Basically a hauling type workbench to destroy anything - specifically steel slag.
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Mods / [Request] debug Delete selected items
July 30, 2019, 10:23:45 PM
for steel slag specifically
Mods / [Req] Steel Slag EATING ANIMALS
July 30, 2019, 11:12:14 AM
I have so much steel slag right now.... this would help!
Mods / [Mod Request] Better Drug Management
February 24, 2019, 02:57:05 PM
I'd love to have more control over the drug policies, aka having infections activate the desire to administer (modded) antibiotics. Alternately pain = ibuprofen / tea / etc.
That and some (modded) drugs are good for upwards of a year. The default panel only allows 25 days between doses.
I'd love to have more control over the drug policies, aka having infections activate the desire to administer (modded) antibiotics. Alternately pain = ibuprofen / tea / etc.
That and some (modded) drugs are good for upwards of a year. The default panel only allows 25 days between doses.
Mods / Non-steam links for 1 B18 mod [Deafness and Blindness] please
January 31, 2018, 09:12:26 PM
Anyone have a non-steam link for:
Fallout Traits
Various Spaceship Chunks B18
Can't seem to comment or message these users on steam, probably because I'm not a steam user for Rimworld. =\
- Deafness and Blindness -
Fallout Traits
Various Spaceship Chunks B18
Can't seem to comment or message these users on steam, probably because I'm not a steam user for Rimworld. =\
Mods / [Issue with either Fireplace Mod or Holy Washer] rimworld 0.18.1722 rev1196
January 18, 2018, 07:15:23 PM
Previous -
Logs -
Whoever wants to take a crack at what is going on? By the way - I WISH for next Christmas some better debug tools. If anyone wants to produce a tool that magically tells you what mod's methods override who, or what item on the ground belongs to x given mod, that would be amazeballs.
So what's the TL/DR. Draft folks. Undraft them. And it might (or might not) immediately crash the game hard. Sometimes it takes a couple undrafts.
If I first dev mode destroy the entire base, no crash. Any variation of leaving workbenches or half the base or items or what have you has been an utterly shameful experience in discovering that something in this list of mods is wrong, but I haven't a clue. And I came from Skyrim modding!
The hard part is not being able to prune the list of mods and still have a repeatable crash experience.
Mod List in order of priority. All mods are b18.
I have uploaded the full set of mod files, the config I am running, and the save, so that anyone who wants to take a fair shot at this just has to backup their stuff and substitute my setup. (still uploading the mod files. Should be 100% loaded by 930PM EST)
My work.
#1. Remove ALL work jobs (priorities) from all pawns. Undraft. Boom no more UI
#2. Remove ALL manager jobs only. Undraft. Boom.
#3. Remove ALL jobs and ALL manager jobs. Undraft. Boom.
#4. Remove ALL workstations - keeping all jobs. Undraft. Took a few undrafts, but Boom.
#5. Dev Mode remove fog and cancel all tasked jobs (mining, cutting, etc). Undraft a couple times. Boom.
#6. Dev Mode remove.... the base. No crash! Interesting.... working backwards now....
But I deleted a raider so I gotta check that first
#7. Above, but keeping the dead raider. Still good. Must be an object....
#8. Remove HALF the base (south half=cooking). Boom.
#9. Try the other half. Boom.
#10. Try to destroy all workstations and blueprints. Boom.
#11. Destroy only the ITEMS lying around in base. Boom.
Well this is getting frustrating.
#12. Let's try something radical. Removed all stockpiles. Boom.
Logs -
Whoever wants to take a crack at what is going on? By the way - I WISH for next Christmas some better debug tools. If anyone wants to produce a tool that magically tells you what mod's methods override who, or what item on the ground belongs to x given mod, that would be amazeballs.
So what's the TL/DR. Draft folks. Undraft them. And it might (or might not) immediately crash the game hard. Sometimes it takes a couple undrafts.
If I first dev mode destroy the entire base, no crash. Any variation of leaving workbenches or half the base or items or what have you has been an utterly shameful experience in discovering that something in this list of mods is wrong, but I haven't a clue. And I came from Skyrim modding!
