As a disclaimer: it's not my idea and I accidentally stumbled on it in a mod but I think it has amazing story and roleplay potential and plays off established tropes (e.g. the Terminator movie). It also gives a new purpose and reason to keep pets. If an animal happens to nuzzle a colonist with a metal horror in it, there is a chance it will sense the metal horror and will act weird, and if there happens to be another non-infected colonist nearby, there is a chance they will spot it.
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Bugs / [1.2.2753] Colonists not getting along for no obvious reason
December 19, 2020, 11:30:47 AM
I know it's a long shot, posting just in case there is a tricky bug hidden there but feel free to delete if it doesn't make sense.
Colonist Antonina gets bullied by colonist Mandrill and to a lesser extent by Antigonos as well. There is no obvious reason for this - no conflicting traits, they started well due to Antonina's "kind" trait, good mood, 2 of them have decent social skill, etc.. And yet every time they are together, Antonina gets middle finger flipped in her face. I've even tried to keep them in the same room and they stubbornly refuse to have a deep conversation.
Posting this just because some of them do have negative traits, e.g. Mandrill is misandrist, and maybe that gets applied incorrectly to Antonina (who is female).
Colonist Antonina gets bullied by colonist Mandrill and to a lesser extent by Antigonos as well. There is no obvious reason for this - no conflicting traits, they started well due to Antonina's "kind" trait, good mood, 2 of them have decent social skill, etc.. And yet every time they are together, Antonina gets middle finger flipped in her face. I've even tried to keep them in the same room and they stubbornly refuse to have a deep conversation.
Posting this just because some of them do have negative traits, e.g. Mandrill is misandrist, and maybe that gets applied incorrectly to Antonina (who is female).
General Discussion / Being betrayed by refugees is trivial because they don't carry locked weapons
December 06, 2020, 08:36:26 PM
I just experienced my first event where the refugees I've been hosting betrayed me and I must say that while I really love the idea, the actual event is a non-threat. It would have been much more exciting if they carried some serious weapons that were impossible to remove. Either that or at the very least if upon betrayal they would go to the stockpile and arm themselves with something better than "27% poor steel knife" they arrived with.
Bugs / [1.2.2723] Farskip doesn't skip animals on battle map but works on world map
August 29, 2020, 09:29:36 PM
Not sure which one is the intended behavior but I think at least the inconsistency is a bug. My caravan got ambushed by manhunting animals and tried farskipping back home but all my maffaloes got lost. Just out of curiousity, I reloaded, won the battle, reformed caravan, and farskipped from world map and everyone made it home safely.
General Discussion / I wish rebelling against Empire was a viable game path
August 18, 2020, 08:47:44 PM
Currently siding with Empire gives you powerful permits and a reliable source of psylinks that are not for sale otherwise. Opposing the Empire, however, removes all that and gives you nothing in return, making a join-vs-oppose dilemma a no brainer.
I wish this was balanced better and there were some incentives to oppose them. Perhaps fighting empire makes pirates friendly and Empire essentially becomes the new pirates for you? And then pirates have black marker of psylinks and other goodies which you can use to quickly level up psylinks with cash as opposed to bother with honor and stuff. Which obviously would come at the price of powerful raids from Empire. Another way to balance it a bit could be making the tribute collector an actual tribute collector. It always puzzled me a lot that scary-sounding "imperial tribute collector" just hangs around begging for a donation and then leaves empty handed.
I wish this was balanced better and there were some incentives to oppose them. Perhaps fighting empire makes pirates friendly and Empire essentially becomes the new pirates for you? And then pirates have black marker of psylinks and other goodies which you can use to quickly level up psylinks with cash as opposed to bother with honor and stuff. Which obviously would come at the price of powerful raids from Empire. Another way to balance it a bit could be making the tribute collector an actual tribute collector. It always puzzled me a lot that scary-sounding "imperial tribute collector" just hangs around begging for a donation and then leaves empty handed.
