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Topics - lllMWNlll

Calçados A0.4
- 6 Handwears
- 10 Footwears
Their objective is to increase game speed and protect feet and hands. There is a moment when you reach in game you noticies your base it's not efficient has it should be. That's why... They don't have speed enough to cross your entire base or hunting down a far away animal. So to remedy this, shoes should solve this! increasing their speed. In Combat i grow tired of losing feets fingers and my TOES, I SAY NOT ANYMORE.

Inspired by Hand 'n' Footwear mod by XeoNovaDan
Anyone? Anyone?

I'm not playing B18 neither B17, i want 1.0

Someone can help me?
Ideas / Z-Levels / Buildings should have a second floor
January 14, 2017, 08:52:25 PM
...3rd floor, 4th floor, 5th floor, 6th floor, 7th floor, 8th floor... you get it...

If you build a base, you see it grows all sides... Separated bedrooms, separated workshops (if you don't put them all in one house ;D ), dinning room, hospital, prison, barn, strategically placed sanbags, turrets and tripmines and don't forget the great farm you need to have. IF you use mods then you have a guest room, bathroom and more things.

You realise you make a huge settlement almost at the edges of your map. I particullary find this inconvinient because the raids comes from the edges, no time of response...

So let's build taller buildings!

Let not's get this overpower though... The choosen material should dictate the height(?or weight?) of the building, for example:
The most used materials:
*Wood    - allows 2 stores buildings.
*Steel     - allows 3 stores buildings.
*Plasteel - allows 4 stores buildings.

There's a lot of things to think about, if a raid destroys below walls what happens above?
*"They fall..." with a lot of materials, colonists, animals.
How they get up these floors above?
* Elevators, stairs, ropes, startrek teleporter (ENGAGE),
Colonist could shot below targets through windows, embrasures.
* Vanilla game dosen't have windows or embrasures, but they can shot from flat top buldings. The most higher the "guard tower" more will be the minimum range that can be shooted due to angle.
And enemies from bellow can shot the colonist over this tower?
* Of course. Same logic has before but from the inverse. I think they should be prioritized though.

It would be great! There's my suggestion.

Moderator's edit (Calahan) - I've edited the title of this thread to (hopefully) make it easier to find via the search function.
Mods / [Mod Request] Cryptocaskets for prisoners
December 21, 2016, 10:26:07 PM
Hey someone could could enable prisoners to be assigned to the cryptocaskets, right now, i got 12 prisoners and i really like to put then to sleep so i can sell them in future. Pretty simple i guess.

Prisoners "in stasis" dosen't eat, dosen't feel cold or hot, dosen't cost nothing. I wish to make a prison of cryptocaskets, but vanilla dosen't have this "tecnique".

Suggestions for make it more interesting:

* Prisoners that not "yet in stasis" feel a negative mood buff around (-10, -5).
* Colonists also should have a negative buff.
* Trading prisoners should also counts the ones that are "in stasis" but with a less value, because the risk from cryptocaskets sickness would make them useless to be "slaves" even if temporary.
* Prisoners could get out from stasis in beserk, in this case very rarely (i suggest 1 beserk case for 500 prisoners in stasis).
* In Prison Breaks, prisoners that are not "in stasis" should open cryptocaskets for their "comrades" to make their great escape.

That something to think for the mod. If something like that request already exists please answer me :)
Mods / [Mod Request] More generators of eletricity
November 15, 2016, 02:59:39 PM
Hey, everyone!

Can someone tell me where i find a mod to add more eletricity buildings, i have solar panels, wind turbines, fuel generators, and the geothermical generators.

I need more building producing, could someone point me a mod, or think start developing one.

It would be really apreciate.