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Topics - sera13

Outdated / [A17] Apini – Playable Bee race 🐝
March 12, 2017, 06:28:30 PM

Apini Mod
A mod where you can play as giant sentient bees.

• Bees as a playable race
• Apini neolithic factions
• Custom Bee name lists & backgrounds
• Apini scenario to start with (neolithic)
• Honey and Beeswax production
• Beeswax walls & floors
• Lore friendly
• Bee aprons!

This mod requires Humanoid Alien Framework 2.0 to run. Put this mod below HAF 2.0 in the load order.



Mod Download

Direct Download


EPOE Plug-in by Xen
ApiniTech by ZE


Sera Art, Design & XML
CHjees C# Code, XML & Design
Erdelf Additional help and the framework in the first place
Xen Created the EPOE Plug-in. Also has a GITHUB
ZE Azuri Sprite Edits & Apitech

How you can help!
You can submit Apini backstories here: Survey
You can also suggest features and bee names in this thread.

I now have a ko-fi page!


Q. Is this compatible with mods that already add honey?
A. Yes.

Q. Is this compatible with the previous alien framework (v1)?
A. No.

Q. Can I add this to a pre-existing save?
A. Yes, but Apini factions will not appear unless you have orions's faction discovery.

Q. Can I remove this safely from a save?
A. No.

Q. How do I do X or Y?
A. Turn on the learner helper, it has tutorial tips on how to use features of this mod.

Q. My apini have respiratory failure???
A. Highlight for answer: Apini suffer respiratory failure from smoking. As long as they don't smoke again for a while it will wear off.

Q. Is there an EPOE patch?
A. Right here! Thank you to Xen for making this.

Q. Why can't Apini have bionic legs?
A. Balancing issues: imagine, four bionic legs.
Q. Apini suck at mining!
A. That is intentional. Apini are much better at building their homes than digging them out.

Q. Why don't Apini have stings?
A. Lore wise Apini were genetically engineered by humans for terraforming. The first thing humans would remove from giant bees is the sting.

Q. Can I get a queen Apini?
A. No. Queen Apini will never be playable pawns.

Q. Can I use parts of this mod/edit this mod for my own purposes?
A. Sure! But if you publish something with what you use, please credit this page.

Unfinished / [A16] [WIP] Apini – Playable Bee race 🐝
February 16, 2017, 02:11:35 AM
I'm planning to make a playable bee race. Here is the design document:


I'm good for artists/coders, but I would like people to look through the document and maybe put for suggestions (I've turned comments on the google docs)

Once I have the design doc solidified, I'll update this post with a summary of the mod+features.
Help / Hediff giving Hediff
February 04, 2017, 02:43:00 AM
How would I make one hediff give another with xml only.
For example I have 2 hediffs, hediffA: an infection, & hediffB a chronic condition. I want the infection to cause a permanent chronic condition. How would I go about doing this?

Thanks for your help.