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Topics - wolfsilver00

Basically, title.. Trading Economy Walkblems don't like to spawn in Rainbeaus Realistic Planet biomes, so I forced them to like it.

For this patch to work you obviously must have both mods and their dependencies, load this patch after both of them *I used patch operations, so it won't have any compat issue at all, just drop it last in your list*


V1.1 (26/1/19): Added quick fix for Glitter Tech, so it spawns correctly as travelers.. Thinking about giving them a trade caravan to spawn too, but that may be weird.. Maybe the buy things instead of selling op shit? Tell me your thoughts please.

[attachment deleted due to age]
Advanced Agriculture

But what is it?:
For now it's a revamp of soils, allowing the player (With the right research) to, first and foremost, lay soil on smooth terrain... And then, work your way up through the tiers (4 for now, 2 more planned, for the "Technological phase" of this mod, right now it's like prehistoric) until fertilized terrain... Not the same as rich soil, which btw, was nerfed.

Tbh it's quite grindy (And I like it that way because it's way too powerful if not), and I'm expecting feedback, to make it easier or harder (Or maybe 2 different versions.. And if (A big if) I learn how, sliders to modify it)...

This project started as a patch for compatibility between 2 of my favorite mods, Soil Enhancement and Tilled Soil.. And then I realized I wanted more.. So I made it.. I will add ways to terraform later too..

Ok ok.. Stop with the blah blah blah.. What does it do?
Adds a way to make soil, tilled soil, rich soil, tilled rich soil and fertilized soil.
With respective research and items needed to be crafted to put the terrain..
Each tier gives more fertility, up to 2.0 at fertilized soil (Which will be lowered to 1.8 when I find a way to make water matter)


Also Mehni basically was the real MVP, teaching me C# and giving me examples to learn my way around things, this mod wouldn't be possible without him.


How to install:
- Unzip the contents and place them in your RimWorld/Mods folder.
- Activate the mod in the mod menu in the game.

License :

Mod packs? Yeah!
Modders wanting to destroy and rebuild the code? Yeah!
Whoever wants to make a patch? Of course!
Do whatever you want with it, just be sure to credit Mehni.
Thoughts rebalanced for fun

Well, there was some mistakes (At least IMO) in the thought values, so I made a quick patch, modifying like 20 of them..

Mainly, I nerfed the damage on colonists for organ harvesting of prisoners.. (Normal colonist will not have trouble with it, bleeding heart colonists will. But it can be offset if they use it to heal someone)
At the same time I buffed it for colonists. Because you know, you like that people, so it's weird that you wouldn't care..
Inverted values on euthanasia and execute, because executing someone is worse.
Made some changes to other thoughts, because it was basically stupid that a picky eater would be as psychologically damage (in some cases, even more) eating raw meat than by losing a friend that he lives with. So basically nerfed all picky eater values (Even the bonuses, come on.. You can't forget your brother died just because you had a nice salad.. wtf.. Also picky eater doesn't mean they like more better food, it means they juts dislike bad food...)
Basically made all thoughts about a colonist having a bad time, worse af. And a prisoner or someone unrelated, negligible.

Also, modified the stacking of some thoughts.. Because if you butcher a human, it doesn't matter if you butcher 10 or 100... It's the concept that bothers you.. So now it stacks only to 3. (Besides, after a while you would get used to it.. it's a rimworld, not heaven)

And I think I mentioned all pertinent changes.. I may make more depending on what I find.. You can leave suggestions and such..

The goal is to make this more realistic, but still balanced and fun, some people may argue that by having your doctor harvest an organ from a prisoner, you would be sad.. Let me tell you, that's not the case, if a guilty person is used to potentially save an innocent one, you would have a positive bias about it (I won't turn it into a mood effect, because that would be OP af).. And it doesn't make any sense that the doctor gets the biggest debuff, he is a frigging doctor, we are trained to not give a fuck about the body, it only hurts if the patient (guilty or not) dies.. And not because of attachment, because of basically killing someone and respect for life.. That is still reflected in my changes.

Author? I guess?

wolfsilver00 (But of course this is only a patch, I'm just changing values so actually Linq)


Google Drive link

How to install:
- Unzip the contents and place them in your RimWorld/Mods folder.
- Activate the mod in the mod menu in the game.
- Load it UNDER Psychology or other mod that modifies these values
- Go into mod options and in the Psychology tab, disable the empathy option (This just makes bleeding heart be more meaningful, but I nerfed both values so it is still relevant to have a bleeding heart dude.. Even more with the other nerfs and buffs)
- Enjoy


23/7  V1.3 Modified Picky values to reflect change of name I didn't see in Psychology, it's called Gourmet so.. Yeah..
Changes are simple:
Negative mood effects are nerfed to reflect severity, so it's not like a loved one got killed (That was in V1.0) and now, I modified the stacking, it last for 1 day and stacks to 1, meaning, you better make better food or have the permanent mood loss.
Bonus mood effects are also nerfed, only important one is Lavish meal (+6 with the 1:1 stacking), after that, he will consider a fine meal to.. Just be fine.. (+1) (Everyone makes fine meals, it's not hard, it already has better food:nutrition ratio than normal meals so.. No more fixing your life with a good value meal, if you want that +6, work for it.

19/7  V1.2 Fixed social interactions bug (kinda bug.. but nevertheless, fixed)