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Topics - SihvMan

Releases / [1.0] Rim of Madness - Bones V2.0
May 18, 2017, 04:39:38 AM
Rim of Madness - Bones

Build stuff out of bone!

When butchering animals, you will now also receive some bone material. These bones can then be used to build anything that could normally be stuffed out of wood. This includes walls, doors, furniture, workbenches, weapons, and some armors.

Good For?

  • Tribal play-throughs, before stone-cutting is researched. Bone has no flammability, so can be used to fireproof parts of your early base.
  • Extreme biomes, where wood is scarce.
  • Chicken farmers! Build your hens a new coop out of the bones of their family!
  • Cultists. After all, alters to elder gods are best made out of bone!
  • Any hunting heavy colony. Before long, you'll be able to build EVERYTHING out of bone!
  • Cannibals. Got to do something with all those human bones

Bone Stats:
Version 2.0 of this mod has bone with identical stats to wood, with the following exceptions

  • Flammability is reduced to 0 (Bones aren't very flammable).
  • Sale value of bone items reduced to 75% of similar wood items (hopefully, if I set the correct values).
  • Bone can't be used to fuel fire items (campfire, stove, generator, etc)
  • Sharp and Blunt multipliers swapped.



  • Version 1.0 - Initial Release
  • Version 1.1 -

    • Bows and Pila are now tagged for 'Wooden', allowing you to make bone bows to go with your bone spears.
    • Bones are now dropped directly from butchering (THANK YOU Razzoriel). Skeleton items will remain until V1.2. Please disassemble all skeletons before then.
  • Version 1.2 -

    • Bone Ash/Bone China added - Made in the crematorium. Use as a weak alternative to silver for beautiful art.
    • Bonecrete added - Made at the refinery after appropriate research. Stronger stone alternative, takes more material.
    • Bone Polymer added - Made at the refinery after appropriate research. Weaker/lighter metal alternative, takes less material. Can be combined with steel to form plasteel at refinery.
    • Defs and assets removed for skeletons. Please remove all such items from your base before upgrading.
    • Steam release
  • Version 1.2.1 - Fixed crematorium bug
  • Version 1.3

    • Miscellaneous XML tweaks
    • Compatability for Megafauna, Tiberium Rim, Cosmic Horrors, Animal Collab, and Beasts of the Rim added.
    • Patch Generating Code now in the patch folder
  • Version 1.4

    • New way of adding bones thanks to Nightinggale.
    • Bones now naturally added to all creatures (even modded one). Patches are now needed to remove bones instead (for mechanoids and the like) instead of adding bones. Compatibility is even higher now.
    • Fixed the bones carried before meat 'bug'
  • Version 2.0

    • Now part of the Rim of Madness Collection.
    • New mod config menu to alter bone drops.
    • New art!
    • Skull throne!
    • Can now extract marrow from bones. Marrow can be eaten like pemmican, or used to make gelatin.
    • Skull masks! Can craft at either the crafting spot or the tailor bench.

If you have a mechanoid adding mod, and don't want them dropping bones, simply make a patch with;
<Operation Class="PatchOperationSequence">
<li Class="PatchOperationAdd">
<xpath>*/ThingDef[defName = "DEF OF MECHANOID"]/statBases</xpath>

Future Plans:

  • Figure out humans and bones Done
  • Bone floors? For now, the stuffed floor mods will have to suffice. Done.
  • Skull Lamps and Skull Throne - Pending art assets. Done.
  • 'Advanced' bone materials, gated behind research. Done.
  • Ivory art Done. Renamed bone china.


  • SihvMan (Me)
  • Nightinggale - Patch Generating Code. HUGE TIMESAVER.


  • Razzoriel - For pointing out the alternate XML tags for butchering.
  • damngrl - For initial fish industry patch.
  • Dark_Inquisitor - New bone textures.
  • bonesbro - Crematorium bug fix

You are hereby allowed to modify this in any way for your own personal use. Please do not re-release this mod anywhere else.

If you wish to include this in a modpack, please PM me for permission.

How to install:
- Unzip the contents and place them in your RimWorld/Mods folder.
- Activate the mod in the mod menu in the game.
Help / XPath Patch Failing
May 18, 2017, 01:13:12 AM
I need some help.

I am attempting to use the new A17 xpath patching method to replace the tusk that drops when butchering elephants. However, each time I try it, it kicks out a red error message with a hard to understand error log.

Here's the code I'm using to patch;

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>


  <Operation Class="PatchOperationReplace">
  <xpath>//PawnKindDef[defName = "Elephant"]/butcherBodyPart</xpath>


[Bones Mod] Patch operation Verse.PatchOperationReplace(//AnimalKindBase[defName = "Elephant"]/butcherBodyPart) failed
Verse.Log:Error(String) (at C:\Dev\RimWorld\Assets\Scripts\Verse\Utility\Debug\Log\Log.cs:48)
Verse.PatchOperation:Complete(String) (at C:\Dev\RimWorld\Assets\Scripts\Verse\Mods\PatchOperation.cs:62)
Verse.LoadedModManager:LoadAllActiveMods() (at C:\Dev\RimWorld\Assets\Scripts\Verse\Mods\LoadedModManager.cs:84)
Verse.PlayDataLoader:DoPlayLoad() (at C:\Dev\RimWorld\Assets\Scripts\Verse\Defs\Databases\PlayDataLoader.cs:92)
Verse.PlayDataLoader:LoadAllPlayData(Boolean) (at C:\Dev\RimWorld\Assets\Scripts\Verse\Defs\Databases\PlayDataLoader.cs:32)
Verse.Root:<Start>m__858() (at C:\Dev\RimWorld\Assets\Scripts\Verse\Global\Root\Root.cs:49)
Verse.LongEventHandler:RunEventFromAnotherThread(Action) (at C:\Dev\RimWorld\Assets\Scripts\Verse\Global\LongEventHandler.cs:439)
Verse.LongEventHandler:<UpdateCurrentAsynchronousEvent>m__856() (at C:\Dev\RimWorld\Assets\Scripts\Verse\Global\LongEventHandler.cs:353)
Help / Butchering Recipes
May 16, 2017, 12:04:26 AM
I've looked in the RecipeDefs, AnimalDefs, and everywhere else I can think of. Where is the items dropped on disassembly/butchering listed? Specifically, how would I add items to be give during butchering to that?