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Topics - kwangiskhan

Help / Weird Surgery Recipe XML
July 29, 2019, 11:43:25 AM
I was trying to get an install Brain as a Surgery, but it never showed up. The code I had was simply based off of other surgeries.
<RecipeDef ParentName="SurgeryFlesh">
    <label>install brain</label>
    <description>Installs brain.</description>
    <jobString>Installing brain.</jobString>

(Yes I did create a BodyPartDef and ThingDef for Brain.)
It didn't work until I saw that EPOE created an Abstract def called SurgeryNatural
<RecipeDef Name="SurgeryNatural" ParentName="SurgeryFlesh" Abstract="True">

I believe the important part is <recipeUsers> but I don't know why that's needed simply because vanilla surgeries just use SurgeryFlesh without having that tag.Can anyone explain?
Help / MentalBreaks aren't happening
July 27, 2019, 09:59:23 AM
I'm trying to set off certain mental breaks through C#, such as when a play gets shot by a certain MentalStateGiver m = new MentalStateGiver();
m.mentalState = MentalStateDefOf.Berserk;
m.mtbDays = 0.001f;
p.mindState.mentalStateHandler.TryStartMentalState(m.mentalState, "Debug");
The code does activate the Beserk MentalState but the pawn just stands there doing nothing. Has anyone done this before?
Support / Rimworld Laggy on Fullscreen
July 26, 2019, 05:16:50 AM
I recently noticed that putting Rimworld on Non-Fullscreen makes the game so much smoother. Like night and day difference. I currently have a GTX 960M on my laptop but was wondering if anyone had a fix for this. I'd like to keep my game in Fullscreen because it's just more immersive. Also on non-fullscreen if the window isn't 100% maxed out it also lags.
Help / Drug that removes DrugTolerance?
July 26, 2019, 04:44:22 AM
I would like to make a drug that will negate tolerances of certain drugs such as go juice( Mostly so I can make a pawn never sleep). So far I've seen
<existingAddictionSeverityOffset> But nothing of the sort seems to exist for Tolerances. Is there any way of removing drug tolerances using just XML?
I've thought of using C# to override ChemicalDef and add an existingToleranceSeverityOffset but that seems a bit overkill for a simple mod. Any help is appreciated.
Help / C# Pawn Inventory Help
November 21, 2018, 09:35:11 PM
Hello fellow modders,

I am currently making a mod that requires 2 pawns to "pass off" an item from one to the other. Right now, I'm just making the item disappear from one pawn, but I can't figure out how to magically add it to the other one without spawning the weapon and forcing the pawn to take it.

Any thoughts would be appreciated!
Help / [SOLVED]Player-Only weapons?
November 20, 2018, 10:35:48 PM
I started making a simple stun rifle weapons mod, and while I enjoy it so far, it gets really weird when enemy raiders spawn with this weapon as well (everyone ends up knocked down, they get up, and repeat). What would I put in the weapon's xml file to make this weapon only available for the player to use/craft?

Any feedback would be appreciated!