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Topics - netherous

I have a heavy mod list and am trying to form a caravan in a new game. When doing so and selecting any combination of pawns or items and then clicking Accept, I get the message "NoExitDirectionForCaravanChosen" in the upper right.

The thing is, I'm in the middle of a flat plain, with all surrounding tiles being Temperate Forest / Flat. There are no obstacles on the map: no mountains, no rivers, nothing. The colony is placed on a tile with an Ancient Asphalt Road feature. Pawns have no problem pathing to any edge of the map. No additional messages appear in the debug log after failing to form a caravan, and the warnings generated on loading the game don't really seem to indicate a problem with anything related to tiles, caravans, pathing, or anything similar.

I looked in the dev menus to see if I could force a direction, and couldn't find a way. If I use "Send Instantly", the caravan is formed successfully.

Is there any way to track down what mod could be doing this or force the game to acknowledge a direction with the dev tools?