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Topics - Yodarkore

What's the difference between subscribing mods in the steam workshop and manually downloading them?

Is that only related to saved game corruption? I'm used to mod a lot in other games, so I dont bother upgrading mods as I can usually upgrade them myself. Steam workshop insure latest mod version to be available, but so far, (im new player here), i read in multiple places its safer (for this game) to manually install them. Toughts on it?

Edit: Typo

Just to say it is painful to register and post on this forum because of questions made only for fluent english speaker... I had to google to find solutions and get registered here, and i used to consider myself a decent english speaker, as I'M NOT english or american.... So find another way to prove you are not a bot to register, like a good old captcha, but stop questions done only for native english speaking people...

My 2 cents...