The hard part is not being able to prune the list of mods and still have a repeatable crash experience.
Mod List in order of priority. All mods are b18.
Miscellaneous 'CORE',
Colony Manager,
Misc. Objects,
Misc. Robots,
Expanded Prosthetics and Organ Engineering,
A Dog Said...,
Apparello 2,
Project Armory 20th Century,
Animal Feed Trough V1.1,
Avoid Friendly Fire,
Barbed Wire,
Barn Stall V1.0,
Crash Landing,
SS Damage Indicators,
Death Rattle,
Fences And Floors,
Fireplace Mod V1.9B B18,
High Tech Laboratory Facilities,
Better Workbench Management,
Just Ignore Me Passing,
Lush Meadow 1.1,
MiningCo. SpotlightTurret,
More vanilla factions,
Set-Up Camp,
Real Fog of War,
[RF] Archipelagos [b18],
[RF] Basic Bridges [b18],
[RF] Configurable Maps [b18],
[RF] Basic Bridges - Fishing Add-On [b18],
[RF] More Trait Slots [b18],
[RF] Scenarios [b18],
Industrial Rollers,
Misc. Robots++,
Wall Insulation Tweak,
Simple sidearms,
Tech Advancing,
Temperature Tolerant,
Vanilla-Friendly Weapon Expansion,
VGP Vegetable Garden,
VGP Garden Fabrics,
VGP Garden Drinks,
VGP Garden Gourmet,
VGP Garden Medicine,
VGP More Veggies,
VGP Garden Resources,
VGP Garden Tools,
VGP Xtra Trees and Flowers,
[W] Boots and Gloves,
Autoclose Event Notifications,
Cooks Can Refuel,
Hand Me That Brick,
Harvest Everything!,
Food Alert
I have uploaded the full set of mod files, the config I am running, and the save, so that anyone who wants to take a fair shot at this just has to backup their stuff and substitute my setup. (still uploading the mod files. Should be 100% loaded by 930PM EST)
My work.
#1. Remove ALL work jobs (priorities) from all pawns. Undraft. Boom no more UI
#2. Remove ALL manager jobs only. Undraft. Boom.
#3. Remove ALL jobs and ALL manager jobs. Undraft. Boom.
#4. Remove ALL workstations - keeping all jobs. Undraft. Took a few undrafts, but Boom.
#5. Dev Mode remove fog and cancel all tasked jobs (mining, cutting, etc). Undraft a couple times. Boom.
#6. Dev Mode remove.... the base. No crash! Interesting.... working backwards now....
But I deleted a raider so I gotta check that first
#7. Above, but keeping the dead raider. Still good. Must be an object....
#8. Remove HALF the base (south half=cooking). Boom.
#9. Try the other half. Boom.
#10. Try to destroy all workstations and blueprints. Boom.
#11. Destroy only the ITEMS lying around in base. Boom.
Well this is getting frustrating.
#12. Let's try something radical. Removed all stockpiles. Boom.
Mods / [Mod Request] Medicine "Drug" Policy Tab
November 03, 2017, 08:54:58 PM
Would like to see either an expansion of the drugs tab, or addition - to support taking medicine/specific drugs on injury conditions (ie: infection) and to "ignore" the individual's medicine setting.
Idea is that for non-critical injuries (bruise, bleed, etc) they would patch using medicine up to the pawn's setting. When the injury gets worse (infection), or a disease is obtained (flu, malaria, etc) this new tab panel would dictate the use of special medicine or drugs (ie: glitterworld meds, antibiotics, etc from vegtable garden)
Would like to see either an expansion of the drugs tab, or addition - to support taking medicine/specific drugs on injury conditions (ie: infection) and to "ignore" the individual's medicine setting.
Idea is that for non-critical injuries (bruise, bleed, etc) they would patch using medicine up to the pawn's setting. When the injury gets worse (infection), or a disease is obtained (flu, malaria, etc) this new tab panel would dictate the use of special medicine or drugs (ie: glitterworld meds, antibiotics, etc from vegtable garden)