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Topics - Shinzy

Outdated / Moving updated mods back to releases
December 01, 2018, 02:09:49 PM
Hello everybody!
If you've updated your outdated mod and would like for the topic to be moved back to releases, please hit the report to moderator button at the bottom of your post and ask for the topic to be moved back to releases

or PM directly to any of the moderators (remember to link the topic in question if you use pm!)

Thank you! ;D
Bugs / Small typo in sculpting stat
May 21, 2018, 07:42:17 PM


After having built a colony with a river running through the middle
I realized there was the small problem where I couldn't connect the
power of the two halves together. So I decided to make myself a bridge to fix the issue

Note, in order to get these to work properly I had to make the deep river water passable (the path cost is still really high so pawns should avoid going there. This does not apply to deep ocean/lake water)

You can build these on Rivers, Marsh and Shallow water only
The railings may be a little fiddly to use but they're there entirely for beauty's sake!

Bridgello Beta 18 - Mediafire
Bridgello Alpha 17 - Mediafire
Steam version

- Bridges are now in the constructions tab

Dobre Mzimu for polish translation
Ɲơɴɑɱɛ ت for german translation
Well for russian translation


Poke the fish for all my other mods

[attachment deleted by admin due to age]
General Discussion / MOVED: How to make a mod?
August 14, 2016, 05:36:05 PM
Ideas / Animal spawn on biomes
August 08, 2015, 05:09:26 PM
Back in Alpha 5ish you could have the biome a specific animal spawns on (Jungle, Desert, etc)
with a tag in the animal def <wildSpawn> or something like this

but since then, in A11 this seems to be moved to be handled by the Biome def
and the wild spawn tag doesn't work anymore (to my own little knowledge)
which causes all the animal mods to be incompatible with eachother
as they all have to edit the BiomeDef, instead of just having the animal's preferred biome be stated in the animal's own def

So briefly I'm suggesting for the "wildSpawn" thing to be brought back
for the sake of mod compatibility
cause animals are really big thing in the upcoming alpha and I'm sure there's going to be (is influx the right word?) of animal mods with it =P

Extra briefly:
Animal spawn on specific biome handled in animal def, not biome def

I hope this makes sense! that is something I have in short supply
thank you, good night!
Help / Recipe users for body parts
July 01, 2015, 05:12:42 PM
I haven't really played around with any surgeries, can I use the recipe users for added body parts?
and if yes where should I put them in?
I really don't want to fiddle with the race defs (for compatibility reasons ;D)
Help / "no string files"
May 19, 2015, 08:46:36 AM
What's the file structure for the strings in A10?
I can't use the same paths as in previous versions
or are txt files no longer a thing for lone stringers

[attachment deleted due to age]
So I made use of the <useHitPoints>False</useHitPoints>
for some tiny trinkets for the new Accessory layer

Anyway! as the item now has "no health" it triggers the Frayed apparel debuff
which is slightly irksome! ;D
Help / Default Outfit sets
April 18, 2015, 03:53:09 PM

I tried to rummage around the xml files but couldn't find any place where these things
(see the attachment) are made from

Where can I make my own default sets for my custom clothes from?
like set 'Hurley' which then contains the clothes I tag as such

this would be nice little addition as I've got some talent specific clothing
or would I have to stick with the Worker/Soldier sets

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Help / Halp! Pawns carrying stuffed items
March 11, 2015, 03:45:00 PM
So I want to have a pawn carry unique statues with them
but the problem is Minified things cause error
and the actual statue, while it does spawn in the bag!
gives a whine about "stuff", then defaults it to something
can I get rid of the error somehow? like plop some kind of cryptic
stuff assign line in the pawn item generation bit? or something

tested spawning them with carrying apparel in their bag aswell, same error =P

Help / Masks for Art?
February 28, 2015, 06:50:30 PM
So I figured out how the Rule packs works now. And obviously the first thing I do is "Let's make story books as art! woo!"

the only problem is that I wanted to add a mask for one of the random texture sprites
and it does work! but the mask texture also gets rolled in occasionally, as a sprite for the art (see attachment)

can I get it to somehow not do this?

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Outdated / [MOD] (Alpha 8) Antiqua - Historical statues
January 26, 2015, 12:13:52 PM

Plops an option for historical statues in your sculpturing bench
for those of you who likes to prettify your base with more than just
abstract statues!

(I had bucketloads of fun with making the titles for these! also biggest ever thanks to Plymouth for couple* of suggestions/help)

Antiqua v1.0

Poke the fish for all my other mods

Mods / Makening statues, need some strings!
January 25, 2015, 01:46:37 PM

You can ignore the rest of the first post ;D

what the title says!
I'm making a tiny little mod
looks something like this

now I figured I'd ask some help with the titles, if you peoples can come out with some strings of text for me to use
or more like 'words' =P

what I'm looking for is words that fit with
Person as seen right before their ultimate OUTCOME
where the 'outcome' would be something like
second place
epileptic seizure

And then some events like
public event
hopscotch match
karaoke match
rap battle
skipe call
charting trip

example line here
Person when they act another person to outcome during an EVENT

I just couldn't come up with enough of them on my own =P
I exhausted my brain on coming up with all the 'persons' and 'acts' they do

that is all thank you!

