Am I just blind or hasn't there been any patch notes released?
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Ideas / Bionic lungs?
June 30, 2018, 02:16:12 AM
I feel like we should have these. As it stands with today's technology we can make internal artificial lungs. With the new damage system I find a lot more lungs getting destroyed. I think this would be a good fit. As the only alternative right now is harvesting the lung from someone else or buying one.
Creative Rewards / Is there any chance "create a backstory" will come back in any form?
January 30, 2018, 12:03:22 AM
I didn't know about this game until December of last year. Don't know how I even missed it. But it meant I missed out on the opportunity to create a backstory. Even if it was a pricey thing.
So yeah. I'm wondering if at all in the future this will make a return in any way, temporarily of course.
So yeah. I'm wondering if at all in the future this will make a return in any way, temporarily of course.
Help / Giving bullets their own damage type.
January 29, 2018, 11:59:01 PM
So I want to make it so bullets will do their own form of damage and make all apparel/armour have their own resistance to this new damage type. However I don't quite know where to look to start this. As I don't think anyone has really done this before because I would imagine this would be incompatible as hell with any other mod that adds weapons or clothing.
But yeah. I don't like the fact bullets do "sharp" damage.
I simply don't know where exactly I need to look to change this and make a new kind of damage.
But yeah. I don't like the fact bullets do "sharp" damage.
I simply don't know where exactly I need to look to change this and make a new kind of damage.
Ideas / Giving guns their own damage type.
January 12, 2018, 11:02:20 PM
Currrently firearms pretty much all do the cut damage type. Which is the same as bows, swords etc.
Really though guns should have their own damage type. Ballistic damage. This would allow for more armour and weapon options in the future. And could potentially expand the "medieval" era the game has. As you could have armour that has a high cut resistance (along with not bad blunt resistance) but with low ballistic resistance.
Not to mention bullets deal damage to people differently anyway. The main cause of damage a bullet does is actually its blunt force trauma. It hits people so hard it sends shockwaves through the body which can damage organs and vessels without even touching them. "Stopping power" is how good the round is at stopping inside someone. As you want the maximum amount of energy transferred from the round into the victim. Along with the fact that it can cut vital blood vessels and put mighty big holes in people. Though human beings are actually a bit more resilient to bullets than people think. In the end it's all totally RNG how someone will react and what a bullet will do when it enters a body.
Anyway separating it could mean the developers can implement some medieval style armour. And some more ballistic focused armour. A tempered, full plate set of armour complete with gambeson and chainmail underneath is pretty much arrow proof along with being sword proof. But a 9mm round can get through the front and back when fired from an MP5. Even though it's going through 4 different steel surfaces along with very thick clothing. Main reason is the plate armour is on average only about 2mm thick. Which is enough to stop most melee weapons and broadhead arrows from a distance. The mail is even worse against projectiles and the gambeson while designed to cushion impacts and to stop cuts isn't nearly good enough to stop something travelling at those velocities.
It also begs the question of "why did everyone in medieval europe use swords if they aren't great against the armour". The answer being the chivalry. The sword was a very chivarious weapon. Even if it took a long time to kill someone in plate armour with it. The English in the Hundred Years' War preferred weapons such as the poleaxe. Which is a two handed long axe with a big spike on the end. Along with having contracted spear equipped infantry from the peasant class which was mostly unheard of at the time. Stabbing or crushing your way through armour is far more effective than trying to cut with a sword.
So yes it would be a good stepping stone in my eyes if you start at the tribal stage. But it needs ballistic damage to be its own thing. Even if ballistic damage is a copy and paste of cut damage. It could even lead to a "medieval" faction in the world map. If it had this extra damage type added.
Really though guns should have their own damage type. Ballistic damage. This would allow for more armour and weapon options in the future. And could potentially expand the "medieval" era the game has. As you could have armour that has a high cut resistance (along with not bad blunt resistance) but with low ballistic resistance.
Not to mention bullets deal damage to people differently anyway. The main cause of damage a bullet does is actually its blunt force trauma. It hits people so hard it sends shockwaves through the body which can damage organs and vessels without even touching them. "Stopping power" is how good the round is at stopping inside someone. As you want the maximum amount of energy transferred from the round into the victim. Along with the fact that it can cut vital blood vessels and put mighty big holes in people. Though human beings are actually a bit more resilient to bullets than people think. In the end it's all totally RNG how someone will react and what a bullet will do when it enters a body.
Anyway separating it could mean the developers can implement some medieval style armour. And some more ballistic focused armour. A tempered, full plate set of armour complete with gambeson and chainmail underneath is pretty much arrow proof along with being sword proof. But a 9mm round can get through the front and back when fired from an MP5. Even though it's going through 4 different steel surfaces along with very thick clothing. Main reason is the plate armour is on average only about 2mm thick. Which is enough to stop most melee weapons and broadhead arrows from a distance. The mail is even worse against projectiles and the gambeson while designed to cushion impacts and to stop cuts isn't nearly good enough to stop something travelling at those velocities.
It also begs the question of "why did everyone in medieval europe use swords if they aren't great against the armour". The answer being the chivalry. The sword was a very chivarious weapon. Even if it took a long time to kill someone in plate armour with it. The English in the Hundred Years' War preferred weapons such as the poleaxe. Which is a two handed long axe with a big spike on the end. Along with having contracted spear equipped infantry from the peasant class which was mostly unheard of at the time. Stabbing or crushing your way through armour is far more effective than trying to cut with a sword.
So yes it would be a good stepping stone in my eyes if you start at the tribal stage. But it needs ballistic damage to be its own thing. Even if ballistic damage is a copy and paste of cut damage. It could even lead to a "medieval" faction in the world map. If it had this extra damage type added.