I'll be doing a Let's Play building a Beach Resort with an AMAZING map seed! Playing on Cassandra Challenge with a custom colonist and 2 randos. Come watch me make a Beach Resort for all my guests!
View the playlist here:

Episode 1 here:

This seed is brilliant, seriously. Seed name is "shoe" and the smallest map size, coordinates are "17.14, 25.71"

Colony Manager
Medical Tab,
No Visible Hate,
Stonecutting Tweak
Efficient Light (GET THIS)
Mad Skills
Cheaper Components
Follow Me!
A Dog Said...
Community Core Library
Expanded Prosthetics and Organ Engineering
EdB Prepare Carefully
Hi all,

I write for as a reviewer so I thought I'd share with you all my review for Rimworld. It's honestly in a different style to anything I'd do normally but... Hey, Rimworld is a very different king of game.

Here's the review:

I'm also doing a Let's Play of it on my own YouTube channel, so if you're interested you can find the playlist here:
Video / Rimworld - Let's Play Castle Aldrahill!
July 21, 2016, 05:11:30 PM
Now that Rimworld is out on Steam, I decided to do what I do best and build a castle - Castle Aldrahill to be specific!

View the playlist here:

Subscribe and Liking helps a lot!

I hope you guys enjoy it; I'm having a real blast with Rimworld so far.

Expect videos once a week! (I'd do more, but I'm travelling for a month so videos are only every other day :( )

Finally playing Rimworld after all these months, going to be streaming it and building a castle!

I mean, let's hope I don't get completely rekt first...