General Discussion / Is there a way to hide "broadshield" picture on my colonist when not in combat?
August 17, 2020, 12:02:23 AM
I love the idea and picture of broadshield but only when in combat
Outside of the combat, in day to day life, my colonists now look like ninja turtles and ideally I'd love a way to hide the graphic. I think it's even consistent with the rest of mechanics, e.g. how weapons are not constantly visible when colonists are harvesting potatoes, etc..
Outside of the combat, in day to day life, my colonists now look like ninja turtles and ideally I'd love a way to hide the graphic. I think it's even consistent with the rest of mechanics, e.g. how weapons are not constantly visible when colonists are harvesting potatoes, etc..
Bugs / [1.2.2723] Locust armor recipe is not showing up
August 16, 2020, 04:40:33 PM
Hello, my colony was originally built on 1.1 and when I upgraded to 1.2, I already had all the armor researched. I can build all armor types including Phoenix and Grenadier but the recipe for Locust is not showing up in the tab and therefore I cannot make it.
Bugs / [1.2.2723] Meteor fell on stony soil and left rock-floor after I mined it
August 16, 2020, 09:57:45 AM
Not sure if this one is intentional. I am on extreme desert and used pumps to create more soil where I can plant. A marble meteor fell on that soil and once I cleared it, my soil in that spot is gone - it's now marble floor.
Bugs / [1.2.2723] "Sold prisoner" mood even though I didn't sell anyone
August 15, 2020, 08:48:52 PM
I've just rescued a pod survivor who joined me, his name is Biaga. For some reason he has "Sold prisoner x 2" mood even though it has been many years since I sold anyone into slavery.
Save file:
Save file:
General Discussion / After playing for a while I find it odd that all the quests are very close by
August 08, 2020, 02:08:03 PM
Just something I realized - I've played the game for a long long time and never had to travel far away for a quest. Essentially the rest of the planet doesn't matter - it could have been just the immediate neighborhood. I think it would be really cool if distance would be factored into quest reward. I'd love to travel half the world away or to some hard to access island to get a legendary monosoword or a stash of resurrection serum or something else like that. Get resupplied with pods on the way, camp for the winter, etc. Would be quiet a story to tell
Bugs / [1.1.2654] Don't know what are the underground resource patches that I scanned
August 04, 2020, 11:50:06 AM
Not sure if this a bug or intentional but currently once I scan an underground resource, that initial message is the only way to tell what resource it is. I have to take notes manually to later remember which resource patch is which.
Bugs / [1.1.2654] Non-stop food poisonings after cooking=0 pawn made some simple meals
August 03, 2020, 03:55:18 PM
Reporting just in case there is something off with math because it looks fishy; save file:
Colonist Maverick had cooking=0 and made some simple meals. Clean sterile kitchen, etc; never had this problem before. I've had more than 10 food poisonings in a span of 3 days due to "incompetent cook" - essentially my entire colony is permanently poisoned now and it keeps happening again and again. In colonist's stats food poisoning chance is listed as 4% and by 3rd day of almost everyone being poisoned, this starts looking like something more than a mere chance
Colonist Maverick had cooking=0 and made some simple meals. Clean sterile kitchen, etc; never had this problem before. I've had more than 10 food poisonings in a span of 3 days due to "incompetent cook" - essentially my entire colony is permanently poisoned now and it keeps happening again and again. In colonist's stats food poisoning chance is listed as 4% and by 3rd day of almost everyone being poisoned, this starts looking like something more than a mere chance
Bugs / [1.1.2654] If you shoot at thrumbo while it's leaving, it will not attack you
July 03, 2020, 11:52:10 AM
This one can be somewhat of an exploit - if you wait until thrumbo gets bored starts "leaving", you can shoot at it, which triggers "revenge" message and if you select thrumbo, it has "Maddened: Manhunter" text; even the combat music starts playing. However, nothing else will happen and the thrumbo will keep slowly walking away as you keep shooting at it.
