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Topics - mugenzebra

Help / Raiders with power armors and lvl 20 shooting?
December 12, 2016, 04:00:11 PM
Just saw a post in suggestion board. Having raiders with power armors and lvl 20 shooting sounds like indeed extreme. This sounds entirely moddable. Any thought?
Mods / Mod for allowing doctors treating themselves?
November 29, 2016, 04:17:11 PM
I wonder has anyone thought of this yet. If everyone else is downed or only one colonist is left, the situation can be dangerous if he gets injured. Little injuries should be allowed to be bandaged by the pawn itself , and self surgery should be allowed for exceptionally skilled doctors. But the speed of the treatment should be slowed.  How would this mod be approached to code? I couldn't find anything after searching 'right click' in source code.

How I started
I personally play Rimworld like farmville, and I found managing animals are hard, especially once I started raising about 200 animals. So I created this mod to help alleviating the efforts of managing animals, as of now (will add some numbers for colonists later). This mod shows calculations and graphs in a tab, where there are two sub-tabs, one showing a graph containing projected estimates of yields and stocks for a number of days, which is adjustable through the horizontal slider, up to 60 days; the other tab has more verbose calculations, you can take a look at the screenshot. My personal best record on the number of animals I can feed is around 600, and it was with the help with my mod.


This mod is built based on the assumption of feeding herbivores with hay and feeding carnivores/omnivores with kibbles. All estimated yields and consumption are based on real-time states of the crops and animals. So to get the best estimated value, for example for crops grown outdoor, it's better to wait until light is 100%, which is usually around 9-10AM. For animals, hunger rates will be much slower if they are hungry, urgently hungry or starving; animals eat whenever they feel hungry, so animals' hunger rate will mostly stay at their maximum values if food is enough. We will take this as an assumption and use their maximum hunger rates as the basis for our projected consumption rate. To obtain the best calculation, it's simply better to wait until all animals are fed, perhaps around 9AM, based on my personal experience.
On top of the graph, there are dots that indicate the important dates. You can hover over them to see descriptions. One important date I consider is the end date of growing season. Once when growing season is over, crops grown outside won't grow, this is not taking into account fully yet, but once the cold season hits, you won't be able to see much yields. This suffices for my personal usage at least.
There's a horizontal slider at the bottom of the graph tab. It allows changing number of days to be graphed and calculated, from 1 to 60 days.

Download Link:

License: MIT

My Plans
I have many features to be added. I'll try to add them when I see fit as I play Rimworld and test my mod at the same time. Features I wish to add include
1. working on better model for predicting: (this is a little difficult, need to think about how to do it.)
    a. accounting for eggs and pregnant animals to prediction population growth and food consumption,
    b. accounting for slaughtering animals and meat production amount,
    c. calculating optimal size of growing zones and number of crops needed to feed colonists and livestocks,
    d. factoring in work, amount of time,
2. choosing food sources, done, also tested with Vegetable Garden and other mods that add plants
3. potentially implementing bar graphs if I got a chance after core features
4. adding note-taking capability, done
5. showing a list of animal species and their adult, infant, teen number, and total nutrition consumption , done

Finals words
This is my first mod after playing Rimworld for 3 weeks. I personally would like to have some feedbacks, so please don't hesitate to comment. Thanks!

update #1:
implemented a bunch of functionalities, currently stock prediction is not enabled, I am working on building better way to allow users to build a model on the fly.
Analytics sub-tab page is not usable because I overhaul the entire code.
Mods / How is GUI usually designed?
November 11, 2016, 01:15:11 AM
I just recently started modding, and I handcraft the GUI. Do other modders do that? Or they have better tools?
Help / How to find items in my storage in C#?
November 10, 2016, 10:57:50 PM
Hi, does anyone know is it possible to find items in my storage like I can find all my animals with
p in Find.MapPawns.AllPawnsSpawned
                     where p.RaceProps.Animal
                     select p

I really hope there's an API documentation on this, is there?
Edit: I actually found my VS2015 can look into Assembly-CSharp and see all the interfaces!
Help / how do I access baseHungerRate def in C# code?
November 10, 2016, 09:06:10 PM
Hi I just began modding and I got GUI part figured out and start doing the core of my analytics mod, my first question is how do I access baseHungerRate def in C# code?