Welcome to my Mo Drugs Mod!
Personally, I felt that there was a lack of drugs in the base game, so I took it upon myself to add some new ones, and make it vanilla friendly. Most names, and most textures are close to vanilla, and the balancing is based on vanilla as well. There are a total of 14 new drugs, listed below:
Berserker Drink
Blue Ice (Blue Meth)
Chem-Mud (Fentanyl)
Mud (Heroin)
Inteli Max
Ice (Meth)
PainAway (Oxycodone)
Red Ice (super meth)
Relief (Codeine)
Wide Eye (MDMA, Ecstasy)
Zopiclone (sleeping aid)
There is also a CE compatible version, which makes some of the drugs reduce suppressability. This is V2, so there may be some balancing issues or other things I need to fix. Just reply or DM me on discord if you find anything (seanandjay29#2651)
Updated the versioning so it would stop giving yellow errors, and some stimulants now alter a pawns hunger rate as suggested by someone.
CE Version