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Topics - Enrymion

Off-Topic / UnReal World appreciation thread!
August 29, 2014, 11:13:52 AM
UnReal World has been(and still is) an awesome roguelike about realistic wilderness survival during the iron age of Finland since 1992. (googling iron age gets me Unreal World as 3rd result.8))
The first time I played it was I think about 15 years ago, at the time I sadly didn't really have the patience for it nor the means to purchase the full version(nowadays it's funded with donations like Dwarf Fortress). Recently I rediscovered it and fell in love with it. ;D

Anyway it's currently hoping to get on Steam through greenlight so vote for it, play it, tell me how awesome it is or something.
Mods / [Request] Colonist list
July 06, 2014, 06:30:11 AM
Scrolling through colonists with . to check what each one is doing gets a little annoying after a while so to help with that I think there should be list of colonists and what each one is doing somewhere on the screen(ie. left or right side). It'd awesome if someone could somehow do it!

Crazy ideas to make it even better/harder to do: portraits! (and clicking them to select the colonist) or instead of just portraits "cameras" showing a small(ie. 3x3) area around the colonist. I'd imagine this would be at the top of the screen, and surely no one would ever have more than about 15 colonists so no need to worry about running out of screen space assuming a decent resolution.

Also I'm pretty sure this would require doing a .dll if not I'd try doing it myself.