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Topics - Stickle

General Discussion / What does the machining table do?
November 09, 2014, 03:49:01 PM
I searched on the forums and in google but I haven't really found any information about it. The game says it disassembles and assembles machine components, but I'm not seeing that. I was able to disassemble a centipede, but as far as I can tell it just disappeared and nothing came of it; and I have no way to create a bill to assemble anything.

What am I missing, or is it just mostly placeholder at this point?
Ideas / Fire-related AI
November 15, 2013, 01:58:32 AM
I know it's been brought up before in a general context, regarding colonists putting out fires and colonists being set on fire and running away from the people trying to help them...

But I just experienced a raid of a bunch of guys with incendiary launchers... And while losing half my colonists to an inferior force is occasional part of the game, it's just frustrating when it's so stupid. "Hey they set me on fire! Time to leave the safety of my cover and run around in circles, probably straight towards those angry men and women with guns, who happen to be shooting at me!"

Even worse, occasionally they stop running around while on fire and stand out in the open to continue fighting, but they absolutely refuse to get back under cover... In a remotely even match (which I've been aiming for, no cheesy defenses and no turrets), a single hit from an incendiary launcher or molotov is a guaranteed dead colonist. Molotovs have short range and  you can sometimes micro around, but incendiary launchers don't have those flaws...

I'm not entirely sure how this should be fixed, but it should be, eventually.
Ideas / "Take a Break" button
November 12, 2013, 11:17:41 PM
I would like to see a "Take a break" button on the colonist overview screen and/or on the colonist thoughts tab. It's frustrating when a colonist is about to have a nervous breakdown but keeps rushing from job to job; I end up having to enlist them and force them to stand still in a pleasant environment until the calm down a bit or remove all tasks from them. The former is annoying, and the latter is even worse (because then I have to remember what their jobs and priorities were). It would be nice if I could just press a button to temporarily disable their tasks and priorities without completely erasing them, so that I can return them to work easily.
Ideas / Short Circuits
November 12, 2013, 11:13:59 PM
The way shorts work right now frustrates me, because they feel like more of an annoyance than anything, and they're completely unrealistic. A short wouldn't instantly drain your entire battery array; it would drain energy until the explosion or whatnot removed the short... And unless we're talking about superconducting cables, that would only draw a finite amount of energy.

I would like to see either short circuits work a little differently, or new infrastructure to mitigate the amount of micromanagement required to safely store power. Either short circuits should drain a limited amount of power (it could be somewhat random), and not all of it every single time, or give us circuit breakers to protect our power grids.

The only thing the short-circuits do at this point is make me charge my battery banks one at a time, disconnecting them before moving on to the next; and then in the case of a short, or a power shortage, to reconnect those banks one by one... It's a pain.