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Topics - NinjaSiren

Good morning to everyone, I am the current mod developer of the Yes, Vehicles, Finally! mod for v1.0+ and I wanted lights similar to CompProperties_Glower where it will be like lights of vehicles that shines an area and moves with a vehicle/pawn.

I am still learning Rimworld C# Assembly codes, I know abit of C# (I am an IT student.)

Mod forum link:

C# lights source code:

Mod source codes:

Yes, Vehicles, Finally! - A somewhat* new way to travel the planet!

Required mods:
The Vehicle Framework by SmashPhil
JecsTools by Jecrell

Recommended with:
Run and Gun by Roolo
Search and Destroy by Roolo
EdB Prepare Carefully by Edbmods

Planned re-compatibility with:
Combat Extended by N7Huntsman

Google Drive

Nightly Build Download (Buggy but latest changes):

I was searching for a mod of vehicles and it ended up me finding this old mod from B17 to B18. I ended up forking it from github and continuing the work of Mason J. Caboose's Yes, Vehicles mod.

Original mod [A17/18] video by BaRKy.




Mod Order:

Source files:

XML and other files are made with Notepad++, Notepad++ is a free source code editor. Assembly files are coded using Microsoft's C# Programming Language + .NET Framework and Visual Studio.

Thank You Jecrell for making JecsTools, Neronix the original Vehicle Framework code from JecsTools ([O21] Vehicle Framework), SmashPhil for the new Vehicle Framework code for all vehicle mods, and Mason J. Caboose for making the original WIP mod! Thank you for Hjkma/Taranchuk for the Combat Extended patch Hotfix #2 and Weapons Balancing patch!