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Topics - Tgr

Mods / Simple request - greater skin color range
January 15, 2020, 05:28:06 PM

Simple request here. Is there a way to extend the color palette for colonists to be slightly more inclusive of people with darker skin tones? Currently the range appears to stop only at the bottom left image.

Get out of here in advance with any racist bullshit or ranting about SJWs, please. There's hundreds of millions of people alive today with darker skin tones than that currently appear in game, which is also weird because in the Rimworld setting you could easily have entire planets with nonwhite populations. It would also add just a tiny bit more visual variation to colonists.

If anyone knows how to adjust this that would be interesting to figure out.
Ideas / Darker skin colors
July 29, 2017, 03:59:36 PM
Pretty simple. Currently the game will only spawn people with skin as dark as the attached image - it certainly could pass for a medium toned black person, but it also is only as dark as, say, people of SE Asian descent.

This does not reflect the diversity of skin color around the globe, and given this is a game in which your colonists are supposed to represent people from the entirety of human experience around a massive galaxy, I think we could afford to add one more gradation on the current color scale to represent that.

I think this is a very easy fix that will make the game more interesting and inclusive, and give some pawns a little more variety and thus personality.

(I am not accusing anyone of racism and your "wah wah social justice warrior" replies have been anticipated and disregarded in advance. thank you. :) )

[attachment deleted by admin: too old]
Some feedback:

I'm using a lengthy modlist. This game has no built in modlist saving feature - yes, I am aware of the modlist saving mod - and it does not have any options whatsoever for sorting mods in the mod menu. None. Yet for some incredible, inexplicable reason, I just enabled a single additional mod, and when I restarted the game gave me a helpful message informing me there was an error and it chose to deactivate every single mod and overwrite the pre-existing ModsConfig.xml.

I love this game and I love Tynan, but if this error happens again I'm gonna delete it from my installed games. If you've been playing this game for an extremely long amount of time, you could easily have dozens or hundreds of old mods floating around in your modlist. More to the point, it's incredible to me the game doesn't just default back to the previous modlist, or at the absolute very least, backup the ModConfig.xml file before overwriting it so you could try to fix it manually.

This is more or less analogous, in terms of wasted time and grievance, to the game deleting all your save files when it detects an error with a specific save file.
Mod bugs / Crash on load, out of memory bug
January 29, 2017, 12:58:12 PM
Hi guys,

I like many other people recently have suddenly seen the game crash upon load due to save bugs. I do have quite a few mods loaded but it is only very recently the game crashed when attempting to load, making me suspect the problem is a recent mod update.

Note that since this save was made I updated to the hacky A16 version of Apparello, disabled the spotlight mod because it was throwing so many errors, and disabled a few music mods to try and lower the RAM usage. However, none of this allowed me to load the save :(

Link to save:

Link to error log:

Link to full crash log: