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Topics - Goryus

Ideas / Big list of simple traits
November 11, 2016, 11:54:39 AM
Vegetarian - gets a mood buff from eating vegetables, and a mood debuff from eating meat.
Carnivore - gets a mood buff from eating meat, and a mood debuff from eating vegetables.
Platonic - isn't interested in romance.
Shy - doesn't converse with others much.
Talkative - converses with others very frequently.
Unfaithful - more likely to engage in affairs when in a relationship.
Devoted - unlikely to engage in affairs when in a relationship.  Has a higher than average social opinion of their partner.
Perverse - finds disfigured people attractive.
Nyctophobe - Gets a mood debuff whenever they're in the dark.
Workhorse - Can carry more than the average load.
Lightweight - Can't carry as many objects in a stack.
Tough - gets reduced mood debuffs from experiencing pain.
Wimp - gets heightened mood debuffs from experiencing pain.
Polygamous - is willing to start a relationship with someone who is already in one.
Sleepy - has a reduced consciousness value.
Traitorous - may one day betray you and become hostile.
Art Lover - will only find Joy in viewing art.
Couch Potato - will only find Joy in watching TV.
Pool Shark - will only find Joy at a Billiards Table.
Gamer - will only find Joy at a Chess board.
Fixer - Gets a mood debuff if your colony contains any broken down equipment.  Gets a mood buff whenever he fixes something that broke down.
Planner - gets a big mood debuff, but becomes happier and happier the more of the research tree you've completed.
Miser - gets a big mood debuff, but becomes happier and happier the more wealth your colony accumulates.
Populist - gets a big mood debuff, but becomes happier and happier the larger your colony's population becomes.
Clean freak - hates being in a dirty environment.  Will drop whatever they're doing and start cleaning if they see dirt.
Homesick - gets a mood debuff whenever outside of the "home" area.
Promiscuous - does not have to be in a relationship to get Lovin'.
Hunter - gets an accuracy bonus while hunting.
High metabolism - food bar empties more quickly, requiring more meals to stay happy.  Gets an efficiency boost.
Hummer - likes to hum a lot.  Makes other people dislike him slightly.
Amiable - won't start social fights.
Hat lover - isn't happy unless he's wearing a hat.
Bisexual - is romantically attracted to both genders.
Sweet tooth - gets a mood debuff, but gets a large mood buff from eating Chocolate and Insect Jelly.
Cremator - wants to be cremated when they die, and makes this known.  Other colonists get a mood debuff is this colonist is buried.
Salesman - gets better discounts when negotiating with merchants.
Gullible - gets charged extra by merchants.
Persuasive - better at convincing prospective colonists to join you.
Bumbling - sometimes drops items they are holding.
Obsessive - when they join your colony, one random colonist is selected as their "crush."  They have a very high social opinion of that colonist and are extremely attracted to him/her.
Artillerist - better at manning mortars than your average colonist.  Reduces the shot time and improves accuracy somewhat.
Fashionista - loves tailoring clothes.  Gets a mood debuff if not assigned to tailoring.
Swimmer - can walk through water / marshy areas.
Expensive tastes - gets a mood debuff if their bed isn't made from a rare material.
Claustrophobic - gets a more severe mood debuff when feeling cramped.
Paranoid - unless wearing a tinfoil hat, gets a large mood debuff when near a Comms Console or an Orbital Trade Beacon.
Committed - more likely to make and/or accept marriage proposals.
Philosophical - more likely to engage in Deep Talk with other colonists.
Superficial - less likely to engage in Deep Talk with other colonists.
Friendly - seems to have a high opinion of everyone.
Suspicious - seems to have a low opinion of everyone.
Deaf - hearing stat is reduced.  Isn't bothered by "Creepy Breathing," "Annoying Voice," or "Hummer."
Outdoorsman - gets a mood debuff from being indoors, and a mood buff from being outdoors.

List of simple usability improvements is here:
Some of these may already be planned for Alpha 16.  And some of them are probably bugs.  But here's a list anyways.

- Add the ability to reinstall a deep drill.
- Reduce the electricity usage of Standing Lamps.
- Make being a patient override the "Work" setting in a Pawn's schedule.
- Make turrets respond to animals that attack due to hunger.
- Make infestation mobs trigger traps (IEDs / deadfalls / etc)
- Add a prosthetic nose.  (I don't think there is currently a way to resolve disfigurement stemming from loss of nose.)
- Don't automatically expand the Home Area around security objects like Sandbags and IEDs.
- Add a "build dirt floor" option using existing dirt floors
- Add "Make rough floor" option, using existing rough floors
- Add "Make very rough floor" option, to deliberately slow movement through areas
- Make the "Animal Revenge," "Raid," "Manhunter Pack," and "Infestation" events switch your time controls to "Paused" (not just normal speed).
- Remove the strike-through on fast forward that happens after all of the above events.
- Add duplicates of the "Expand / Clear Allowed Area" buttons (found in the Orders tab under Zones) to the "Restrict" and "Animals" tabs. 
- Makes Pawns automatically prioritize adjacent clumps of special ores whenever they finish mining such a chunk, provided that they are also marked with a mining order.
- When an item on the ground is selected, draw a line from it to any workbench with an active Bill for which it is a valid ingredient.
- When you right-click an item on the ground, also display the Bill options from any/all workbenches identified above.  (e.g., "Prioritize Disassembling Mechanoid" appears when you right click a Mechanoid corpse, if a valid workbench with an appropriate Bill was identified for it)
- Add the same skill restriction that exists for Art to all forms of crafting.  (Allow setting skill restrictions on Smelting, for example.)
- Add the same priority system that exists for Stockpiles to Bills, to help colonists prioritize them.  (Low / Normal / Preferred / Critical)
- Add the same priority system that exists for Stockpiles to Construction Blueprints.  (Click on the blue print to set)
- Use the existing priority system for Stockpiles to also control hauling order.  (Items for Critical stockpiles are always hauled first.)
- Make "gunshot landed here" and "explosion happened here" events trigger a Flee reaction in colonists configured to do so.  This will make them much less likely to wander through a gun fight in order to, say, harvest some crops.
- Allow crematoriums to be re-installed.
- Eject the body of a crushed pawn (due to roof collapse) out the side so they can be buried.

This game is awesome, please keep making it awesome-er.

List of simple to implement traits is here:
Ideas / Simple suggestion for improving relationships
October 05, 2016, 02:56:40 PM
It's often hard to tell why relationships aren't going right, or aren't forming at all, in your colony.  A lot of this is because relationships are heavily controlled by the hidden Compatibility and Attraction values.  It also doesn't help that these are completely independent from the pawn's opinions of each other.  So sometimes you have two pawns who have no attraction and aren't compatible, but the only messaging a player sees is that they have a +100 opinion of each other.

An easy way to make this more intuitive would be to expose the Compatibility and Attraction values to users by making them have an impact on social opinions.  For example, when looking at the social relationship between too pawns, you could see

  • +3  Seems compatible
  • -3  Finds unattractive
  • +5 Finds very attractive

Etc.  This way you can know which pawns find each other attractive, and which pawns are compatible with each other, and their actions towards each other would make a lot more sense with that added context.

Next, there are a lot of restrictions on Lovin' that can prevent it from happening at all if certain thresholds aren't met.  If two pawns are in a relationship (Lovers / Fiancees / Married), there should be a minimum probability threshold for Lovin' that's always above 0.  (It doesn't make much sense to call pawns Lovers when they have no actual ability to be Lovers.)  So, IF we're in a relationship, AND LovinChance <= 0.01, LovinChance = 0.01.  Something like that.

"Beautiful," "Pretty," "Ugly," and so forth should also have an affect not just on social opinion, but on the Attraction stat.  I think right now it's just completely random.  Along the same lines, Compatibility should slowly improve over time if Pawns have a positive opinion of each other, and slowly decrease over time if pawns  have a negative opinion of each other.  These changes will make the way Attraction and Compatibility work a lot more intuitive.

Just my $0.02.  :)  This game is amazing, by the way.