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Messages - Nukeman0

Ideas / Re: organ harvesting
October 19, 2014, 05:10:58 PM
Quote from: putsam on October 05, 2014, 03:10:20 PM
I might have by mistake harvested the wrong kidney

I never thought i'd read that on this forum XD
Ideas / Re: Personality System Overhaul
October 19, 2014, 05:05:36 PM
I also find the suggestion robotifying the way colonists thinks. To be honest, I like the current personality-system just the way it is... But that's just my opinion ;)
Ideas / Re: Making medicine!
October 19, 2014, 04:55:41 PM
I don't see why this shouldn't be implemented in the future :)

Ideas / Re: Fill in Steam Geysers?
October 19, 2014, 04:53:39 PM
I can see the effect of removing an obstacle, however, I honestly doubt the reality of it. I'm not an expert on geysers, but they are created by underground pressure, so blocking it's "outlet" would probably just result in an explosive eruption...

However, coming to think of it, it would have been really cool (if you could fill in geysers) if like the underground pressure builds up over some time, resulting in a geyser randomly popping up (/exploding) out of nowhere in the area around the filled geyser...
Ideas / Re: Trebuchets and catapults
October 19, 2014, 04:44:58 PM
A very interesting suggestion. It would have been pretty cool as an early siege-weapon until the mortar.

Although, if you at first want to bring some real medieval-like buildings into the game, i would also suggest to actually implement Medieval groups too. I kinda find it quite strange it haven' already been done, considering all the medieval background-stories. Just think about it... siege-raids by people with medieval armor and swords, making catapults and trebuchets...

Anyways, I think this would be a really cool, if not an inevitable, addition to RimWorld.

I have had the same problem :/

I guess it could be considered as an AI bug/deficiency, as no "intelligent" being would do the deconstructing-job while inside the house itself. This could, however, probably be programmed away by somewhat making the AI check wether the colonist is underneath a "threatened" roof while deconstructing the supporting walls.

Also, +1 for a "tear up floor" button :D
Ideas / Re: Hunger Higher Priority Than Sleep
October 14, 2014, 11:22:32 AM

This has caused quite some problems in my games too :)
Ideas / Re: Ore Evolution
October 14, 2014, 11:07:51 AM
I think the solution will end up being that colonies like we know it have the possibilities to send expeditions to the other "maps" that the worlds in Rimworld consist of, the making of "sub-colonies" (or simply other normal colonies, if you prefer) on these other maps to extract resources and performing trading between these and the original colony. This would be a rather realistic and predictable solution (the expansion of colonies due to the demand for resources), however, not a certain one. I just think of this as a logical step after actually creating and implementing the "world"-system into Rimworld...
Ideas / Re: wont grow in nighttime
October 14, 2014, 10:58:07 AM
Agreed... Completely removing the sun lamp's functionality during night is a bit drastic, even a bit unrealistic. I feel like creating an indoor space, hydrophonics basins (if you want max efficiency) and sun lamps now takes more resources than it gives.
Ideas / Re: Gather flag/object
February 26, 2014, 05:57:36 PM
Quote from: Tynan on February 18, 2014, 12:43:37 AM
Makes sense; they only choose new jobs when they finish their current one (with some exceptions).

Just a suggestion (if it's not too demanding): Couldn't you have put a loop in the code that checked for tiredness or hungryness between an interval of a few seconds? If the loop returns true, the colonist would drop what they were doing and just go to sleep. Maybe the loop should be running with the "very tired" effect, so that colonists who are just "tired" could do one last task until he went to sleep/ his meal.

I dont know if such a thing would be to demanding, as I said, but it would have been cool, realistic and helpful :)
Ideas / Re: Procedural Landscapes / Large maps.
February 20, 2014, 12:04:00 PM
I believe that a self- generating, chunk- based map is an overall goal when it comes to this topic. I have at least heard that there will be larger maps when the game is optimized for it.
Ideas / Re: Manufactured Rock Walls
February 17, 2014, 03:21:22 PM
Quote from: IncognitoMode on February 17, 2014, 08:29:40 AM
Maybe the brick walls cannot be repaired, only deconstructed (leaving the raw material for bricks) and then rebuilt. It will add diversity.

good idea and good idea in general :D

Ideas / Re: Circuit Breaker structure object
February 17, 2014, 03:18:58 PM

just if i could add a personal wish: when you click on the circuit breaker box, instead of getting just the boring on/ off button, you get a whole window with one or more buttons which you can assign several electrical objects to (and then the regular on/ off button would be like a master- switch). In this way, you could easially manage several groups of electrical equipment in a realistic way. If such a thing is implemented, we wouldn't need things like "motion- sensors" and such, which i personally thinks is a little too far past Rimworld.
Ideas / Re: On Demand
February 17, 2014, 03:13:39 PM
I agree with you that some things shouldn't require a constant power supply.

However, sensors may be a little too advanced for my taste. I would rather go for the "connect all lamps to a common switch and have the colonists automatically switch it off" idea.

Maybe we could add another building/ furniture: the fusebox. It functions as a real life fusebox. you could give it a name, then assign several electrical objects to one or more buttons in the fusebox, and when you want to acsess it, you click on the box (or something like that) and you get a neat interface/ window where you could switch the buttons as you like. The power box would also reduce the risk of short- circuiting, since it integrates fuses into the circuitry. Just a suggestion :)
Ideas / Re: Mental breakdown
February 15, 2014, 10:06:31 AM
To be honest, i would have wanted to see an opposite solution: That colonists gets "used" to certain things.

An alternative to this would be to include certain mental abilities into colonists personalities. My point being: It's a little bit boring when your miners gets negative effects from the environment being ugly and darkness when mining (darkness is maybe realistic, though, but you get my point :) )

Maybe we could make a compromise: That colonists might go through mental periods (without making it too complex, that is).