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Messages - Kaiser09

Mods / Multiplayer
November 06, 2024, 10:58:10 AM
Hello guys, having all the DLCs and the game updated to the last patch and 0 mods, what is the best mod to play in multiplayer in LAN with a friend? (if any exist)
Bugs / Venerated tusk of murder disappeared 1.3.3200
February 05, 2022, 07:52:47 AM
So, I had 7 normal elephant tusks stacked in a shelf. I completed the quest "Venerated tusk of murder" capturing this venerated elephant tusk, my carovan back to the base, some of the pawn put the venerated relic among the other elephant tusks and it now seems disappeared, I mean there are now 8 elephant normal tusks.
Support / Re: Broken save without reason
December 12, 2021, 05:15:05 AM
Quote from: Canute on December 11, 2021, 03:54:28 PM
looks like a corrput savegame after line 195231.
Did you turn of the mashine at the savegame process or does the power turn off at the savegame process ?

But you know at the savegame folder is another file with the same name but other ending, just rename the .old into .rws and you can load it.

Hi Canute, I do not remember very well, but if it can be helpful for someone else in the future, yes, something like that, I was in a hurry so I saved (commitment mode) and once the game back to the desktop I fast turned off my pc (it's very fast, take less than 2s to turn off), maybe the save wasn't properly saved till the last line. I think something related to windows update also as there was an update ongoing that day and now the win search bar does not work...

Anyway, I renamed the .old save in .rws and I was able to load the previous save at least, thank you buddy.
Support / Broken save without reason
December 11, 2021, 03:36:54 PM
Disaster, my long last game seems broken. I saved last time yesterday, I'm not using any mods but I have both expansions, today when I tried load the game I got a message that the map could not be loaded and then the log in the screenshot.

No mods at all, I'm using both DLC at last update, It already happened twice in the same game.

That's weird, I wanted show you guys this issue, same game, I killed a boomalope under rain and took a screenshot, but after few seconds the fire got extingued.

If it happen again I'll post a screen.
So I am playing for the first time in year in a tropical region with a lot of rain, that's why I am seeing a lot of new things I never noticed before I was playing in boreal forests.

For example, I am usually killing boomalope when it's raining (for obvious reason) but, after the explosion of the beloved animal, the rain does extinguishes the fire around the boomalope only and not the one in the boomalope itself which consume the animal until it disappears. Why?

The workaround has to be to set a base area there and then send the hunter to kill the fire, then remove the are, a little bit too mechanic.
General Discussion / Torch lamp outside
November 06, 2021, 11:10:13 AM
Does torch lamp consume faster when outside/raining? I don't know why but I am noticing now this thing after years of gameplay.
I have just noticed the same funny thing as @weekendwarrior .

You can see the hydroponic basin on the right containing potatoes (the original cultivation) and the healroot the cultivation I selected while the potatoes were growing.

They are both selectionable and cuttable.

I am using 0 mods, just both the expansions.
Probably not a bug but it should not work this way IMO.

1. What the circumstances were: I hosted 3 temporary pawns from another faction by event.

2. What happened: I arrested 1 of them (for any reason) and enslaved it (another was arrested and the third still free).

3. What you expected to happen: I was expecting the slave to became a member of my faction at 100% since I enslaved it, instead it is now both a slave as well as still a member of the other faction (the temporary one). I cannot for example change his outfit.

4. Steps we can follow to make the bug appear on our machine.
- Create an event to host 3 temporary pawns from another faction.
- Arrest and enslave 1 of them

Are u using your country translation (spanish, dutch, french or other) rather then the standard english?

I had this problem when I was using the italian translation, some queste were unnamed without any further description.

Since I play in English I don't get these anymore.
Bugs / 1.3.3080 - Quest - Kasmo's forced landing
August 09, 2021, 01:55:32 PM
I had the classic quest of the shuttle forced to land.

The team to defend was composed by Kasmo and 5 Jannisarys.

I managed to defend Kasmo, while two Jannisarys died in battle and another was severly injuried and could not be loaded.

Once the attack ended, the rescue shuttle arrived, Kasmo and 2 Jannisarys went onboard but the shuttle did not depart, I suspect because the third jannisary still alive on ground, I waited until he could die, however when it happened the shuttle departed and quest failed, why? according the description the Jannisarys could be sacrificed.

Again, no mods at all.
Bugs / 1.3.3080 - Guninor requires Bowler hat
August 09, 2021, 01:17:50 PM
My guninor Sabrina (shooter specialist) requires a bowler hat, however even if not wearing it, I don't get any mood malus. Bug?

No mods at all in game.
I have the same, a shuttle came to deliver a praetor who is supposed to stay for 1.3 days.

1) When the shuttle arrived, the praetor did not came out by himself but I had to manually do it by clicking on the small red X.

2) After he disembarked, the shuttle did not leave, it stayed over there.

3) Once the quest was completed, a new shuttle arrived next to the old one, the praetor got inside but it did not leave nor I have the launch command.
Quote from: Canute on June 22, 2021, 06:57:52 AM
Error's during gameplay are never harmles.
You need to live with them yes, you maybe don't see any problem but they maybe are the reason that no caravan/raid would spawn.
Enable Developer mode, then Open debug logging menu with one of the top Icons.
Select "Future incidents", it will show all coming events the storyteller allready plan for that colony.

Ah, did not know about that, I'll try it
Quote from: Canute on June 22, 2021, 06:01:57 AM
When you don't have any error's show at the ingame log window (you need to enable developer mode at the options to open the log window with the top left icon), the installation is fine at first.
So far i know there is no gamerelevant registry entry. All are at the Config folder you allready deleted.

The mods looks for my basicly harmless and i don't think they have any impact on the gameplay.
Permadeath/commitment  don't have any impact on the gameplay too, you just can't save/load like you want and need to live with the consequences.
If you want more caravan's you maybe should start near a friendly settlement, and when you like to caravan too, start on a street or even better on a crossing of streets.
Same for raids, the chances for raids are near to a hostile settlement are higher.
But even far away from everything, you should get caravans/raids.

I know, "I should", I played near enemy settlements, far from them, near neutral ones, always on a street or a cross but the result is always the same, the game get stuck somewhere at some point with raids, quests and carovanes.
Some red error is appearing later the game I can see from the log, but as far as I know they are harmless.

The only strange thing I noticed, but I may be wrong, is a game freezing for a fraction of a second as if the game would throw something (an event) but then nothing is appearing.