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Topics - mangalores


Am I missing something with the form caravan functionality because it appears there is no scroll bar for your colonist selection which means you can only awkwardly try to find the right ones via sorting?

Thx for pointers.

Help / Inheriting Class from Def Parent
December 15, 2018, 11:51:00 AM
Hi, just playing around with a personal mod of mine, trying to get it up to version 1.0 of Rimworld.

The most vexing problem I faced was that a Custom HediffDef Class I defined was not found anymore because I only had it specified in an abstract parent def.

Anyone know what changed here? The fix was to add the Class Attribute to all concrete Hediffs, but I just wondered why the inheritance seems to skip Class names now.
Everything else seems to work.

Example xml
<HediffDef Name="BodyPartBase" Abstract="True" Class="CustomHediffClass">

<HediffDef Name="GroupPartBase" ParentName="BodyPartBase" Abstract="True" >

<HediffDef ParentName="GroupPartBase">

Had to add the Class attribute here to make it work despite it inheriting everything else.

Mainly curiosity where one can find such changes. It was a bit of a cracker in the sense that inheritance is such a basic thing I did not believe that that was the culprit,
Help / Pointers on modifying UI?
April 02, 2018, 05:55:49 AM
Hi, I want to extend some UI elements in Rimworld (Prisoner management, Jobs) and wondered if there are any tutorials/hints on how to approach this.

The main issue is extending an existing object. Where do I find the existing elements or IDs to inject my added options?
Help / Multiple Hediffs per bodypart?
March 30, 2018, 07:01:17 AM

basic question but I fool around with some C# modding of Rimworld and experimenting with hediffs and a basic understanding I'm currently missing and couldn't find spelled out anywhere was whether every body part only can have a single Hediff effect at a time?

Specifically I'm using the method:
public void AddHediff(HediffDef def, BodyPartRecord part = null, DamageInfo? dinfo = null);

And adding several hediffs this way only adds one (assuming the first). Mainly wondering because injuries can stack and you can add multiple disease effects, I think. So what are the implicit rules with above method or with hediffs in general? Does anybody know?

Thanks for some clarification!
Just wondering about an observation in the new version. My doctors seem to be far less reliable to deal with their patients now, interrupting work on them and leaving lethally wounded patients uncared for and ready to die overnight. They also seem far more sloppy to get around to treat diseases which leads to far more micro managing them than I feel I had to do in the previous patches.

Other workers also seem prone to interrupt ordered priority works and do whatever they get in their schedule.

Previously having the doctoring on priority 1 besides sleeping and other basic needs would usually still have doctors do doctoring if such tasks became available as wounded limp back into the medical rooms. Now I have everything else set to lower priorities and the doctor might still do something else instead of rushing to the patient.

Might be a mod changing jobs, thus wondering if that's just my version.
General Discussion / Map missions too unbalanced?
December 02, 2017, 04:23:45 AM
Hello, just wondering but I attempted to get to more map missions with my current B18 settlement but I found the majority of them were unmanageable for my caravan and I essentially would have to bring the majority of my colony along to stand a chance.

I'm speaking of 13+ bandits (with good weapons compared to mine) in outposts or large manhunterpacks that can easily swarm.

In a prepared position a small number of well armed colonists might stand a chance possibly but as the attacker or out in the open I'm not certain how you are supposed to play this? Maybe there is a gamey way to pull aggro and allow the other colonists to flank or something but in any straight  up approach without severly abusing the AI I don't see how one can win the majority of those encounters.

Thing is bringing more than 3-4 colonists would gimp the colony and take forever to prepare. Imo those challenges should be a bit better scaled to the caravan or better indicated what size of caravan/challenge one faces. Making a round trip visiting 3 missions, I abandoned two of them because they were impossible for the guys I sent. The third was a broken down peace deal with just a single tribal. That was in reverse too easy!

Currently I'm still not sure what I'm supposed to do with these missions...
Just a thought and not a new one I guess, but as it is  by mid game my oldest pawns will have a couple of missing limbs and a person with all limbs attached is a rare sight.

Now I like the idea of scars and lost limbs but the frequency of it makes them less of a character defining event and just some stuff that will happen to everyone at some point. Now, there are realism arguments for it but really they are pretty weak. Because if we assume amputation is so frequent and medicine so bad then plainly far more pawns should die with no chance to heal them. As it is a nearly bled out pawn with a dozen gun shot wounds can be fit inside a few days again.

This seems to me more of a game mechanic/ balance question. I wonder if it would be nice to be able to steer the threshold at which limb fly off and maybe make such events similarily memorable like the death notes on a sarcophagus.

"Harry lost his arm when valiantly fighting off three raiders at once"
"Linda had her leg mauled by a rhino on a hunting accident"
"Lesly lost his arm when fiddling with explosives"

It gets to the point where after a day after battle I wonder if that scratch, scar or lost limb is new or something from a previous fight which imo is diminishing to the pawn's character.

Again, not questioning the feature itself, but possibly its frequency and how to make it more defining.
Help / Empty outposts / bases
September 13, 2017, 01:03:47 PM
Not sure if this can be caused by a mod but I recently did several outpost missions and attacked a base. In all instances it was really easy because after map generation they all were reported without a single enemy pawn. I also feel a distinct lack of raids in lategame.

Can mods like Dropships or Alien framework or some other mod cause this? What should I check in mod code / debug logs for the cause?
I tried caravans a few times now and the food stores I have to take with me kind of mean it is not worth to do any of it. Essentially your entire carry capacity seems to be reserved for food that it is not worthwhile.

The other thing is that without some camping mod it is far too risky as if you misjudge your food or something happens your colonists starve to death without you being able to do anything.

Do people stack on animals to carry goods? But they can be eating grass (muffalo, alpacas,...) but still will cut into your food as well so they actually make things worse concerning ability to travel far.

Is one expected to wait for transport pods for missions and when can/should one do caravans?

It seems pretty worthless to do normal atm given the risk/reward. Am I missing something?
Ideas / the midgame crisis of bore - resource balancing
September 03, 2017, 05:22:48 AM
I play rim world quite a while but I find it always hits a spot in midgame where you end up bored as you have to wait for long stretches of time to get the resources you need. The main issue being: Everything advanced needs steel. Everything even more advanced needs components.

While components can be kind of managed as you don't need it for as much there comes a point in mid to late game (just before hitting drilling) where steel is needed for everything you might want to build at the time. While you can manage other resources via strategy with steel you are left to unreliable traders and spaceships falling from the sky. I also get the impression in previous versions there were more drops of steel slags/spaceship parts to at least feed you a lifeline.

So all you are left to do is wait and manage raids which means your security which is mostly build of steel is also at risk (even worse if it is a potent manhunter pack capable to destroy turrets).

Overall to me the issue is you can hit a "no play" zone in the game where you are left with no progress to achieve and twiddle your thumbs until RNG comes to the rescue and the wait period for e.g. a trader with a steel coming along can be cringe worthily long (particularly in biomes where caravans need weeks to reach the next settlement and a month for a round trip).

I mainly feel there is either an intermediate step missing that allows you to make due with less steel (but then with maybe worse equipment) or get steel somehow till you get late tech. Heck, allowing to make a resource request like the missions by other settlements would be a gods end instead of hoping an expensive caravan request will give you what you need. As it is you can accidently dig yourself in a hole without nocticing and then while not being actual in danger of your base dying still having nowhere to actively progress to fix your problem.