Edit: I'm accepting any and all 'places' you could come up with aswell, like "Naval fleet" "Belltower" "Town" "Office"

edit 2:
some other example lines here
just to hopefully feed your imaginmination ;D
      Person when they acted someone to PLACE during an Another Person's EVENT
      Adjective name posing after claiming PLACE for their superior Person
      Leader of the PLACE of # Persons[/s]

This just makes some of the hats in Apparello craftable, if you have Igabod's Biodiversity mod activated

Also another smaller mod for crafting horned muffalo hats from the Alpha muffalo mod by fabulous Kirid!
(This one does not need Apparello, atleast not yet but I will probably merge the hat in with the other hats eventually so it doesn't have to feel so lonely)

Poke the fish for all my other mods

[attachment deleted due to age]
can I have a recipe def to use only the Metallic things?


cause that works with the recipe makers of the item
but not so much in actual recipe def (or then I'm just doing it wrong)

the thing is that I need the craft to plop out some side products not just the item itself

Alternatively can I have the recipe maker things to produce extra products =P

say if I were to make a "donut dough" recipe which would
use "magical bake powder", "flour", 25 Metallic stuffs and a "rolling pin" and I'd like the recipe to
give back the "rolling pin" and the "Donut dough"
Names of materials have been changed to protect the identity of product

now again the problem is that recipe defs don't seem to know what 'Metallic' stuffs are
and the recipe maker cannot (?) give multiple/different products

Also bad at explaining things! sorry bout that, it's not my strong suit ;D
Help / Animal biome spawn
January 07, 2015, 07:35:36 AM
so the

to designate where animals spawn freaks out the game
is there a way to make this work? I mean it doesn't complain in the log when I have that in the animal's <race> bit

or do I just have to suck it up and modify the vanilla Biome defs?
it just doesn't work with other animals then, which I don't like none
Attention: Links for all my mods below! Disclaimer: this topic exists only because of mr.Ian whom I have entirely forgotten who he is, but Is now known to me and I still think he's quite the great man


Apparello 2 - There's clothes
Quote from: Threepounds on January 14, 2015, 11:54:39 AM
Oh, wow. Thank you -- that was really out of your way! (and many many more 'thank you's for the armor/clothing packs etc.! -- because having my group look like extras out of the 5th element is. freaking. awesome.) ^_^

~Mods that might get updated eventually~

Bridgello - There's bridges
Quote from: Dryerlint on May 16, 2017, 01:20:21 PM
Time to build a colony... on water!

Apparello Gloves and Booties - There's gloves.. and booties
Quote from: JuliaEllie on November 02, 2014, 09:37:41 PM
Oh lovely socks, gloves and shoes :) I missed those for so long. Thank you Shinzy you are the best modder of all time. yeah right

Factions - just new factions -Already updating this slow and steady, With Help of Kap. Kaverne!-
Quote from: Dragoon on January 02, 2015, 03:54:49 AM
Um I got a girl with a beard...

Antiqua - More statues! -Totally want to update this but haven't got around to it, yet-
Quote from: skullywag on January 26, 2015, 12:44:00 PM
does that say...fart...or...tart...or...

Neo Muffalos - Like Alpha muffalos but not. -I WANT to keep doing something with this but... maybe tomorrow-
Quote from: Iwillbenicetou on August 26, 2014, 07:38:59 PM
#Don't Spam Bruvvy

~Mods that didn't make it~ :'(

Animu Hair - what the title says -I no longer possess a copy of this to share!-
Quote from: Clibanarius on October 12, 2014, 07:55:51 AM
I like you.
These words were circling in Clibanariuses mind
as he kept running his fingers through the oniontuft wig
chuckling to himself in a daze

Thingamajigs! - Tools! Like RTFTJ but not. -Discontinued-
Quote from: Facepunch on February 27, 2015, 08:25:54 AM
So, uh...I beat a prisoner to death with spatulas.
"Po-tateeers!" announced the happy chef
for the fortieth time as he popped in the prison dorm.

The inmates were fed up.

Materiello (Mod naming skills, ho!) - Adds extra materials -Discontinued-
Quote from: Loki88 on December 29, 2014, 09:21:48 AM
For some reason when I try to make synthread, Carbon fiber pops out...  ???
It was a cold december evening. Loki in his damp cellar was
sewing his project together from scraps of cloth when ZABANG!
all of the sudden! A LIGHTNING flashes through the air
in an arc so round, even the crescent moon felt inadequate.
During the next few sizzling moments as Loki came to,
he saw the monstrosity. What was ought to be a synthread...
was now a Carbon fibre

Wildhunt - Animal hat crafts for apparello -Getting merged into another mod entirely-
Quote from: Epyk on January 22, 2015, 03:44:04 PM
Today is just a good day. Time to wear me some slaughtered animals.  :P
It was a sunny day at the countryside where Epyk was travelling along the road,
accompanied by herd of happy animals. Perhaps a bit too sunny, he didn't have a hat you see.

Do I have other mods?