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Messages - Nos37

Ideas / Re: Your Cheapest Ideas
July 20, 2014, 10:05:08 PM
+ I think that Plant Cutting and Hauling (and maybe Cleaning) should have Melee as their relevant/governing skill.
-- It would make sense to have a stronger colonist be better/faster at these tasks,
-- and for colonists to increase their strength by felling trees and hauling objects.
-- It would also make the Melee skill more desirable than it currently is.

+ I've noticed that Silver beamed down from Trade Ships only stack as high as 75 instead of 400.
-- This wastes precious trading space.
-- Just to get the Silver fully stacked I would have to order my colonists to move the Silver somewhere else and then back.
-- I would much appreciate a fix for that. =)

+ Love the game so far...  =D  Keep up the awesome work!