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Topics - megatech2795

Mods / Freezing rooms to -400 degrees
January 13, 2017, 01:58:13 AM
Does anyone know of a mod where I can effectively freeze a room solid? I' talking around -400 or lower. I'm using it to experiment and just mess around but I found that even 10 coolers on lowest temp couldn't accomplish this. So if any of you know of a mod or a way to get a room that cold do let me know and thank you.
Mods / Request Torture Mod
January 11, 2017, 01:56:34 AM
Hello I know this sounds strange but let me explain. I'm sure we've all seen it, that one character ALWAYS screws you over. Whether its the guys who always has a mental break due to drugs, or the guy who just has constant mental breaks at the worst times. We as players can get incredibly angry at these things and I know as a fact i'm not the only one who has killed or arrested one of these colonists. A torture mod would be just something really cool to see. Whether it be.. well I won't make any examples as to not hinder those here who get queasy or such easy. Anyways focus the mod however whether it be on pain, injury, pointless torture, etc. I would just like to see something like this as a mod. Thank you for your time. And besides using luciferium gets old.