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Topics - JesterHell

Ideas / Pawn Personality (reworked traits system)
May 24, 2017, 02:12:48 AM
So, I was cleaning up my computer when I found this text document from last year and in it was a suggestion I was working on for Rimworld about giving pawn more "personality" by reworking the traits system into a "personality" array, I'll be honest this suggestion should really be reformatted and cleaned up.... but here it is anyway.


I think that the current trait system is a bit lack luster as it can be quite limiting at times and I don't think anybody likes the way sexuality take up one of the three possible traits, so I got to thinking about how to fix it and then remembered that I'd had a half formed idea back when pawn relationship was first being considered.

I think that all traits should be grouped into arrays and that every array should focus on one aspect of a pawns personality or character being decided into inherent/subconscious, habitual/conscious and beliefs/values.

Inherent and subconscious traits are nigh unchangeable aspects of a pawn with change only occurring with heavy effort or though events, such trait would be things like appearance, sexuality, psychic sensitivity ect.

  • Sexuality
Homosexual - Bisexual - Heterosexual - Asexual - Zoosexual

I chose zoosexual over transexual because transexual is not actually connected with a persons sexuality, by which I mean a transexual whom feels like a woman in a mans body might be sexually attarcted to women but with a zoosexual it is about sexuality in that it directly relates to sexual preference, also I think that zoosexual could be used to discribe people with a preferance to "furry" partners like the "trananimals" that exist in the rimworld primer's lore rather then just beastiality.

  • Appearance
Beautiful - Pretty - Normal - Ugly - Staggeringly Ugly

  • Voice
Soothing Voice - Normal - Annoying Voice

  • Natural Body Temperature
Cold Lover - Cold Tolerant - Normal - Heat Tolerant - Heat Lover

  • Nerves/Willpower
Iron Will - Stead Fast - Average - Timid - Spineless

  • Intellect
Too Smart - Smart - Average - Slow - Very Slow

  • ???
Masochist - Average - Sadist/"bloodlust"

  • Psychic Sensitivity
Psychically hypersensitive - Psychically Sensitive - normal - Psychically Dull - Psychically Deaf

Habitual and conscious traits are things learnt over the course of a pawns life and while easier to change then inherent or subconscious traits it would still be difficult and would require a concentrated effort.

  • Work-Ethic
Industrious - Hard Worker - Average - Lazy - Slothful

  • Activity Level
Jogger - Fast Walker - Average - Slowpoke - Dawdler

  • Merriment
Party Animal - jovial - Average - Grouch - Killjoy

  • Living Decorum
Extravagant -Lavish - Average - Sparse - Austere

  • Etiquette
Gracious - Affable - Average - Abrasive - Antagonistic

  • Natural Mood
Sanguine - Optimist - Average - Depressive - Pessimist

  • Love Propensity
Hopeless Romantic - Romantic - Average - Cool - Cold-Hearted

This trait would impact how probable a pawn is to starting or accepting of relationships.

  • Lust Propensity
Promiscuous - Amorous - Average - Cold - Frigid

This trairt would impact how probable a pawn is to accept a one-night stands or to cheat on a SO if they have one.

  • Combat Style
Careful Shooter - Trigger happy - Average - Brawler - Gladiator

  • Hate Propensity
Zealot - Bigot - Average - Tolerant - Magnanimous

This trait would impact a pawns acceptance of differing values in other traits, some people dont judge while others do and this affect social interactions and the easiest method I think as a non-coder that having opposing sides of the same trait "group" act like the abrasive trait to each other while "average" gives neither a bonus or negative, an example being Work-Ethic.

  • Work-Ethic
Industrious - Hard Worker - Average - Lazy - Slothful

Lazy vs Hard Worker = - 0.1 to all social interactions
Lazy vs Industrious = - 0.2  to social interactions
Hard Worker vs Slothful = - 0.2 to social interactions
Slothful vs Industrious = - 0.3 to social interactions

After all have you ever worked with someone who you feel is not pulling their weight? how did that make you feel about them? but there are also positives for when they "align"

Lazy vs Slothful = + 0.2 to social interactions
Slothful vs Slothful + 0.3 to social interactions
Hard Worker vs Industrious = + 0.2 to social interactions
Industrious vs Industrious = + 0.3 to social interactions

Under this system bigots would suffer an extra -1 to social interactions when traits conflict while the tolerant would get a bonus +1 to a max of 0 (no negative).

Finally Beliefs and values represent the things a pawn believes like monotheists, polytheists and atheist while values represent things like vegetarian and vegan.

  • Theism
Polytheist - Monotheist - Agnostic - Atheist - Anti-Theist

  • Dietary Ethics
Vegan - Vegetarian - Omnivore - Meatatrian - Carnist

  • Marriage
Polyandry - Polygyny - Monogamy - Open Monogamy - Polyamory

  • Clothing Tradition
Exhibitionist - Nudist -Average - Prissy - Prude

  • Drug Ethics
Chemical Fascination - Chemical Interest - Average - Teetotaler - Prohibitionist

  • Cooperation/Competition
Collaborative - Communal - Average - Striving - Champion

  • Nature/Industry
Naturalist - Green Thumb - Average - Gear Head - Industrialist

  • Artwork
Artist - Creative - Average - Uncreative - Critique

  • Gender
Hates Men - Dislikes Men - Average - Dislikes Women - Hates Women

This is separate from sexuality in that its a pawns general feeling to a gender not their "attraction" to them.

  • Augmentation
Prosthophile - Average - Prosthophobe

So thoughts? please feel free to expand upon any of these ideas or tell me why I'm wrong if you disagree.


So that was it, I just copy pasted it from the text document without refining it but I think its enough to understand the general idea.