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Topics - deadbeat88

General Discussion / SURVEY POLL: Demo Version
July 18, 2014, 07:34:41 AM
Shouldnt there be a Demo version for this game?

I mean, yeah, there is already a pirated copy of this but its more formal if we handed out some demo of the last build with limited function or limited days as restrictions. What do you think?
People who dont care either way DONT GET TO VOTE!!

PS: This poll will run in 15days. After that, results will be shown.
PS: changing vote before expiry is allowed.
PS: 1 vote per user only
Mods / [Request] Fear Tech 2
April 29, 2014, 11:27:20 AM
Its been a while since I visited this forum... too busy in Uni.  :'(

I'd like to request for further developments of  Fear Tech. I got bored with the Gibbet cage and it seems like my colonists have gotten used to dead bodies displayed near the dinner table.

Some suggestions:
- head on a stick
- fences ...with severed limbs
- moat blood(?)
- head tropies(?) of humans and animals

please add defThoughts in them to increase the fear. TY.
Mods / Series of Questions
March 15, 2014, 12:23:29 PM
?? These are series questions that i'd like to know so I'd be great if someone answers them for me.

- minimum/maximum radius of lighting?
  - is there a light "intensity"?
  - how is normal and sun lam differs aside from obvious matters?

- what are the hit/miss probability of sandbags, embosures, slag/rocks, catuses, furnitures ?
  - is the probability moddable?

- is it possible to mod a human robot ?

- will Tynan ever create a drop-down list of traits/stories to save me some time clicking on randomize button? :P

I constantly edit the mods I download to suit my game. One notable thing I did was combining Blastic charges & gibbet cage mod because apparently, you cant scrolldown mod list :(

I also modified blastic charges, graves, gibbet cages to never multi-select by adding code below. Put them just before <description>
Mods / [REQUEST] Auto-Transporter
March 01, 2014, 03:33:57 PM

I had this problem in 250x250 where resources are scattered all over the map but its just too far to reach them as colonist can only carry 1 at a time. I tried placing/removing stockpiles to make it easier for them but i had to do it every time and waiting for them to fill up the stockpile area is very demanding.

So I had this Idea of train-like transport that is similar to a moving stockpile from a certain point to another, presumably a straight line.

- the "cart" could be around 3x3 in size
- zoned as stockpile, i guess, similar to a launch pad.
- it moves at a slow rate, 1 tile per 10 tick(or 1 tile per real-time sec at  fastest speed)
- auto-drop items  at the "drop-zone".
-- put items in cart while moving(could be tricky due to pathfinding)
--- OR has pickup zone
- cannot transport colonist
- indestructible (cannot  be destroyed by raiders) OR has very high HP
- very long construction time (because of building tracks)

that or a teleporter. LOL

let me know if its possible. :)