Bugs / [1.1.2654] Thrumbo can eat an unplanted tree
July 03, 2020, 11:31:49 AM
See screenshot. This is probably more in the exploit territory rather than an outright bug. On an extreme desert you can save your crops by "planting" cacti in front of a thrumbo - it will just keep eating the not-yet-planted cactus and moving on. Interestingly they do ignore hay grass next to them, presumably because it's not grown up enough.
Bugs / [1.1.2654] Are traders much more frequent now?
June 07, 2020, 04:19:19 PM
Reporting just in case - I am not sure if this is real or not but compared to my pre-royalty 1.0 experience, traders are super abundant now. Oftentimes I have several trade ship in orbit at the same time. Some times a caravan arrives as another one is leaving. If I remember correctly, I think I even had 2 ships while caravan was already hanging out at my base in this playthrough and another one arrives immediately as current one left.
(I do have mods but nothing that should mess with traders; mostly cosmetic stuff)
(I do have mods but nothing that should mess with traders; mostly cosmetic stuff)
Bugs / Kind trait doesn't exactly work the way it is worded
May 25, 2020, 11:43:55 PM
Not sure if it's a text or code bug but there is currently a mismatch in the way "kind" trait is advertised and how it works
In the text is say "...and never judges people by their appearance". Initially I was excited and thought that I'll finally have a colonist that won't be flipping middle finger to another fellow colonist who got ear or nose scratched while defending the colony. Alas I was wrong. This "kind" guy was very much judgmental towards his mother no less, when she crashed in a pod and was lying there bleeding out, but worst of all, she had a scratch on her ear.
In the text is say "...and never judges people by their appearance". Initially I was excited and thought that I'll finally have a colonist that won't be flipping middle finger to another fellow colonist who got ear or nose scratched while defending the colony. Alas I was wrong. This "kind" guy was very much judgmental towards his mother no less, when she crashed in a pod and was lying there bleeding out, but worst of all, she had a scratch on her ear.
Bugs / I want my old splash screen back :(
May 25, 2020, 10:16:56 AM
Sorry, I do realize this is super minor and silly and I don't know which subforum to post this to but... I kind of really liked the old Rimworld splash screen (the first image you see once game loads) over than Royalty dude with a glass of wine I see now. Is there a way to bring back the old image (broken spaceship with Rim in the background)? Or maybe even a setting to randomize the image that shows up on startup (e.g. Endless Legend does this).
General Discussion / How does Empire fit into Rimworld lore?
February 25, 2020, 09:23:13 PM
Hello, I didn't get a chance to play yet so maybe it's explained in the game but how does Empire fit into RW lore? I thought since humanity never invented FTL, everyone was disconnected and spread all over the Universe. I can't find the source right now, but originally it was in a google doc somewhere, meant for people waking up from cryptosleep. I am a huge fan of RW and RW lore and I am worried how a big organized structure like "Empire" fits in here? Or I am just imagining too much and it's not WH 40k kind of Empire but more like US Federal Government in its earliest days of existence? So organized enough to pose a threat but not organized enough to be big enough threat to actually take control of the RW?
Bugs / Minor inconsistency: no effects from refusing a chased refugee who is a relative
June 14, 2019, 08:37:51 PM
One of my colonists has a mother who, according to "social" tab, lives with a friendly tribe. One day I receive "chased refugee" event - she is being chased by pirates. I refuse to help and receive the usual text about screams in the radio. However, when I examine my colonist, nothing is there - his mother is still fine and lives with the same friendly tribe.
Bugs / Does time inside cryptosleep casket count towards getting rid of addictions?
June 12, 2019, 11:15:24 PM
I have a prisoner with wake-up addiction and I am fairly certain they were at about 20% of their wake-up need (so I'd need to administer it soon). A mech ship dropped so I put the raider into casket for several days and when I took her out, she was a 41% withdrawal. Not sure if this is intentional but if it is, it can be very exploitable to get rid of addictions. No mods, vanilla latest version.
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